Journalist Report – April 9th

Crew 296 Journalist – Alba Sánchez Montalvo

The Sol started with a morning EVA with some of the crew members (Arnaud, Alba, Hippolyte and Louis) covering the Candor Chasma area for exploration. Louis performed a couple of automatic flights with his drone to make a reconnaissance of the zone for his experiment. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew worked on their own projects in the station. After lunch, there was a second EVA (Maxime and Loriane) to check on Maxime’s weather station and to explore different areas around North Ridge. In the station, the rest of the team played card games and rested a little bit, recovering some energy as the red planet is demanding a lot lately. Imane made some cakes, we cannot understand how this girl makes that magic with lyophilized resources. When the second expedition returned to the station, they shared some of the incredible pictures they took. Some people practiced sports and later, everyone worked on the daily reports together. A little team building activity is planned for the evening before having dinner and concluding the sol 9.

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