SOL: 4
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 240.0
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 36%
Currently Charging: No
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 262.5
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 30%
Currently Charging: No
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 422.6
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: The back panel on suit 11 is now secured. Vertically adjusting the back panel and making sure the screw is angled to bite into the wood secured it. Thank you for advising.
Suit 8 seems to not be charging, the batteries in 8 and 6 have been swapped for overnight charging. We’ll do another test in the morning to see if this is a battery or suit problem. (Suit 6 functions normally)
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Labelled oyster samples from previous EVA.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): No work done or tools used.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None