Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 16-01-2024
Sol: 9
Summary Title: pHunctional pHamily
Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Chocolate chip pancakes were such a hit that we had to revisit them for a late pre-EVA breakfast today. With Melon (Madelyn) on CAPCOM, the crew of Chopper (Rebecca), Freebee (Anja), and PODO (Nicole) ventured to the site identified on yesterday’s EVA for another round of MADMEN and REMI collection. During the EVA, Funk (Ben) baked bread and autoclaved water, and Roots (Anna) imaged all of our previous MADMEN samples. For dinner, Funk made taco bowls for Taco Tuesday and taught PODO to chop cilantro. Tonight, the crew will make ISRU clay items courtesy of Roots (who took the initiative to collect smectite and experiment with methods to make it into moldable clay). The crew is in good spirits as we head into our final targeted MADMEN EVA tomorrow.
Look Ahead Plan: A long hike in EVA gear, off of rover roads, for MADMEN’s (hopefully) final sample site
Anomalies in work: none
Weather: Warm and windy
Crew Physical Status: nominal
EVA: none
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request
Support Requested:
Perseverance rearview mirror – broken glass has been disposed of in the RAM as instructed.
Water filter beeping, per previous communications