Commander Report – December 7th

Final Dispatch from Mars Desert Research Station: Analog Rotation #287

Sol #11
Title: Homeward Bound: Reflections and Aspirations
Author: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Today marks the conclusion of our simulation at the Mars Desert Research Station, and the atmosphere among Crew #287 is one of accomplishment and anticipation. The day kicked off at 7 AM with a communal breakfast featuring couscous soup, providing the sustenance needed for our final activities here on ‘Mars’.

Our last EVA was not merely a procedural act but a poignant chapter’s end; we walked a short distance north of our habitat, immortalizing our presence with photographs and drone footage, capturing the essence of our simulated sojourn on this alien terrain.

We shared meals with our on-site manager, Ben, and his delightful companion, Jewels, sharing stories, personal anecdotes, and laughter. The afternoon saw us immersed in a flurry of report writing and habitation cleaning—a meticulous preparation for the next crew, a tradition of legacy and respect among those who walk these halls.

Evening plans are set for a light-hearted comedy and game night, a tradition we’ve embraced to maintain morale. It’s activities like these that have kept us grounded, reminding us that exploration is as much about the human experience as it is about scientific achievement.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the Netflix documentary crew tomorrow, to whom we’ll showcase the highlights of our mission. This engagement not only signifies our reconnection with Earth but also serves as a bridge to share our experiences with the world.

As we prepare to leave the station, our thoughts are with future missions and the continued collaboration between Mars Society chapters worldwide. The knowledge we’ve gained here is a stepping stone to the larger goal of Mars exploration—a multiplanetary existence for humanity.

Our journey has been a microcosm of the challenges and triumphs that await in the vastness of space. It is with a sense of pride and a dash of nostalgia that we bid farewell to this chapter, ready to apply our learnings to the next phase of human space exploration.

Onward to new horizons, Crew #287 signs off with a unified voice: more cooperation, more exploration, and always forward—MARS for Everyone!

Journalist Report – December 6th

Sol #10
Title: Continued Exploration and Culinary Innovation
Crew name: Alpha
Crew number: #287

As Sol 10 dawned at the Mars Desert Research Station, we were welcomed with another day of sunshine and warmth. The crew’s day began with a nutritious breakfast and routine exercise, infusing a positive energy amongst us. This set the stage for a day filled with diverse and impactful research and sustainability projects.

HSO Duluu and Geologist Davaa focused on geological tasks tailored for the MARS-V Program’s “Science taker”, “Challenge taker”, and “Experience taker” categories, contributing valuable insights to our collective understanding.

A key highlight of our daily life at the station has been the innovative culinary endeavors led by Engineer Muggi and HSO Duluu, especially with the use of red cabbage from our Greenhub. This nutritious and vibrant vegetable has brought not only a dash of color and variety to our meals but also underscored the importance of sustainable agriculture in space environments.

The crew engaged in an online meeting with the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs team, discussing the MARS-V Analog Beta Helmet development. The meeting was progressive and effective, adding momentum to our technological advancements.

As we approach the end of our mission, the crew remains deeply committed to achieving our established goals. The anticipation of concluding our journey brings a mix of excitement and reflective thoughts on the invaluable experiences and learnings we’ve gathered here.

Journalist Report – December 5th

Sol #9
Title: Observing Solar Storms and Advancing Mars Research
Crew name: Alpha
Crew number: #287

Sol # 9 commenced with our cherished morning routine of exercise and a healthy breakfast, setting a positive tone for the day. The weather was exceptionally pleasant, sunny, and warm, adding to the overall good spirits of the crew.

A highlight of the day was Captain Dono’s work at the Musk Observatory. He shared with us an extraordinary view of a solar storm, showcasing the Sun’s beauty and charisma in a new light. This experience was not only awe-inspiring but also educational, offering us a glimpse into the dynamic nature of our closest star.

Today’s meals, masterfully prepared by Tungaa and Dono, were also highlights. Lunch featured an impressive Beef Bulgogi complemented by red cabbage microgreens, demonstrating our commitment to combining nutrition and taste. Adding to the culinary delight, I, Sunny, prepared a frozen yogurt dessert, offering a refreshing end to the meal.

HSO Duluu’s dedication in the Green Hub continues to yield results. Today, she focused on planting bean and sunflower microgreens, contributing to our sustainable living practices and ensuring a steady supply of fresh produce.

Davaa’s efforts in testing bricks made from grey and red clay soil samples are critical in our exploration of using Martian-like materials for building purposes. Muggi delved into the development of the MARS-V project’s program, focusing on defining the engineering tasks in the “Science taker,” “Challenge taker,” and “Experience taker” programs. His work is essential in shaping the roles of engineers in future Mars analog missions. Tunga continued her important work on the Mars food experiment, investigating the psychological and nutritional aspects of space cuisine, vital for long-duration missions.

Journalist Report – December 4th

Sol #8
Title: Research Progress and Exciting Astronomical Achievements
Crew name: Alpha
Crew number: 287

As we reach the midpoint of our mission, Sol 8 at the Mars Desert Research Station started with the team collaboratively working on our research report. The synergy and dedication were palpable, showcasing the remarkable teamwork we’ve cultivated. Keeping up with our healthy routines, we engaged in our regular morning exercise, an essential start to our day.

A significant highlight was Captain Dono receiving the green light to access the Musk Observatory. His accomplishment in capturing the first solar image has infused the crew with a sense of achievement and excitement. This breakthrough marks a vital step in our astronomical studies.

The midday meal, crafted by Davaa and me, brought the crew together over a delicious lunch, complemented by HSO Duluu’s freshly harvested salad microgreens. These moments of shared meals play a crucial role in maintaining morale and unity among the crew.

The day’s exploration included a special EVA focused on photo shooting and drone testing. With Ben from Mission Support as our capable Capcom, we are grateful for his guidance and support. Our journey led us to Lith Canyon and Whitehouse, offering us stunning views and an ideal location for our tests.

The day concluded with a productive online meeting with MARS-V Embedded Systems Engineer Battulga “Toshka”. Our discussions centered around the Mars analog suit’s helmet design, a critical element for safety and efficiency in our Martian environment. These collaborative sessions are key to enhancing our operational capabilities and suit functionality.

Sol 8 stands as a testament to the progress and excitement of our mission. From astronomical achievements to technological advancements and vital team collaborations, every aspect of today’s activities contributes to the overarching success of our Mars simulation. As we continue our journey, the spirit of discovery and innovation remains stronger than ever.

Journalist Report – December 3rd

Sol #7
Title: Synergy in Science and SustenanceJournalist’s name: Sunny
Crew name: Alpha
Crew number: 287

On Sol 7, our day commenced with a leisurely start at 9 AM, breaking our fast with oatmeal, a shared exercise session, and a group meditation, collectively gearing up for the day’s tasks. Post-breakfast, the crew geared up for EVA #7, departing for White Rock Canyon to conduct reconnaissance, soil sampling, and drone footage.

Mealtimes were a highlight with Duluu preparing a varied lunch and Muggi serving up a spicy penne soup for dinner. These moments of communal dining underscored the unity and morale of our team, reinforcing the importance of shared experiences in maintaining crew spirit.

Scientific work pressed on with Davaa initiating his mud sample tests and Duluu tending to the Greenhab’s thriving plants. Despite a small hiccup in Tungaa’s microbiological research due to missing petri dishes, the crew’s productivity remained unhampered.

Muggi’s increasing drone piloting proficiency has greatly contributed to our surveying capabilities, while I continued to engage the public with our mission’s progress and day-to-day life. The crew’s anticipation for accessing the Musk Observatory remains, with hopes to integrate astronomical observations into our research soon.

As the Sol concludes, we reflect on a day marked by successful teamwork and scientific endeavor. Tomorrow’s plans include an out-of-sim excursion to further our exploration and documentation of this unique environment. The spirit of collaboration and discovery remains strong within Crew 287 as we look forward to the advancements and insights each new Sol brings.

Journalist Report – December 2nd

Sol #6
Title: A Day of Nutritious Balance and Advanced Exploration
Journalist’s name: Sunny
Crew name: Alpha
Crew number: 287

On Sol #6, the importance of nutrition and wellness was at the forefront of our morning routine. The day began with a log meeting with MARS-V Remote Control team lead Tulgaa, who showed great interest in our health and dietary habits. The provision of freeze-dried foods from Mongolia, courtesy of the MARS-V nutrition team, ensures that we maintain a healthy diet, a source of happiness and energy in this Mars simulation environment.

Post meeting, our morning continued with a delicious breakfast, followed by exercise and mindful meditation, setting a positive tone for the day.

The day’s main event was EVA #6, led by HSO Duluu. Team members Geologist Davaa, Psychologist Tunga, and Engineer Muggi, serving as CapCom, embarked on a mission to the Overlook. Their objectives were multifaceted: to collect soil samples and employ drone technology for remote reconnaissance and surveying. Favorable weather conditions further boosted the crew’s efficiency and morale. With each EVA, our team grows more adept and experienced in Martian exploration.

Back at the base, HSO Duluu engaged in vital work at the Green Hab, planting cucumbers using a new Hydroponic wick system. The sight of micro-greens, sprouted just three days ago, brought her immense joy and is a testament to our advancing agricultural capabilities on this simulated Martian landscape.

A highlight of Sol #6 was our team bonding game, a psychological exercise designed to enhance group dynamics. The game’s outcome was not only impressive but also highly recommended for fostering team cohesion and understanding.

As we conclude Sol #6, it’s evident that the balance of physical well-being, mental health, and team collaboration is pivotal to our success here. Each activity, be it a meal, meditation, EVA, or team game, plays a crucial role in our overall mission. These daily practices are shaping us into a more resilient and cohesive unit, ready to tackle the challenges of Mars exploration.

Sol Summary – December 7th

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Departure

Author’s name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Mission Status: Completed

Sol Activity Summary: After a quick game night yesterday, the crew went to bed early and the sol started promptly at 7 AM. We had a couscous soup for breakfast, exercised, meditated, and headed out for our last EVA. We walked about 500m north of Hab and did photo shooting, portraits, and drone footage. Alas, this marked the end of our simulation.

We invited the on-site managers—Ben and Jewels—for lunch and got straight to working on reports and cleaning afterwards. Our plan tonight is to finish our final mission summary and cleaning, record a final crew log to be shared amongst the MARS-V members club, and run a comedy night. Tomorrow, we will receive the Netflix documentary crew on station and show them around. We will then complete the final check-out list in the evening, finish cleaning, and move out first thing in the morning.

This will be our final sol summary. It is bittersweet to have to say goodbye to Mars, but there is still much work to be done on Earth to support the next generation Martians, so that humankind may become multiplanetary species. Hopefully Earth will welcome us with open hands.

Onwards and upwards!

Look Ahead Plan: More collaborations amongst the Mars Society International Chapters! MARS OR BUST!

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny. Minimal cloud cover. Very warm.

Crew Physical Status: All healthy.

EVA: Successfully performed one EVA today.

Reports to be filed: Mission summary, Sol summary report, Journalist report, Operations report, Greenhab report, EVA report, Photos.

Support Requested: We could use all the help we can get for tomorrow with the Netflix documentary crew on site.

Sol Summary – December 6th

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Regathering

Author’s name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: I woke up feeling queasy in the morning today. The crew made a nutritious soup for me, and let me stay in bed until afternoon, for which I am very grateful. I was not able to use the observatory today and will not be submitting the Astronomy Report.

Everyone else started their day leisurely at 9 AM today, had breakfast, exercised, and headed out to EVA #9 in the afternoon. Led by HSO Duluu, accompanied by Geologist Davaa and Journalist Sunny, performed a test run for the geological mapping task that would later be performed in the Mongolian Gobi as part of the training program. Our goal is to come up with a guidance protocol for mapping out the surrounding area of the analog station.

Today’s meals featured garlic soup with dumplings for lunch, and Mongolian traditional dumplings called “buuz” for dinner, which usually takes extensive preparation, but the crew has gotten proficient at preparing meals in the Hab at this point. Our experiences here are sure to further the product development from freeze-dried recipes at the MARS-V project.

We had a meeting with the UCCS team currently working on the MARS-V analog helmet and was introduced to their final design concepts. Muggi and Davaa have finalized their ideas for the general structure of MARS-V analog station, and we plan to work on these further with the technology team back at the MARS-V project in the coming year.

Sunny, Duluu, and Tungaa are working on further developing the training programs to be implemented at the MARS-V analog station. The experiences we have gathered at MDRS during the rotation have given us a tangible handle on what being an analog astronaut is like.

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have participated at the station as Crew #287, and we have had a great time and experience here that is sure to further the development of the MARS-V project going forward. Here’s to more future collaborations between Mars Society and Mongolian Aerospace Research and Science Association!

Look Ahead Plan: This is the last day of full sim for us. We’re planning on doing a bit of photo shooting and drone footage tomorrow morning, and we’ll end the sim in the afternoon. The day after that, we’ll receive the Netflix documentary crew on station, and show them around. We will then hold an online meeting with the team in Mongolia and recap the Alpha Mission. We plan to do the cleaning in the evening and head back out first thing in the morning on 9th of December.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny. Almost no clouds. Very warm.

Crew Physical Status: I seem to have caught a bit of cold today and stayed in bed until afternoon. Everyone else is completely healthy.

EVA: Successfully performed one EVA today.

Reports to be filed: Sol summary, Journalist report, Operations report, Greenhab report, EVA report, Photos.

Support Requested: None.

Sol Summary – December 5th

Sol: 9

Summary Title: The Case for Hot Spicy Curry

Author’s name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: We had spicy beef curry for dinner which took the number 1 spot for the meal contenders, hence the title. Lunch was Korean beef bulgogi, which was also delicious. We had another harvest from the Greenhab today, and it really brings life to our palate.

We had a game night yesterday before bed, and the morning started leisurely for us a bit after 9 AM today. We decided to have brunch, after which we exercised until noon. I introduced the crew to the Musk Observatory afterwards. The crew then went onto individually work on their research and reports.

We noticed that the day was much more relaxed with no EVAs. We now have only two sols until our sim ends, and it feels like time blew past us too quickly. We’re trying to make time for team bonding every night after 8-9 PM to enjoy each other’s company, and hopefully afterwards when we return to Earth, we’ll positively reminisce about the time we shared a hot spicy curry on a distant, yet familiar planet.

Look Ahead Plan: Duluu’s hydroponic wick system has been working wonders in the Greenhab, and her newly sprouted plants seem fragile yet strongly willing to grow. Davaa has made two different types of bricks from the soil samples today—he mentioned that the clays were of such good quality that they can be used to make vases. He is now planning to make a geological map of the area around Cowboy Corner. I’ve encountered a solar prominence on the telescope today but haven’t managed to capture a good image of it. I’m planning to make use of all the programs on the astronomy laptop tomorrow and improve the quality of the pictures. Everyone is working on their respective reports to combine it at the end of the rotation. Hopefully we’ll see good results from these past two weeks.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny. Almost no clouds. Very warm.

Crew Physical Status: All healthy.

EVA: No EVA was performed today.

Reports to be filed: Sol summary, Journalist report, Operations report, Greenhab report, EVA report, Photos.

Support Requested: None.

Operations Report – December 2nd

SOL: 06

Name of person filing report: Munkh-Erdene "Muggi" Altankhuyag

Non-nominal systems: No non-operational system

Notes on non-nominal systems: n/a


Spirit rover used: the rover is used for EVA-06

Hours: 235.7 (before EVA)

Beginning charge: 100% (Before EVA)

Ending charge: 32% (On return from EVA, before recharging)

Currently charging: unplugged

Opportunity rover used: the rover is used for EVA-06

Hours: 147.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 31%

Currently charging: unplugged

Curiosity rover used: not used


Beginning charge: %

Ending charge: %

Currently charging:

Perseverance rover used: not used


Beginning charge: %

Ending charge:

Currently charging: unplugged

General notes on rovers: The rovers have been taken to Overlook.

Summary of Hab operations: Systems in the hab are operational.

WATER USE: 28.5 gallons

Water (static tank): 235.9 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (On or off) on

Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet: Internet in the hab was disabled until 6:00 pm.

Summary of suits and radios: all radios are operational, and suits are operational and plugged in.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Systems are operational.

WATER USE: 6.8 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: will be operated from 10pm to 2 am

Harvest: 40 gram

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Dome systems are operational, EVA’s Cap Comm used the dome.

Dual split: Heat or AC, Off

Summary of RAM operations: Systems in RAM are operational.

Summary of any observatory issues: nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: nothing to report

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