Crew 290 EVA Report 16-01-2024
EVA # 09
Author: Madelyn Hoying
Purpose of EVA: MADMEN and REMI data collection at site of interest, identified on the way to Kissing Camel Ridge (EVA 08) site.
Start time: 1230
End time: 1530
Narrative: Many MADMEN sites were explored, with holes dug (and filled in afterwards) at many sites to evaluate the gradient in rock type from sandy to green tuffaceous to red clay. Once a site was identified with the full gradient covered in our 6-inch depth, MADMEN sampling proceeded smoothly. REMI was also able to collect from several sites over a range of terrain. Of note, this EVA site had the most comms blackouts; the crew handled this well, and no problems arose.
Destination: Near Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4249500, E518000
Participants: Rebecca McCallin (XO), Anja Sheppard (Crew Scientist), Nicole Chan (Crew Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive south on Cow Dung Rd until reaching the site identified on EVA 08, then park and walk to investigate.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking
Vehicles to be used (If applicable): Curiosity and Opportunity