Crew 213 Operations Report 21-May-2019
SOL: 3
Name of person filing report: Dana Levin
Non-nominal systems: Curiosity on switch is loose to the point where when you turn the key the entire assembly turns with it. If this is not remedied the eventual consequence may be tearing the on switch wire connections from torsional forces.
Generator (hours run): overnight 2000-0700
Solar— SOC % (Before generator is run at night): 70% (see above)
Diesel Reading – 78%
Propane Reading – 45%
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 4 gallons.
Water (auxillary tank) – 0
Water (static tank) – 400 gallons
Auxillary to Static tank transfer– Yes
Gallons transferred: 100
Water in GreenHab – Greenhab ops have closed for the season, Crew 213 will not be performing greenhab ops
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 144100
Toilet tank emptied: no
Deimos rover used: no
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:
Sojourner rover used: Personal rover of director used with her permission by CU- Staff
Hours: 1 hour
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 68%
Currently charging: yes
Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 2
Beginning charge: 60%
Ending charge: 15%
Currently charging: yes
Opportunity rover used: yes
Hours: 2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 60%
Currently charging: yes
Curiosity rover used:
Hours: 2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 72%
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: see above about curiosity off switch
ATV’s Used: no
Reason for use: N/A
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: no
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: ATVs are safely secured near directors residence and will not be used by crew 213 for planned nominal operations
HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to obtain water from town.
CrewCar used and why, where? no (in Grand Junction)
General notes and comments:
– Crew 213 had successful simulation of several medical contingencies on EVA today.
Summary of internet: functional
Summary of suits and radios: Suits are all working well. Crew 212 did a fantastic job of maintaining them. Give our numbers, we are using our own radios.
Summary of Hab operations: nominal
Summary of GreenHab operations: none
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Used for course lectures and briefings. All systems nominal
Summary of RAMM operations: none
Summary of any observatory issues: none identified as we are not using observatory
Summary of health and safety issues: None at this time
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None needed. Thank you so much for your support of our mission.
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