EVA Report – December 15th

EVA # 5
Author: Cesare Guariniello
Purpose of EVA: Scouting EVA for accessibility and location for drone experiments on HAB ridge, and searching for kaolinite at the bottom of skyline ridge.
Start time: 1100
End time: 1428
Narrative: This EVA is dedicated to our friends at Nanohmics, Inc. The EVA began at 1100 led by Hunter and Cesare and joined by Jesus and Jilian. The crew prepared a limited amount of equipment for the long walk (GPS units, rock hammer, flags, sample bags, notepad with paper and ruler, a map, and the outdoor first aid kit). The crew walked north of the habitat, while observing the emplacement of various layers, then identified the intersection with 1103, Sagan Rd, and began ascending to Hab Ridge. This part of the EVA also had an exploratory function, to assess whether the gentle ascend is easily accessible (it is), and to identify a suitable location for an experiment of transportation of small samples with our drone. We also took panoramic context photos for past EVAs. After a brief stop to collect Gryphaea fossils, the crew began the long walk (about 2 miles) to Skyline Rim. A few stops along the way occurred when interesting examples of gypsum made their appearance. Once at the foot of Skyline Rim cliff, the crew identified a location with diverse samples from the various overlying layers, established a station and collected samples under the direction of our crew geologist Hunter. Two and a half hours into the EVA, the crew began its long and satisfied walk back to the habitat. During the walk back, they picked some old trash and played some MDRS-themed game of 20 questions. They began airlock re-pressurization at 1453.
Destination: Hab Ridge + Skyline Rim
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N516000 E4251500
Participants: Jilian Welshoff (Health and Safety Officer), Hunter Vannier (Crew Geologist), Cesare Guariniello (Commander), Jesus Meza (Crew Engineer)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Walk north and then east from HAB on 1103 up Hab Ridge to the base of Skyline Ridge.
Mode of travel: walking

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