Crew 291 EVA Report 26-01-2024
EVA # 9
Author: Clare Fletcher
Purpose of EVA:
Start time: 1330
End time: 1600
Narrative: Our EVA today went back to the same place as EVA 8 to drive our rover around and attain mineral spectra from various targets. We had a few technical issues as our GPS ran out of battery and a few nuts fell off the rover. However, we still had a great success with the rover today and attained some good data. Our studies attempting to find concretions had some success, though limited at this first location. Some gypsum was also attained. We decided we had enough rover charge to make it to the river crossing (the furthest requested point for our EVA), and we had more success finding gypsum and concretions there. As it is Australia Day, we also took some Aussie mascots into the field, so they too could experience Mars research. Overall a successful EVA for #9!
Destination: Tharsis Montes. 518196, 4253742 parking (if battery permits). 518607, 4253884 furthest point. Walking within 700m of the rover (permitting the battery doesn’t run out prior to reaching river crossing).
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518196, 4253742 parking (if battery permits). 518607, 4253884 furthest point.
Participants: Clare Fletcher, Steve Hobbs, Rob Hunt
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Exit Hab via main airlock. Drive down driveway to Cow Dung Rd 0110. Drive North on Cow Dung Rd 0110 until river crossing.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking.