EVA Report – December 4th

EVA # 8

Author: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance; Drone testing; Photo shooting;

Start time: 13:40

End time: 16:30

Narrative: The EVA for today was an out-of-sim EVA and all crew members participated. It started almost two hours later than planned because our lunch preparation took a bit longer—we had lasagna. We have been trying to visit Lith Canyon for some time now, and the only way to reach there was to take the crew car. Taking this opportunity, we’ve decided to go altogether, taking 2 of the MDRS suits, 2 of MARS-V suits, and one MARS-V helmet. We arrived at our destination with no problem, and the view on the way was awe inducing. We did drone footage, some photo shooting for public outreach, and explored around the canyon for a bit. Ben served as the Capcom for us, and he did a great job at sharing information along the way. We arrived at the Hab just in time—30 minutes before sunset. All in all, it was a successful and energetic trip. We might take some time to work on our research reports in the following days and put a hold on doing EVAs until the Netflix crew arrives on Sol 12.

Destination: The area between Lith Canyon and Whitehouse.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): (518000,4257000)

Participants: All crew members

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab -> Marble Ritual -> Pooh’s Corner -> Cowboy Corner -> Overlook -> Sea of Shells -> White House -> Lith Canyon -> Sea of Shells -> Overlook -> Cowboy Corner -> Pooh’s Corner -> Marble Ritual -> Hab

Mode of travel: Crew car.

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