Journalist Report – Jan 18th
MDRS Crew 203, Journalist Report
On the way to new world.
Hermes Hernan Bolivar.
Today, being the sixth day of the mission, a radiant sun illuminates the station and with it the start of one more day of activities for each of the crew, we came from a night where the intrigue welcomed each of us after a fault in the electric power generator. Which we could cope with in low light and a dinner with hamburgers prepared by our commander. Despite the inconveniences of the previous day, and as an interesting routine, I started my activities in one of the places that in my opinion is a small piece of the Earth in this hostile world; the GreenHab.
There, one of the greatest miracles on earth has its greatest expression. Life emerges in the form of small plants that feed the spirit of each of the crewmembers of this station. Not only providing food, but also the possibility of feeling at home. I think that this opinion is also shared by our mascot, MARStha Leticia, who accompanied us to the watering work.
As the day goes by, each crewmember concentrates on their work, while our commander carefully prepares for all exquisite dishes, which keep up our spirits and energy to carry out our projects and work in the station.
Our projects are advancing slowly, I must admit that doing science on Mars has been a challenge for me and my colleagues. Mars has shown us its majesty but in the same way it has made it difficult for us to know its mysteries. However, that does not weaken the morale of each of the crew members, but on the contrary, encourages us to continue in this adventure.
Now a greater responsibility comes to us, by being completely alone in this station. At this moment I ask myself, are we ready to face all the problems that could arise in the station? And I believe that this same question will be asked by the first crew that will dare to make this epic expedition to an unknown world, away from all their loved ones, their species, their world. But I also remember that like the plants that are born in the GreenHab, life makes its way, in the places where we as humans never expect it, and in that way, we will make our way to the conquest of a new world.
En camino a un mundo nuevo.
Hermes Hernan Bolivar .
Hoy, siendo el sexto día de la misión, un sol radiante ilumina la estación y con ello el inicio de un día más de actividades de cada uno de los tripulantes, veníamos de una noche donde la intriga nos acogió a cada uno de nosotros después de un fallo en el generador de energía eléctrica. El cual pudimos sobrellevar con poca luz y una cena con hamburguesas preparadas por nuestro comandante. A pesar de los inconvenientes del día anterior, ya como una interesante rutina, inicié mis actividades en uno de los lugares que a mi parecer es un pequeño pedazo de la tierra en este mundo hostil; el GreenHab.
Allí, uno de los mayores milagros de la tierra tiene su mayor expresión. La vida emerge en forma de pequeñas plantas que son las que alimentan el aliento de cada uno de los tripulantes de esta estación. No solo suministrando alimento, sino también la posibilidad de sentirse en casa. Creo que esta opinión también la comparte nuestra mascota MARStha Leticia quien nos acompañó a las labores de riego.
A medida que transcurre el día, cada tripulante se concentra en sus labores, mientras nuestro comandante cuidadosamente prepara para todos exquisitos platos, que mantienen en alto nuestro animo y energía para realizar nuestros proyectos y labores en la estación.
Nuestros proyectos van avanzando poco a poco, debo reconocer que hacer ciencia en Marte ha sido un reto para mi y mis compañeros. Marte nos ha mostrado su majestuosidad pero de la misma forma nos ha puesto dificultades para poder conocer sus misterios. Sin embargo, eso no debilita la moral de cada uno de los tripulantes, sino todo lo contrario, nos anima a continuar en esta aventura.
Ahora viene hacia nosotros una mayor responsabilidad al quedar completamente solos en esta estación. En este momento me pregunto, ¿Estaremos listos para afrontar todos los problemas en esta estación?. Y creo que esta misma pregunta se la hará la primera tripulación que se atreverá a realizar esa expedición épica hacia un mundo desconocido, lejos de todos sus seres queridos, de su especie, de su mundo. Pero así mismo recuerdo que como las plantas que nacen en el GreenHab, la vida se abre camino, en los lugares en los que nosotros como humanos nunca lo esperamos, y de esa forma, nosotros nos abriremos camino hacia la conquista de un mundo nuevo.
GreenHab Report – Jan 18th
Crew 203 Greenhab Report 18-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Hermes Bolivar
Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (6 hrs)
40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 16.5°C
High: 28.4°C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
16 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (gallons):
71.3%, 214 Gallons.
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
* we planted sugar peas on a mix of regolith and potting mix for a research project.
The seeds planted three days ago have begun to emerged, the life is growing into the Greenhab. We started our research project planting seeds of sugar peas on a mix of potting mix and Mars Regolith.
Harvest: 45g of baby Greens.
Support/Supplies Needed: None
Operations Report Jan 18th
Crew 203 Operations Report 18-JAN-2019
SOL: 6
Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda
Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Generator (hours run): 6hr 40min; Turned on last night (17Jan2019) at 18:15; The generator shuted down at 20:40 and did not start again. All electrical support over the night was provided by the batteries of the SOC. The generator was turned on this morning (18Jan2019) at 9:25; It was turned of again at 13:40 after SOC batteries were full charged and turned on tonight (18Jan2019) at 16:29
Solar SOC – Turned on (17Jan2019) 74%; It wasn’t turned off (18Jan2019) until it was full charged at 13:40, at 9:30 it was on 38% of charge, at 10:30 it was on 48% and at 13:40 it was ful of charge 100%; Turned on (19Jan2019) 100%
Diesel Reading – 1/2 tank.
Propane Reading – Just over 25%
Ethanol Free Gasoline – Not in use
Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use
Water (static tank) – Under 70%; About 350 gallons
Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No
Gallons transferred: Not applicable
Water in GreenHab – About 70%; 211 gallons
Water (loft) – At level marker 10
Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 10:20 to refill tank
Water Meter: 014012054
Toilet tank emptied: No
Deimos rover used: No, still not functional
Hours: Not applicable
Beginning charge: Not applicable
Ending charge: Not applicable
Currently charging: Not applicable
Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Hours: Not applicable
Beginning charge: Not applicable
Ending charge: Not applicable
Currently charging: Not applicable
Spirit rover used: Not used
Hours: 68.2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: Not used
Hours: 45.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: Not used
Hours: 70.0
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Notes on rovers: None
ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)
Reason for use: None
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used: None
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None
Notes on ATVs: None
HabCar used and why, where? Not used.
CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus
General notes and comments: The generator was shuted down all night, it was fixed by Shannon and Atila on the morning.
Summary of internet: Nothing to report
Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still pending for review, Suit #8 charged normally and is functional.
Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report
Sol Summary Report Jan 18th
Crew 203 Sol Summary Report 18-Jan-2019
Sol: 6
Summary Title: “For here are we sitting in a Tin Can”
Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda
Mission Status: Nominal, with an anomalous functioning of the diesel generator during the night.
Sol Activity Summary: It was a late start of the day. As if we had agreed on it, all the crew went up at almost exactly the same time. Last night we had an anomaly with the diesel generator which forced us to enter low consumption mode, and to start the morning in the same way. We had our breakfast, then each one was headed for their respective zone, it’s curious how now everyone has their own spot they can feel as their own. We had a tropical lunch based on coconut and pineapple, and kept working on keeping the station and projects. The sunset brought everyone back to the hab, we shared freshly baked oatmeal cookies, and are headed to a pizza once the capcom window is closed. (how curious, the narrative line was all about food)
Look Ahead Plan: We’re close to the middle of our mission, we want to keep working on each project, and to do some more EVAs.
Anomalies in work: We went on low consumption mode during the night and morning due to a malfunction of the diesel generator.
Weather: Clear skies all day long, with moderate winds.
Crew Physical Status: In good health, although tiredness is starting to catch up.
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Request, Astronomy Report.
Support Requested: None
Operations Report – January 17th
Crew 203 Operations Report 17-JAN-2019
SOL: 5
Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda
Non-nominal systems: Suit #8 not charging, pending to review. Generator
Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator had to be jump-started, then later began running on low power. Troubleshooting in progress
Generator (hours run): 17hr 45min; Turned on last night (16Jan2019) at 16:30; Turned off this morning (17Jan2019) at 10:15; Turned on tonight (17Jan2019) at 18:15
Solar SOC – Turned on (16Jan2019) 95%; Turned off (16Jan2019) 100%; Turned on (17Jan2019) 74%
Diesel Reading – Not read, EVA in progress.
Propane Reading – Not read, EVA in progress.
Ethanol Free Gasoline – Not in use
Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use
Water (static tank) – Over 70%; About 375 gallons
Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No
Gallons transferred: Not applicable
Water in GreenHab – About 76%; 227 gallons
Water (loft) – At level marker 7
Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 9:20 to refill tank
Water Meter: 01401702
Toilet tank emptied: No
Deimos rover used: No, still not functional
Hours: Not applicable
Beginning charge: Not applicable
Ending charge: Not applicable
Currently charging: Not applicable
Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Hours: Not applicable
Beginning charge: Not applicable
Ending charge: Not applicable
Currently charging: Not applicable
Spirit rover used: Yes, used on a EVA to Kissing Camel
Hours: 68.2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 68%
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: Not used
Hours: 45.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: Yes, used on a EVA to Kissing Camel
Hours: 70.0
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 69%
Currently charging: Yes
Notes on rovers: Spirit was flashing a red maintenance light during EVA, now is charging and pending to review.
ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)
Reason for use: None
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used: None
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None
Notes on ATVs: All ATV´s were gas filled, we have 10 gallons of ATV gas.
HabCar used and why, where? Not used. We were informed that the Hab Car washer fluid container has a leak, it might not be used, a spray bottle with washer fluid for use will be created by Shannon and Atila to cover the need.
CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus
General notes and comments: The generator had to be jump started tonight. No idea why.
Summary of internet: Nothing to report
Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still not charge, now Suit #8 does not charge either, pending for review.
Summary of Hab operations: The commanders room door lock was fixed, now he can hide from us if he wants.
Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report
Journalist Report – January 17th
Waking up on mars
Author: Liza Forero
This morning the MDRS woke up with a chimerical dawn and the silence and peace that I feel while I see it begins to invade every cold bone inside of me. I can see in my partners something different from the first time I saw them, in the way they look, in the energy they transmit and in each laugh they share.
In the morning, we were all waiting to have our third EVA, however, I think this delay increases my anxiety more than it does to the rest, maybe it’s because of the need to be outside, to be able to walk, to feel the earth under my feet and see majesty on every horizon; that majesty that leaves you breathless, but fills you with satisfaction, pleasure, nature, life.
As we walk through the valleys and reach the hills, a shadow chases me, the shadow of reality. That reality of which I am possibly fleeing by being here. But the walk continues and while the fatigue takes over my body I realize that there are glimpses of happiness in each day, in the friends that I have, in the landscapes I walk and in the work that I do
The day ends with tired bodies, with laugh and with the desire to continue experiencing the day to day that this desolate and reddish place offers us. We hope that each one of us be able to assess and learn from everything that this place inspires.
After five days of being here you could say that you have already established a routine and you get used to doing the same thing, to see and talk with the same people but the reality it is not like that, I think the word habit will not be at the moment the one who describes this place once he has left it and look back to remember this space, this cold, this piece of no man’s land but of all those who are willing to really see it, feel it, live it.
There is a wonderful feeling in all this. Maybe the places where you think nothing could live is where you can feel alive again and wake up from the lethargy in which life itself can envelop you. Maybe there is more life in an arid desert than anyone could imagine.
Despertando en marte
Autor: Liza Forero
Esta mañana el MDRS despertó con un amanecer quimérico y el silencio y paz que siento mientras lo veo empieza a invadir cada frio hueso dentro de mí. Puedo ver en mis compañeros algo diferente respecto a la primera vez que los vi, en la forma en la que se ven, en la energía que transmiten y en cada risa que comparten.
En la mañana, todos estábamos a la expectativa de tener nuestro tercer EVA, sin embargo, creo que esta dilación aumenta más mi ansiedad que al resto, tal vez sea por la necesidad de estar afuera, de poder caminar, de poder sentir la tierra bajo mis pies y ver majestuosidad en cada horizonte; esa majestuosidad que te deja sin aliento, pero te llena de satisfacción, de placer, de naturaleza, de vida.
Mientras caminamos a través de los valles y alcanzamos las colinas, una sombra me persigue, la sombra de la realidad. Esa realidad de la cual posiblemente estoy huyendo al estar aquí, pero la caminata continua y mientras el cansancio se apodera de mi cuerpo me doy cuenta de que hay destellos de felicidad en cada día, en los amigos que tengo, en los paisajes que recorro y en el trabajo que hago.
El día acaba con cuerpos cansados, con risas y con ganas de seguir experimentando al máximo el día a día que este lugar desolado y rojizo nos ofrece, esperamos que cada uno de nosotros pueda valorar y aprender de todo lo que este lugar inspira.
Después de cinco días de estar aquí se podría decir que ya se ha establecido una rutina y te acostumbras a hacer lo mismo, a ver y hablar con las mismas personas pero en realidad no es así, creo que la palabra costumbre no estará al momento en el que describa este lugar una vez lo haya dejado y mire atrás para recordar este espacio, este frío, este pedazo de tierra de nadie pero de todos los que estamos dispuestos a realmente verlo, sentirlo, vivirlo.
Hay un maravilloso sentimiento en todo esto. Tal vez lo lugares en los que piensas que nada podría vivir es donde puedes sentirte vivo de nuevo y despertar del letargo en el que la vida misma te puede envolver. Tal vez hay más vida en un árido desierto que cualquiera podría imaginar.
Greenhab Report – January 17th
Crew 203 Greenhab Report 17-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Hermes Bolivar
Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (0 hrs)
40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 16.9°C
High: 27.2°C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
12 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (gallons):
86.6%, 230 Gallons.
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
* Change position of 6 pots of Tomatoes and 4 pots of sugar snap peas for better watering.
The Temperaturee of greenhab has been stablilised and the crops look better, I Harvest Basil and Micro greens for cook the lunch, the crew is very happy for eat fresh food. New plants of lettuce rommane emerge today.
20g of Micro Greens.
8g of Basil
Support/Supplies Needed: N/A
Sol Summary – January 17th
Crew 203 Sol Summary Report 17-Jan-2019
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Magnificent Desolation
Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: We entered the second quarter of our mission, a time where routine kicks in (if there is such a thing as routine on Mars). Everyone seemed a little bit tired this morning, but nothing some food and a conversation couldn’t fix. Everyone reviewed their respective projects and systems, had lunch, and then the EVA team started to prepare for our afternoon on the beautiful plains of Mars. The work was amazing, a lot of geology was done, a little sightseeing too. Sometimes inside the hab it’s easy to forget how beautiful Mars is. We were received by some delicious eggs and Tang, talked about the future, and now we’re waiting for another night of laughter, fun, and some sleep. The thought of just having heard the team voices for a few days now just came to our minds, and it’s somehow mindblowing.
Look Ahead Plan: Keep the hard work going…! the nice food being prepared…! the laughter and the bonding…! and make it so that this is just the first step in a long way to go…!
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Cloudy in the morning (Cumulus), with the presence of Nimbostratus, but no precipitation, near the sunset it was less cloudy. Low to no wind in the morning, in the late afternoon wind speed increased.
Crew Physical Status: In good health…! (and with a cool attitude)
EVA: 1, a team of 4 went to the Kissing Camel ridge (yay, about time)
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Report.
Support Requested: None, unless you can send us an autonomous robot that does the chores and takes away the mud 🙂
EVA Report – January 17th
Crew 203 EVA Report 17-01-2019
EVA # 3
Author: Liza Forero
Purpose of EVA:
Geology recognition of outcrops, topographic highs, sediment, canyons and lithology. Take samples and data to be processed to make DEM´s (Digital Elevation Model) and data for microbiology tests.
Start time:
End time:
In the EVA Request for today we expected to go to Tank Wash, nevertheless because of the weather and the muddy ground we decided to go to a nearest place, in this case, Kissing Camel Ridge. All this previously approved by Shannon and Atila. During the EVA there were no trouble with suits or with rovers and we went from east to west of the base of the ridge taking pictures, the register of the stratigraphy and some geologic and biologic samples that were taken to the HAB to be analyzed.
8 samples were taken, including sandstones, shales and clays. Each of it are going to be studied and characterized on the science dome with geologic and biologic tests.
The weather was dry, but we felt how the clays were so humid and plastic because of the water they absorbed with the snow. Nothing unusual happened and the EVA were successful.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates: 518700 E, 4249290 N
Liza Forero, Yael Méndez, Oscar Ojeda, Hermes Bolívar
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
We took the Cow Dung Road 0110 to the south from HAB via Kissing Camel Ridge.
Mode of travel: Rover and walking.
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