Crew 212 Commander Report 17-MAY-2019
Autor: Marlen Castillo Vilcahuaman
Title: Good Bye, Mars!
Commander here. Hi.
Today, at 20:00, our time in Mars will end. As a crew, we’re thankful for our time here. We learned a lot in these days, and I’m sure this experience will always be in our minds.
If I had to pick a lesson from all of this, it would probably be about the human factors. I’m not uncomfortable for being alone in the vast nature (I’m a biologist, I’m used to it). I do not miss my friends, I know they can do well on their own without my wise advice. Managing the people in the crew was a hard task, though. I finally could apply all my knowledge from years of observing people and their characteristics. Getting to know each of the crew members, their aspirations, their objectives and their tastes proved to be a challenging task which I assumed with interest.
Tiny details suddenly had so much importance. And I couldn’t help to remember my first rotation here, in which, after 2 weeks, I felt I knew my crewmates for quite a long time.
I’m not only finishing my simulation with experimental microbiology results for analyzing back home. I’m returning with a lesson on how to put together a crew, which factors should count and which considerations we should have.
Thanks to mission support, to the Director, the CapComs and to everyone that made this simulation possible. It was quite the adventure.
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