Sol Summary – November 6th

Crew 285 Sol Summary Report 06-11-2023
Sol: 8
Summary Title: Resting Day
Author’s name: David Mateus
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The team initiated their Martian day at 9 a.m. with an inaugural breakfast followed by the first shower on the Red Planet. Each member remained dedicated to their assignments. Yet, they also prioritized rest to recuperate from the physical toll of the recent extravehicular activities, ensuring they were prepared for the following day’s endeavors.
Look Ahead Plan: Visit Tharsis Montes
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Partly cloudy and Windy
Crew Physical Status: Nominal.
EVA: None today. Requesting EVAs to Tharsis Montes
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist report, Photos, Operations report, Green Hab report, Astronomy report, EVA #7 Request, EVA #8 Request.
Support Requested: none

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