Sol Summary – April 6th

Sol: 6
Summary Title: Discovering the martian history below our feet
Author’s name: Alba Sánchez Montalvo
Mission Status: In progress
Sol Activity Summary:
This sol was expected to be windy in the afternoon, so half of the team (Maxime, Romain, Hippolyte and Loriane) went on an EVA early in the morning. The main goal was to repair Maxime’s weather station because of the strong wind we had in SOL 5 and to explore and discover some fossils. Meanwhile, the rest of the team worked on their projects at the station. The expedition returned to the station with some interesting stones and minerals to have a look at them under the microscope. Imane cooked a delicious ‘chilli con carne’ and later, some crew members took a nap and some others played board games. The crew members that were left had psychological consultations with Loriane today. The rest of the evening was chill, it was very windy and we stayed in the main hab and different modules working on our project.
Look Ahead Plan: there’s an exploratory EVA planned for tomorrow for the biomedical team, psychological consultations will finish tomorrow
Anomalies in work: we found the freezer in the science dome not completely closed even though last night we checked that is was ok
Weather: light wind in the morning, stronger in the afternoon and evening
Crew Physical Status: a little bit tired but very excited about the simulation
EVA: The EVA crew successfully reached the station after their rover parked at Pooh’s Corner sustained some damage from high winds, including a torn wind indicator. They repaired it using duct tape and confirmed the wind’s impact through camera recordings. After station maintenance, they conducted a geological survey near the intersection of Cow Dung Road 0110 and Brahe Hwy 1572. They found gypsum and collected samples but did not discover any fossils despite thorough searching. They returned to the hab with the gypsum samples for later analysis.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, EVA Request(s), Mid-mission research report.
Support Requested: NA

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