Crew 214 GreenHab Report 05-11-2019
GreenHab Officer: Guy Murphy
Environmental control: Door left open for ventilation during the afternoon.
Average temperatures: –
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: Watering undertaken by outpost crew.
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes:
Water in Blue Tank – 2/3rds full
Time(s) of watering for crops: late morning.
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: The Greenhab was activated yesterday with the first plantings of the season.
Established plants introduced to Greenhab 04/11/2019
[3x] strawberry plants (Everbearing), in medium metal planter
[2x] small Aloe Vera, in medium metal planter, frost damaged
[1x] spicy orange thyme (thymus fragrantissimus), small terracotta pot
[1x] lemon balm scented geranium (pelargonium x Melissinum), small terracotta pot
[1x] Mint Mentha – Berries & Cream, small terracotta pot
[1x] Pineapple Mint – mentha suaveolens variegated, small terracotta pot
[1x] Ice plant – Delosperma ‘jewel of the desert garnet’, small terracotta pot
[1x] Sempervivum tectorum assorted Hen & Chicks, small terracotta pot
[1x] Rosemary ‘Barbecue’ (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Barbecue’), large plastic pot
[1x] Rosemary ‘Spice Island’ Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Spice Island’, large plastic pot
[1x] mint, grapefruit, large plastic pot
Seeds Planted in Greenhab 04/11/2019 (Large metal planting tub)
Greek Oregano – Origanum heracleoticum
Chives – Allium schoenoprasum
Sweet Marjoram – Origanum majorana
Lemon Balm – Melissa officinalis
Sage – Salvia Officinalis
Thai Basil – Siam Queen
German/Winter Thyme – Thymus vulgaris
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: N/A
Journalist Report – November 05th
Tuesday 5 Nov Sol 9
by Sandy Dance
Its Sol 9 and we are starting to think: Wow! the end of our time here is coming up (at least for Dianne and me, Guy and Andrew are continuing into the next rotation). Consequently Dianne is checking through the supplies to see if there are any food containers that are nearly empty and should be replaced.
Guy spent some time in the GreenHab helping Shannon, David and Atila water the recent plantings, and sowing herbs. It will be great to have the greenhouse going, a terrific resource for those weary of ultra low humidity and temperature, and those hankering after the colour green!
Today we started a new experiment: Dianne and Andrew beetled off in the two rovers to ‘White Moon’ (there are some really wacky place names round here) further north from our micrometeorite grid to collect gypsum and associated soil. This is so Andrew can see how much water can be baked out of the soil, which is of potential interest on Mars, where there is known to be quantities of gypsum. This would be another resource for ‘in-situ resource utilization’ there. They returned with four kilos of soil and 9 gypsum samples (which look crystaline to the untrained eye), and will trial the baking tomorrow. Exciting stuff!
This afternoon I took out the Celestron astronomical telescope from the Science Dome to see what’s involved in using it at night. This is not to be confused with the Musk solar telescope, or the remote access telescope situated somewhat off campus. The Celestron is an equatorial mount, so it needs the mount axis pointing to the North star, not something I can do in the day, but I was able to calibrate the finderscope against the local hills. Very nice piece of equipment, looking forward to using it later.
EVA Report – November 05th
Crew 214 EVA Report 05-11-2019
EVA # 8
Author: Andrew Wheeler
Purpose of EVA: Geological Sampling
Start time: 0930
End time: 1200
Narrative: The sixth EVA for science saw a change in target with the change in investigation focus. Hydrated minerals are a potential source of water here on Mars and at White Moon (517800E 4254650N) the mineral gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) is one such source. We collected both crystalline specimens and gypsum rich soils to demonstrate liberation of water through simple heating. Results are pending. On our return from White Moon, we called in to TW#2 at 518477E 4253767N to collect more micrometeorite samples and we sampled 3 plots. We have now completed 43% of the grid.
Destination: White Moon via Cow Dung Road to Brahe Highway intersection and Tank Wash on return to the hab.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 517800E 4254650N
Participants: Andrew Wheeler, Dianne McGrath
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to Brahe Highway (White Moon)
Mode of travel: Spirit Rover, Curiosity Rover
Science Report – November 05th
Crew 214 Science Report 5 November 2019
SOL: 9
Crew 214 – Expedition Boomerang Crew
Submitted by Science Officer Andrew Wheeler
Science Operations: The sixth scientific EVA for the mission saw us travel to White Moon (517750E 4254520N) at the junction of Brahe Highway and Cow Dung Road in search of hydrated minerals. Immediately on arrival, gypsum crystals (CaSO4.2H2O) were observed protruding from the regolith and we were able to collect two soil samples and 9 rock samples. From these we intend to demonstrate the liberation of water through heating from both the crystals and the soil.
On our return to the the hab, we called into the Tank Wash #2 site and collected an additional 3 samples for the micrometeorite search. This is 43% of the planned samples. Unfortunately, someone has visited the grid, trampled through a number of plots and compromised the integrity of the experiment.
Green Hab: Access through the tunnel between the main hab and the green hab has again been opened for atmospheric equalization. The plants were watered by the Outpost crew.
Science Dome: Samples returned from the morning’s EVA are awaiting processing before undergoing experimental procedures within the science dome.
Closed Loop Food Waste Study: The day’s waste for Sol 9 is: 25 grams; consisting of 127 calories, 1g fat, <1g saturated fat, 69mg sodium, 70g carbohydrates, <1g fibre, 2g sugar, 5g protein.
EVA: Preparations for finalizing the micrometeorite sampling experiment were undertaken.
EVA Suit Maintenance: Nominal
Additional Activities: Photographs were taken of the compromised micrometeorite sampling grid.
Crew Photos – November 4th
Sol Summary – November 4th
Summary Title: The Greenhab Comes Alive
Author’s name: Guy Murphy
Mission Status: Active.
Sol Activity Summary: A long morning EVA was undertaken to collect samples as part of the micro-meteorite samples. The Greenhab was partially planted up yesterday and routine watering commenced today. 3 cooked meals were prepared today, including a special dinner to mark Melbourne Cup. Information was collected on radio inventories and the condition of several space suits at the request of Mission support.
Look Ahead Plan: We are planning the remaining week tightly to complete our planned sample collection and allocate time to complete end-of mission tasks.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Another clear sunny day on Mars.
Crew Physical Status: Crew continue to be in excellent health.
EVA: See EVA report.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, Journalists Report, Science Report, Operations Reports, Photos.
Support Requested: Special delivery of supplies were greatly appreciated, especially the milk. There are 3 bags of rubbish to be collected from the back air lock (2 burnable, 1 non-burnable).
Operations Report – November 4th
Crew 214 Operations Report 4-11-2019
SOL: 8
Name of person filing report: Andrew Wheeler
Non-nominal systems: Opportunity, Suit 10
Notes on non-nominal systems: Opportunity brakes do not work, Suit 10 is not functioning
Generator: run
Hours run: 13h 15m
From what time last night: 1845
To what time this morning: 0800
List any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A
Solar— SOC % (Before generator is run at night): 94%
Diesel Reading – 60%
Station Propane Reading – 82%
Ethanol Free Gasoline: N/A
Water (loft tank): 32 gallons
Water Meter: 1455633 units
Water (static tank): 246 gallons
Static to Loft Pump used – no
Water in Green Hab: 225 gallons
Water in Science Dome: 0 gallons
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Deimos rover used: not at hab
Hours: –
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: –
Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Hours: –
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: –
Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 107.4
Beginning charge: (Before EVA): 100%
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging): 52%
Currently charging: yes
Opportunity rover used: no
Hours: 65.5
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes
Curiosity rover used: no
Hours: 113.4
Beginning charge: (Before EVA) : 100%
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before charging): 100%
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: no
ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): no
Reason for use: N/A
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Assigned to the director
HabCar used and why, where? N/A
CrewCar used and why, where? N/A
General notes and comments: N/A
Summary of internet: Functional
Summary of suits and radios: 5 Radios and 3 earpieces that need servicing have been identified and set aside, the battery for suit 10 is fully charged and it is Suit 10 that is not functional, further information on Suit 5’s helmet has been forwarded to Capcom.
Summary of Hab operations: All systems nominal
Summary of GreenHab operations: Atmospheric equalization to the green hab was carried out during the day, plants were watered.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: All systems nominal. Sample processing following EVA was carried out.
Summary of RAM operations: Not used
Summary of any observatory issues: N/A
Summary of health and safety issues: All crew healthy
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Acknowledge that the request for 6 radio batteries is being processed.
Journalist Report – November 4th
Mon 4 Nov Sol 8
by Sandy Dance
The two science experiments proceed apace. Dianne’s work happens at each meal, busy weighing and analyzing the food data. Meanwhile, this morning Andrew and I went on an EVA back to the micrometeorite grid, and collected 28 squares worth of particles. We got through more squares today because we had more time, and just went to the site and did one thing without diversions. We may also just be getting more skillful at the complex process of waving the magnet, carefully bagging the collected particles, and attaching the next bag onto the magnet. Very satisfying, but nevertheless, after our return I was quite exhausted.
Tonight the Melbourne Cup runs at 9pm, so we have been preparing special food: jambalaya, sauteed vegetables, and mashed potatoes. To be followed with freshly cooked brownies and a bottle of sparkling, not wine, but Perrier mineral water. Oooh, fancy! Whether have the stamina to stay up for the actual horse race is as yet unknown.
EVA Report – November 4th
Crew 214 EVA Report 04-11-2019
EVA # 7
Author: Andrew Wheeler
Purpose of EVA: Geological Sampling
Start time: 0945
End time: 1215
Narrative: The fifth EVA for science saw us returning to the Tank Wash location #2 at 518477E 4253767N where we continued sampling the 1m x 1m plots) for micrometeorites. The longer EVA allowed us to collect 28 samples. We have now completed 40% of the grid and anticipate 3 x normal length or 2 x longer duration EVAs will complete this sampling program.
Destination: Drove from the hab along Cow Dung Road to Tank Wash and then returned to the hab.
Coordinates: 518477E 4253767N
Participants: Andrew Wheeler, Sandy Dance
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to Tank Wash
Mode of travel: Spirit Rover
Science Report – November 4th
Crew 214 Science Report 4 November 2019
SOL: 8
Crew 214 – Expedition Boomerang Crew
Submitted by Science Officer Andrew Wheeler
Science Operations: The fifth scientific EVA for the mission saw us returning to Tank Wash #2 and collecting 28 additional samples for the micrometeorite search. This is 40% of the planned samples.
Green Hab: Following the commencement of planting within the green hab, access through the tunnel between the main hab and the green hab has been opened. The plants were watered with approximately 3.5 litres of water, with a remaining 4.5 litres remaining in the watering can. The plant soil appeared fairly moist, so it is suggested crew refrain from over watering the new plants.
Science Dome: Samples returned from the morning’s EVA have now been processed within the science dome and limited observations of material recovered through the binocular microscope have been carried out.
Closed Loop Food Waste Study: The day’s waste for Sol 8 is: 51 grams; consisting of 159 calories, 3g fat, >1g saturated fat, 199mg sodium, 42g carbohydrates, 3g fibre, 13g sugar, 6g protein. Extra food supplies were received and added to the baseline stock database.
EVA: Preparations for an EVA to White Moon at the junction between Brahe Highway and Cow Dung Road have been carried out.
EVA Suit Maintenance: Images of helmet 5 have been forwarded to CapCom detailing the partial failure, the battery to Suit 10 has been examined and it is the suit itself that is faulty.
Additional Activities: Nil.
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