Sol Summary – January 4th

Sol: 11
Summary Title: Sol Eleven: Wintry Heaven
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Crew 289 began the final sol of their mission with a wintry surprise: snow on Mars! Even though this meant no EVA for today, the entire crew was delighted by the breathtaking scene outside of the Hab. Thus commenced a cozy day. Adriana spent some of the morning in the Science Dome packing up samples and checking on her drying sediment samples. Riya worked on her air quality sensor, and Eshaana got data from her mini farm’s solar panel. Thanks to Sara, the crew got some very official portraits taken in the lower deck and wrapped up the photography session with a tasty pasta featuring GreenHab veggies. As much of the crew has begun to wrap up their research today in preparation for tomorrow’s cleaning day, the afternoon was spent by crew members playing games, packing up their personal items and experiments, and talking through travel logistics back to Earth. Tonight, we are excited to eat a curry prepared by Eshaana, drink hot chocolate, and hopefully, stargaze.
Look Ahead Plan: Cleaning and acquiring vehicles from Grand Junction
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Snowy in morning, partly sunny in evening
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

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