Journalist Report – May 16th

Today was Sol 11.

We undertook a morning EVA, the idea was the test the suits for the suitability whilst undertaking exploration of another planet. This was aimed at looking at oxygen in the blood after exercise, therefore the EVA was walking up to a ridge such as would be typical for explorations in the future.

Afterwards the crew members continued on with their individual’s projects. There was progress in processing the Eastern Veil Nebula photos, soy bacteria was grown in petri dishes this is for a logically first step identification method, in the radiation bacteria project 1 lettuce has sprouted and finally, the rover revival has continued where now 2 out of 4 wheels are functional, there is hope that it will make one EVA before the end of sim.

Due to poor weather most of the Crew stayed within the Hab today. Therefore, the group made cookies and prepped the pizza dough for Shannon’s arrival tomorrow.

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