Sol Summary – December 18th

Sol: 8
Summary Title: Rocks and Buns and Showers Oh My!
Author’s name: Jilian Welshoff
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Crew 288 started the day off at 7:30AM for a breakfast of oatmeal with raisins made by Ryan (GHO). There was an EVA today, so it was important for the crew to fuel up. They spent the morning reading some, and Jesus (ENG) put up a room sensor and then prepped for EVA #8. After they prepped, Hunter (GEO), Ryan (GHO), Jesus (ENG), and Jilian (HSO) headed out to Candor Chasma to collect geology samples. They walked through the beautiful geological structures and collected a few varieties of samples, mainly the solidified gypsum found in the layers of the rock. They were done a bit early, so they explored a bit and looked at great views and more rocks.
The crew at the HAB had a day of baking and showers ahead for them. In preparation for dinner, Riley (XO) and Cesare (CMD) made and proofed some buns! They also got the first showers of the day as well as Lipi (JOU). They made a large sum of ramen for lunch and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive back from EVA while remaining attentive CAPCOMs.
After returning from EVA, the crew enjoyed their ramen and their showers. Jesus (ENG) was hard at work in the RAM while the rest of the crew was enjoying music, reading, and napping. Ryan (GHO) harvested a variety of greens for dinner and Riley (XO) and Cesare (CMD) finished preparing the buns for black bean burgers for dinner!
Look Ahead Plan: Continue going on EVAs to aid in research
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Beautiful day outside, cloudy
Crew Physical Status: A little tired from EVAs, but morale is high!
EVA: EVA #8 to Candor Chasma completed
Reports to be filed: Eva Request, EVA Report, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

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