EVA Report – December 3rd

EVA # 7

Author: Davaa-Ochir “Davaa” Dashbaatar

Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance; Soil sampling; Drone testing;

Start time: 11:25 AM

End time: 13:17 AM

Narrative: The extravehicular activity (EVA) #7 commenced at 11:25 AM with the crew led by Muggi. Co-operators included Dono and Sunny, who were equipped with MARS-V Suits and earlier versions of life support helmets. Muggi did not don a special suit or life support helmet, given his task of operating a drone during the EVA.

Upon departure, it was noted that the rovers Spirit and Opportunity had not been connected for charging post-EVA #6 due to an oversight. This error was communicated by CAPCOM Davaa to Mission Support, who acknowledged the mistake and offered an apology to the Alpha team. Consequently, the rover Perseverance was dispatched to the crew’s location near the HAB, resulting in a 20-minute extension of EVA #7. Additionally, the crew was informed that a further 30-minute extension was available if needed.

The EVA team reached White Rock Canyon, their destination, at 12:07 PM. The rovers’ status at this time indicated that Perseverance had 58% battery life and 278.7 life hours, whereas Curiosity had 66% battery life and 259.6 life hours.

At 12:52 PM, the crew departed for Zubrin’s Head, arriving at 12:56 PM. It was noted there was limited activity to be conducted at Zubrin Hill by 13:03 PM, prompting a decision to return to the HAB after completing photographic documentation and drone reconnaissance.

The final leg of the journey saw the crew head back to the HAB, with a brief stop at Kissing Camel before parking the rovers at 1:17 PM. At this juncture, Perseverance’s battery life was at 37%, with life hours at 279, and Curiosity’s battery life was at 44% with life hours at 259.9.

EVA #7 was successfully concluded with a duration of one hour and fifty-two minutes, marking the end of SOL #7’s field operations.

Destination: White Rock Canyon

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520300;4247500


· CAPCOM: Davaa, (Geologist)

· EVA #7 Leader: Muggi (Engineer)

· Co-operators: Dono (Commander) and Sunny (Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab -> Robert’s Rock Garden -> Cow Dung Rd 0110 -> Zubrin’s Head -> White Rock Canyon -> Cattle Guard

Mode of travel: Driving—Perseverance and Curiosity.

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