Sol Summary – February 23rd

Crew 293 Sol Summary Report 23-02-2024

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Science is our AMI*

Author’s name: Marie Delaroche, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today was a rather quiet Sol; most of the long-running experiments are starting to be a part of our routine, from cognitive tests to daily questionnaires. The Science Dome was put to good use this afternoon, housing EchoFinder, Orbital Architecture and the TILT experiment.

Tests were also conducted on all EVA suits to determine which are safe to use for future EVAs, as our EVAs dedicated to our photogrammetry study will be longer and take us farther away from the Hab.

The AMI interface was tested again this morning and presented to the Crew, who will be tasked with making suggestions for potential edits. The objective is to collect as much feedback as possible for the developers, to prepare the interface for the next crew, and to eventually correlate our reaction times to the data from the physiological sensors we wear at all times.

Look Ahead Plan:

During the previous atmospheric instruments EVA, there was an issue with the Field Mill, and measurements have not started. The instrument must be retrieved for repairs in the RAM, therefore it will be retrieved during an EVA scheduled on Sol 6.

Sol 7 has been declared a rest day, during which we will clean the Hab, treat ourselves to some pancakes, and have a longer sports session than our daily workout.

Next week, we will begin working on the Photogrammerty experiment at a first location (to be determined). The study will require 3 EVAs over the course of Week 2.

Anomalies in work: Suits 3, 4, 6 (see Operations Report for details)

Weather: Some clouds, low 5°C, high 20°C

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics)

Support Requested: NA

* "Ami" means friend in French

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