EVA Report – May 22nd

Crew 281 EVA Report 22-05-2023
EVA # 9
Authors: Megan Kane (Commander), Ritupriya Patil (Executive Officer), Ana Pires (Crew Scientist)
Purpose of EVA:
Conduct Geotechnical Survey of the area and geomechanical assessment
Schmidt Hammer and Equotip measurements along scanlines
Geological and geotechnical assessment of the scanline using the created datasheet by the Crew Scientist
Acquire images and collect loose rock/soil samples
Drone flight to record all of the above operations and do aerial imagery
Start time: 0834 hrs
End time: 0939 hrs
At 0801 the three members of the EVA entered the airlock exiting at 0807. They first checked all the rovers and collected their information. Hours and State of Charge were recorded for each vehicle and it was verified that all were securely plugged in. They then unplugged Spirit and Perseverance in preparation for heading out to Pooh’s Corner (Site). They left at 0814.
EVA Crew arrived at Site 0823. After parking the rovers the crew did a visual survey of the area to locate a good location for the scanline. At 0806 the crew conducted a water break. They chose the location and laid the scanline. Measurements commenced at approximately 0834. There were 5 stations total. See the completion times below:
Station 1 complete at 0838.
Station 2 complete at 0851
Station 3 complete at 0858
Station 4 complete at 0906
Station 5 complete at 0910
Water checks were taken approximately every half an hour. Samples were collected near the scanline after station 5 was complete. When station 3 began at 0840 drone setup was started. Drone was launched at 0840. The wind was very high and the drone was unable to complete the planned shots. The drone landed at 0900.
At 0919 the crew headed back to the rovers. At 0922 they started back to MDRS in rovers arriving at 0930. The crew re-entered the airlock at 0934 and the hab at 0939.
The crew did not stop over at Marble Ritual for drone footage due to high winds.
Overview of EVA
Drove to Pooh’s Corner
Completed a scanline
Took drone footage for georeferencing

Issues Experienced During EVA
Comms issues throughout. We expect this is due to the high inference on the bands from the current space weather.
Winds too high to get all desired imagery.

Crew completed Rover checks
Crew drove to Pooh’s Corner Ridge
Crew Completed Geological survey
Drone footage of survey area at Pooh’s Corner collected
Collected 6 rocks, 936 g; 1 tube of soil, 49 g

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 519025 E, 4251183 N
EVA Participants 3: Ritupriya Patil (XO, EVA Lead, KC Shasteen (Crew Engineer), Ana Pires (Crew Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road and walk east until Pooh’s Corner.
Mode of travel: Rover

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