EVA Report – November 30th

EVA #: 4

Today’s Date: 29 Nov 2023

Requested EVA Date: 30 Nov 2023

Requested start time for EVA: 12:00 PM

Requested end time for EVA: 03:00 PM

Does the weather report support EVA at this time?: Yes

Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance. We want to also see if we can reach the Gateway to Lith with the rovers and on foot and come back within 3 hours. We understand there may be fossils around the area and duly acknowledge that they cannot be handled in any way.

Destination: Gateway to Lith

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 518100;4255500

EVA Participants: Tungaa, Muggi, Dono

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Marble Ritual -> Pooh’s Corner -> Cowboy Corner -> Gateway to Lith

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Curiosity and Perseverance

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