Sol: 1
Summary Title: Arrival on Mars
Author’s name: Andrew Wheeler
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Training for sim was all but complete. Instruction for operating rovers was given by mid morning and, after a final crew expedition to the top of Hab Ridge to identify Devil’s Toenails, Crew 291 entered sim at midday and prepared for life on Mars for the next two weeks. Utilizing the skills just learned, Alex, Clare and Rob headed off to Marble Ritual in Spirit and Opportunity to familiarize themselves with the constrictions of space suits in field operations. After an hour and a half, it was Scott, Steve and Andrew’s turn in Curiosity and Perseverance, to experience the joys of EVA with a backpack and helmet. All agreed it was the most fun they had all day.
Look Ahead Plan: Weather dependent, tomorrow will see the deployment of various sensors and initial testing of the rover outside the hab.
Anomalies in work: Nothing to report.
Weather: Low heavy cloud but not threatening rain or snow. Temperature increasing to high single digits Celsius and humidity dropping from 90% to 75% during the day. Faint to no wind.
Crew Physical Status: nominal
EVA 1 with Alex, Clare and Rob to Marble Ritual in Spirit and Opportunity, then EVA 2 with Scott, Steve and Andrew to Marble Ritual in Curiosity and Perseverance.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request(s)
Support Requested: Nothing to request.