Sol Summary – February 8th

Sol: Sol #4
Summary Title: What a remarkable day – a significant capture of NGC5904!
Author’s name: Annalea Beattie
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: On this morning’s EVA to Cowboy Corner our away team was Bharti, Daniel, Rajvi and Aditya. Our science lead Bharti collected images of geomorphology and saw for the first time the paleo-channels and cross-bedding. She will return to do the slope analysis. Daniel navigated everyone to the EVA site, initially following the GPS then using old school methods – a map and compass. He looked for gypsum but couldn’t find the needed samples. Engineer Rajvi kept the time. Her objective was also to find gypsum and to understand the geological context for gypsum bearing sites since they are water carrying minerals and water will be an essential thing for the astronauts and as well it could be utilized for the propellant production on Mars. Aditya saw two large life forms (deer simultaneously jumping, we think) as well as many different kinds of lichens. Back at the hab, Mehnaz and I cleaned the floors, upstairs and downstairs and then we cooked lunch. I did yoga. Clare lent a hand to everyone. Her experience here is an asset. This afternoon we planned science directions, talked about gypsum, Jezero and discussed future EVAS and the inclement weather. Later, I continued with my gypsum sample watercolours in the science dome and Mehnaz and Daniel planted new seeds for her research. Daniel also cooked chocolate chip banana bread.
After the EVA this afternoon, Aditya continued his analysis of NGC5904, a globular cluster of stars twenty-four thousand light years away. And then, amazingly, he captured the image of the star cluster using the robotic telescope at MDRS. Congratulations Aditya Karigiri Krishna Madhusudhan! We are all thrilled with your work (see photos).
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAS tomorrow weather permitting.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Cold but dry in the morning and only a small amount of rain this afternoon. Cloud cover was high all day with minor wind SSW with gusts up to 11mph. Average temperature 38F. Now pouring.
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: EVA to Cowboy Corner to search for gypsum samples and to examine igneous intrusions in sedimentary bedding, onion skin weathering the stratigraphy of the area. Crew consisted of Bharti, Daniel, Rajvi and Aditya.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA report, Astronomy Report, EVA request.
Support Requested: None

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