EVA Report – December 19th

EVA # 8
Author: Riley McGlasson 
Purpose of EVA: Collecting 3D GPR data and use spectrometer to identify hydrated materials.
Start time: 1100
End time: 1530
Narrative: EVA began at 1100 led by Hunter and Riley (out of sim due to broken leg) and joined by Ryan and Lipi. The crew took Perseverance and Opportunity rovers north on Cow Dung Road. Perseverance started with 100% charge and 280.1 hours. Opportunity started with 100% charge and 150.4 hours. The crew drove north on Cow Dung Road until the rovers hit 55% batter about halfway between Cowboy Corner and Brahe Highway. The crew unpacked the equipment and started walking to their survey location northwest of the Brahe Hwy and Cow Dung Rd intersection. There they set up a 100 ft by 100 ft survey grid with 10ft grid spacing for GPR acquisition. The team took a very efficient GPR grid, and then Hunter led sampling and spectra collection at 5 sites within the survey region. The team then continued on foot towards the overlook on the western Brahe intersection, stopping frequently as Hunter took more spectra and got distracted by Gypsum. At their determined turnaround time of 1430 they started walking back to the rovers. The team made it back to the HAB with Opportunity at 35% charge and 150.9 hours and Perseverance at 27% and 150.4 hours. They began the reentry process for the HAB at 1516.
Destination: Brahe Highway intersection
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N517500, E4255000
Participants: Riley McGlasson (Executive Officer), Hunter Vannier (Crew Geologist), Ryan DeAngelis (GreenHab Officer), Lipi Roy (Crew Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive north on Cow Dung Road as close as the rovers can get to Brahe Highway and walk the rest of the way to the Brahe Highway intersection.
Mode of travel: driving Cow Dung (Perseverance and Opportunity) and walking to Brahe Highway intersection.

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