Crew 290 EVA Report 18-01-2024
EVA # 11
Author: Madelyn Hoying
Purpose of EVA: MADMEN sample collect along White Rock Canyon, to complete sampling among diverse geologic sites. REMI collect in Aonia Terra.
Start time: 0930
End time: 1330
Narrative: The crew reached 55% battery and parked just beyond Zubrin’s Head. After some scouting, they found exactly the terrain we needed! The MADMEN sample collection proceeded smoothly, while REMI managed 11 samples. This was our last and smoothest EVA!
Destination: Aonia Terra
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4247500, E520500
Participants: Anja Sheppard (Crew Scientist), Anna Tretiakova (Crew Engineer), Ben Kazimer (GreenHab Officer)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive south on Cow Dung Road until reaching White Rock Canyon (just before reaching the cattle guard) and then walk to sample collection site(s).
Mode of travel: Driving and walking
Vehicles to be used (If applicable): Spirit and Curiosity