Crew 290 GreenHab Report 16-01-2024 (Sol 9)
Greenhab Officer: Ben Kazimer
Heater on, fan off, door closed
Average temperatures: 1012: 75.7⁰F, 12%, 1421: 81.0⁰F, 15%, 1623: 78.6⁰F, 15%
Hours of supplemental light: nominal 4 hours overnight
Daily water usage for crops: 7 ¾ gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 2 gallons
Water in Blue Tank 137.3 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops:
1012: 5 gallons watering, ½ gallon misting, 1421: ½ gallon watering, ½ gallon misting, 1623: 1 gallon watering, ¼ gallon misting
Changes to crops: harvested cilantro
It has been a riveting match of tug-of-war between the tomatoes and me. I’m doing my best to keep the climate constant inside the greenhouse but these warm days and cold nights lead to great temperature swings and frequent monitoring. Everyone is still alive but they oscillate between stressed and thriving throughout the day. It is an emotional rollercoaster out in this little green patch of the desert, but I’m sticking with it for these plants! I’m upping the water dosages as that always seems to help, whether direct to the soil or in the general vicinity for misting. The tomatoes are still showing an ever-increasing number and volume of fruit, I’m still hopeful Crew 290 will be able to split at least one cherry tomato before our time at MDRS concludes. Other positive news is that the herbs are thriving and I was able to trim back the cilantro a decent bit, a fitting garnish for our big Taco Tuesday feast tonight! The dill from yesterday is the gift that keeps on giving, today in the form of compound butter to top my fresh whole wheat honey bread! (Note: Heater is operating at nominal status, thank you for support last night!)
Harvest: 33 grams cilantro
Support/supplies needed: None!