The picture of the day is “On toy”
Editors note:
In Spanish, Donde estoy? (Where am I? ) is sometimes shortened to ‘On ‘toy?
The picture of the day is “On toy”
Editors note:
In Spanish, Donde estoy? (Where am I? ) is sometimes shortened to ‘On ‘toy?
Greenhab Officer:
Walter Calles
Environmental Control:
40% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 25°C
High: 38°C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
10 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (lbs):
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
Tomatoes growing slow. No significant changes
Baby greens showing good progress
Fennel looked better today. Salad mix in excellent shape.
Changed almost all sticky papers on blue flat.
Medium watered all plants.
Tomatoes still going. Will add some plant food tomorrow.
Spinaches for re-plant still pending.
Cucumbers in terrible shape. Will plant onions instead.
Support/Supplies Needed:
More sticky papers needed
EVA # 6
Author: Federico Martinez, Crew Astronomer.
Purpose of EVA: Further identify plausible RAN repeater locations with the consideration of 22 dBw antenna power for local cell generation (up to 3 km radius per cell). Additional soil samples from locations within route.
Start time: 10:45
End time: 14:42
Narrative: The crew drove for about 5 km and then stopped aside the road to start walking to our destiny, The Moon. The rovers are having troubles with the battery due to the low temperatures.
We decided to cut the road by walking inside the dunes of Mars, but after a few hours, the crew got confused about the correct way to our destination. Guiding us with the map, we found out that we were on the right direction to The Moons. During this long walk we explored the zone for our EVA objectives. After almost 4 km, the crew finally arrived to the destiny and a little further. We took a couple of pictures and measurements to begin the walk back to the Hab. The total distance of today´s EVA was 17 km, and from this 7.3 were by walking.
Destination: The Moon
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E515708.2, N4254873
Participants: Commander, HSO, Greenhab Officer, Crew Astronomer\scientist
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: From the Hab through the PEV Road to the north a few kilometers before exit 1572 Brahe Hwy. We walked through White Moon, Beige Moon until we found the road in Yellow Moon. We walked back through Brahe Hwy.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking.
Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Curiosity & Opportunity
Greenhab Officer:
Walter Calles
Environmental Control:
40% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 25°C
High: 38°C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
10 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (lbs):
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
Tomatoes growing slow. No significant changes
Baby greens showing good progress
Fennel looked better today. Salad mix in excellent shape.
Changed almost all sticky papers on blue flat.
Medium watered all plants.
Tomatoes still going. Will add some plant food tomorrow.
Spinaches for re-plant still pending.
Cucumbers in terrible shape. Will plant onions instead.
Support/Supplies Needed:
More sticky papers needed
Name of person filing report: César Augusto Serrano Baza
Non-nominal systems: Generator Autostart
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Generator (hours run): 14:49 yesterday until around 8:10 Today started at 16:29
Solar— SOC 41%
Diesel Reading – Around 73%
Propane Reading – 76%
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons.
Water (Axillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – High Level, around 260 -gallons
Axillary to Static tank transfer– no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – Medium level (58%)
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 01393538
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Deimos rover used: no, still not functional
Hours: 0
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: no
Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:
Spirit rover used: NO
Hours: 63
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: YES
Opportunity rover used: YES
Hours: 44.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 58%
Currently charging: YES
Curiosity rover used: YES
Hours: 60.5
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 62%
Currently charging: YES
Notes on rovers: The batteries of the used rovers are discharging fastly, around 40% in the first 15 min. So, for the EVA to be successful the astronauts had to walk.
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: Unknown. They were ridden about 1 km each. Notes on ATVs : The Honda tire was inflated today in the morning engineering review.
HabCar used and why, where? Not used.
CrewCar used and why, where? Not used.
General notes and comments: – Nothing to report.
Summary of internet: Nothing to report.
Summary of suits and radios: – The 2 Piece-suit number 3 is still showing some malfunction with the airflow, because the helmet still gets foggy.
– The GreenHab radios are marked now in the Hab. Summary of GreenHab operations: – Nothing to report.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: – Nothing to report.
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal. Robotic Observatory – Nominal.
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report
Thank you!!!
Sol: 7
Summary Title: Slippery Roads
Author’s name: Tania Robles, Commander
Mission Status: Crew is working correctly. The projects are going well even with some delay because of technical problems. We are still waiting for the antenna so we can install it and for an electronic component for the system of the 3D printed Rover.
Sol Activity Summary: During Sol 7, four of our Crew members went out for an EVA to The Moon. It was long exploration trip. We learnt that sometimes to innovate in the roads you take, can be a bad idea for your legs and back when you use spacesuits. But also that the MDRS maps are very correct and precise.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow at Sol 8 we will continue working with our projects and clean the Hab for Christmas.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and windy
Crew Physical Status: All good. Tired because of the EVA.
EVA: Crew 201 performed a four people EVA to The Moon (E515708.2, N4254873). We took the rovers from the Hab for 5 km and then walked through White Moon and Beige Moon to Yellow Moon. The destiny was The Moon but we got confused with the roads. Finally we walked back through Brahe HWY to the main road and drove the rovers back to the Hab. The objectives were covered and we had a successful EVA
Reports to be filed: Operations Report
EVA Report
Greenhab Report
Astronomy Report
Journalist Report
Pictures of the day
Support Requested: N/A
These are our pictures. Pic of the day "Report of the day".
MS, We did some astronomy work.
Astronomy Report
Name: Federico Arturo Martinez Espinoza
Crew: 201 MEx-1
Date: 21- Dec – 2018
Robotic Telescope Requested MDRS-WF
Objects Viewed: 46P/Witarnen
Problems Encountered: Do not know if the lack of experience using photoshop to give color to images is the cause, but can not find the comet on the picture
Sol 6.
The crew is beginning to present some situations regarding fatigue. The routine is already perceived among us. The temperature of the second floor of the Habitat affects the rest at night of the team because it is higher than what we normally had on Earth and in our country. This complicates our sleep and rest. Today four out of six crew members had nightmares.
During the day, we carried out our daily activities and continued working on our projects, however the technical complications continue to complicate the progress, especially the explosion that the supply rocket had and that suppose to would bring us several scientific instruments. Food became the best part of the days in Mars. Keep working like that crew.
Hi all,
Here’s the Greenhab report for today:
Crew 201 Greenhab Report 21-DEC-2018
Greenhab Officer:
Walter Calles
Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (3hrs)
40% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 25.1°C
High: 35.1°C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
8 gallons
4 gallons + plant food on blue flat
4 gallons + plant food on salad flats
Water in Blue Tank (lbs):
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
Tomatoes growing slow. No significant changes.
Baby greens showing good progress
Half flat for both salad mix and bled were harvested today. I replanted them again and will review progress during following days.
Cucumber and spinach not showing progress, I’ll re-plant them tomorrow.
Radishes showing good progress, will harvest them on Sunday.
Carrots and fennel growing very slow.
I will plant some more cilantro, parsley and basil tomororw on the blue flat.
Salad mix: 1/2 flat
Salad blend: 1/2 flat
Support/Supplies Needed:
Looking forward to test the new scales!
Best regards,
Walter A. Calles
Greenhab Officer & Co-Journalist
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