Journalist Report – May 14th

Hello Mission Control,

First off, thank you Ben for saving us from bad hygiene with a kind soap refill–we really appreciate it :D! Today we had a day with our main theme being teamwork. We were awake early and Avery, Rishabh and Kristina were ready to suit up the three of us up for our EVA. The materials trio drove out around 8:30AM and had a great time! We were able to test out the rovers that mission control requested as well as get some sample (which was not on the plan but we carried supplies in case we found something interesting!). We then got back and I dropped off the sample to the Science Dome. Me, Aravind, and Noah then helped the other three suit up for their EVA. I stayed on comms and they had a successful round as well! We later had a meeting to plan out two more EVAs and created a schedule for the day Spencer Joseph from FOX is here. We are planning in advance to time the content with the research we will be doing. The astronomers are hard at work right now analyzing some content from the recent solar flares tonight since the weather was unfortunately not permitting observing and we will have dinner soon.

Bevonauts out!

Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan (Crew Commander & Journalist)

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