GreenHab Report – January 10th

Crew 290 GreenHab Report 10-01-2024 (Sol 3)

Greenhab Officer: Ben Kazimer, Callsign “Funk”

Heater on, fan off, door closed

Average temperatures: 0955: 61.2⁰F & 22%, 1222: 77.2⁰F & 22%, 1721: 69.6⁰F & 51%

Hours of supplemental light: Nominal 4 hours overnight

Daily water usage for crops: 5 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.5 gallons

Water in Blue Tank 176.3 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1133: 3 gallon watering and 32 oz misting, 1705: 1 gallon watering and 32 oz misting

Changes to crops: pruned some dead flowers off the cucumbers in the large blue planter. Added two Earth-based potato chunks on toothpicks to beakers with water to promote sprouting.


I was able to spend a good amount of time in the greenhab today, it was fantastic! I checked in at 0955 to see a relatively cold environment of 61.2⁰F. I had a chat with Mission Support on nominal greenhab status, to which he sent me some words of wisdom from Crew 289’s GHO (Thanks Riya 😊). Going forward, I’m going to mist the green guys a few times while maintaining 3-5 gallons of direct watering. For most of the morning, Engineer Anna and I measured soil salinity levels of many plants to have as reference for any future changes (fertilizer, repotting, etc.). We were able to setup a makeshift laboratory in the greenhab with my plant-viewing benches and it worked quite well! I even found a tiny pot full of unused potting soil that I plan to use for Earth-grown potato sproutings. I suspended two potato chunks for sprouting over separate beakers full of water, fingers crossed we see some roots! Last note is the now regular music rundown of the day: I downloaded the highlight release of Live in Europe ’72 from the GD and I certainly enjoyed it so hopefully the plants did too. I was apprehensive to expose our crops to rap music, but I felt like a little switch up during the pre-dinner checkup wouldn’t hurt… Sol 4 will tell us all if the greenhouse inhabitants are welcoming of OVO music.

Harvest: N/A

Support/supplies needed: None!

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