EVA Report – February 6th

EVA #001
Purpose of EVA: Training EVA
Start time: 10:30 AM
End time: 11:50 AM
Narrative: Our Crew Members Clare, Mehnaz, Rajvi and Aditya were all excited about their training EVA. Clare was the expert on this training EVA so she was helpful in the field. She was explaining the geology and Dos and Don’ts of EVA in the field like a leader. For her, the experience was great and fun to be back on the field in the spacesuit. Rajvi had an amazing time in the field, her suit was comfortable and she drove the rover as well in the suit and she was great in that. Aditya had an amazing experience too driving the rover in the suit and he is looking for more EVAs and to learn about geology. Mehnaz, being an expert rider and a driver had a splendid experience driving the rover in the suit, she felt like she is on Mars. She had an amazing time in the field, but later in the field, her suit was a bit uncomfortable. She felt strain in her neck and the crew aborted the mission and came back early. Their overall experience was great and they all are looking for more EVA missions.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518500, 4251000
Participants: Clare, Rajvi, Aditya and Mehnaz
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Exited the Hab through the main Air Lock, drove driveway to Cow Dung Road 0110 and reached the Marble Ritual, walked within the 300 m radius, hiked a little bit to get used to the space suit.
Mode of travel: Curiosity Rover and Spirit Rover, walked and hiked a little bit.

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