EVA Report – January 8th

Crew 290 EVA Report 08-01-2024

EVA # 01

Author: Madelyn Hoying

Purpose of EVA: training EVA with half of crew

Start time: 14:15

End time: 15:35

Narrative: Training EVA to familiarize crew members with rover operation and navigation. At around 13:30, the crew officially entered sim and began prepping for EVA 01. Madelyn, Anna, and Anja completed suit and comms checks ahead of schedule. On entering the airlock for depressurization, some comms issues caused a delay leading to re-pressurization and suit adjustments. The EVA then proceeded successfully, with the crew noting important changes that need to be made for future EVA success in scientific expeditions (including glove selection and headset placement).

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N518700, E4250800

Participants: Madelyn Hoying (Commander), Anja Sheppard (Crew Scientist), Anna Tretiakova (Crew Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road and walk east until Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles to be used (If applicable): Opportunity, Spirit

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