Sol Summary – April 2nd

Crew 191 Sol Summary Report
02 Apr 2018

Sol 09

Summary Title:
Water trouble
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

Mission Status:
in progress

Sol Activity Summary:
8:00 Briefing
10:30 EVA #10 for operational check and water trouble management (leader: Yusuke Murakami, Fumiei Morisawa, Makoto Kawamura) Habcom: Miho Tsukishiro
13:00 Supply of Water
13:30 Lunch
18:00 Gathering reports
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
RVA #9: CEM’s EVA (Venzha’s Project)

Anomalies in work:

Partly cloudy. Strong winds.

Crew Physical Status:

See EVA Report.

Reports to be file:
– SOL Summary Report
– Engineer Report
– GreenHab Report
– Photo Report with Description
– EVA Report
– EVA Request
– HSO Report

Support Requested:

Commander Report – April 1st

In fact, on the real Mars missions, some of those project must be collaborate with earthling supporters. Because we, marsnauts never living alone. So today’s commander report and photo report become an example of a collaborated work with a specialist from Earth. The following article based on commander’s recollections, written by Taro Karasaki, Japanese writer of Asahi Weekly. And Crew191 did an outreach EVA today, to shoot some photos correspond related to the article.

Enjoy “A Day on Mars” adventure !

Crew191 Commander,
Yusuke Murakami

* * *

“A Day on Mars”
By Taro Karasaki, Japanese Writer of Asahi Weekly
Based on Recollections of MDRS Crew191 Commander Yusuke Murakami

“Wow – will you look at that!”
It was my colleague Emi again, pressing her smartphone against the windshield of our Mars exploration vehicle. “Stop the rover, please? I need to shoot this!”
Before our eyes was Olympus Mons, the tallest peak on Mars — in fact, the tallest known volcano in the solar system — its ridge glowing in the sunlight.
“Not again,” I said rolling my eyes as I watched the latest addition to our Mars exploration team, flailing her arms.
Emi is a personality-turned-essayist assigned to do a column for Asahi Weekly about life on this red planet and how English is being used by the crew as the lingua franca for space missions.
Since Emi arrived a few weeks ago, I found myself frustrated every time she whipped out her smartphone. Just when I thought she started to calm down after being warned of the harsh environment around us at base camp, one step outside she was back to her old self.
I tried to calm myself by reminding myself how I reacted when I saw my first crater two years ago. Pretty much the same – After 270 days confined aboard a crammed spaceship, you want to stretch out.
I was also all too aware that our company went out of its way to enlist Emi, whose spunky and outgoing character could help boost interest towards the Mars development project, and hopefully, our publication.
But we had an agenda – aside from taking photos and doing a video report today, we had to assist our geologist in collecting samples and keep alert for any signs of danger – and only an hour’s time during our EVA (extravehicular activity) to do it all before jumping back in the pressurized rover and returning to base.
We couldn’t put our mission, or our lives, at jeopardy so that one reporter could update her Instagram account. Calmly, I asked Emi the million-dollar question.
“How many flags did you see?”
“What flags?”
Just as I thought.
Completely excited about her first long distance roving mission, Emi had forgotten what I asked her before we left base camp. She hadn’t noticed the flag markers that were meticulously set up every 500 meters to mark the safest and fastest course to Mount Olympus. The first mission spent weeks braving sandstorms to set up the markers. Pretty soon she herself would be in charge of marking a new route.
“Make sure you count the flags on the way back,” I said firmly, without letting my irritation show. “Let’s go over our checklist once more.”
I have spent the last two years as a journalist documenting the construction of our base, the first step to creating a colony for possible emigration. So what is an ordinary guy like me – who failed math in high school and is not particularly athletic type – doing up here, you may ask.
I am one of a group of “generalists” who hail from various backgrounds and include teachers, sports trainers and carpenters. We work alongside the specialists – scientists and pilots – in the Mars mission.
“There is room for everyone up here,” as my mentor, Yusuke, a veteran Mars mission member, told me before I left Earth. Eventually, more people like us will be needed to create a sustainable environment in space.
As for myself, along with assisting the specialists (whom I observed and collected notes on during our long flight) I try to use my reporter’s eye to look out for slight changes in human behavior, which could help prevent unwanted tensions in our closed environment. Sometimes a little small talk can do wonders to soothe nerves.
In addition, I also studied horticulture before embarking on this mission, and I it’s my duty to take care of the vegetable patch at base camp.
Our rover rumbled to a stop. I watched as Emi eagerly got into her spacesuit before the seat belt signs were turned off. As I saw her nimbly walk to the hatch, I knew I needed to interrupt.
“Aren’t we forgetting something? Don’t make me write your obituary.” I tried to get the message across without sounding too harsh: Anything can go wrong. A sandstorm could suddenly wallop us. A system malfunction could interrupt our fieldwork. We needed to stick to the rules as there is little leeway for error.
“Rodger that,” she grumbled, before going through the routine check to see if the oxygen supply was working and all communication systems functioned.

* * *

“Wow,” was all I could say. Rising over 20 kilometers in the sky, or more than twice the height of Mount Everest, Olympus Mons was formidable. What looked from our spaceship like a blister rising up from the otherwise smooth terrain was now a massive wall standing imposingly before us.
We cautiously approached what appeared to be a ledge. Surrounding Olympus is a deep trench, measuring about two kilometers deep in some places. Keeping one eye on my colleague as she busily snapped away at the chasm and the giant formation rising before us, as well as our geologist, I quickly retrieved vials containing soil samples that might give us a better idea about what Mars was like when water is said to have existed in abundance on its now dry surface. After labeling them, I placed them in order in the carrying case.
“Taro-san, your space pen,” I turned around to see Emi standing beside me. “It looks like you’re running out of ink.” I looked down at the vials. She was right. I could still read what I had written, but the lines were getting thinner. Emi offered her brand-new pen.
Before we know it, our time is up, and we climb aboard the rover. The drive back to base camp is long and our mission is not yet over. We still have to drop off extra fuel cells at depots along the way so that the next team won’t have to worry about running out of power when they come out here. And there is some unfinished business for Emi.
“Remember to keep an eye out for those flags,” I tell Emi, and she nods, her pen and notebook in hand.

* * *

Emi smiled as she heard my stomach growl. We had now entered the base camp and removed our gear. It had been a long day, and I’d forgotten all about eating.
I am told that a sukiyaki party will be held – a ritual to greet our new team members and send off those who will soon finish their tour of duty.
While it will be mostly freeze-dried beef, tofu and konnyaku (devil’s tongue), at least the shungiku (garland chrysanthemum) and green onions will be local produce. Already I’m worrying again if the crew that stayed behind heeded my words and harvested the right batch and left the young leaves to grow some more.
There is so much I have to pass on to Emi and so little time. And there are things she must learn by herself.
For now, at least, it’s probably time to sit down and enjoy a well-deserved meal.














* * *
By Taro Karasaki

We are proud to announce that an article titled “A Day on Mars” collaborated with MDRS Crew191 Commander Yusuke Murakami, will be published in the April 1 issue of Asahi Weekly in Japan.
This week, our travelogue writer takes us to Planet Mars. The third planet in the solar system is known for its diverse terrain, and its tallest peak Olympus Mon rises above 20,000 meters.
As you may be aware by now, April 1st is April Fools’ Day. In many countries, newspapers prominently run articles with such outlandish headlines as “Martians Visit Earth.” The Asahi Weekly took the liberty to run its own “April Fools’ Day story.” Since the 1960s many countries have sent Mars probes in hopes of observing the red planet. However, no human has actually stepped foot on Mars.
On the other hand, there are people who have experienced living for prolonged periods of time in environments similar to that on Mars. In a bid to create a realistic feel, we sought the advice of architect Yusuke Murakami, an expert in architecture in extreme environments. Murakami participated in simulated long term missions at Arctic and desert facilities organized by the U.S.-based “The Mars Society.” The article is based upon recollections of his experience in these remote and harsh environments.
A point made repeatedly by Murakami during our interview and worth mentioning: As mentioned in the travelogue, in the future, those who will be involved in the exploration of Mars will include people hailing from a wide background of careers and walks of life; not just “specialists” as pilots and scientists. When you come to think of it, travel to Mars — and a travelogue — may no longer seem like an “outlandish” story after all.

EVA Report – April 1st

EVA Report
EVA #8 – 01 Apr 2018 – Sol8
Crew members: Miho Tsukishiro (EVA leader), Fumiei Morisawa, Makoto Kawamura, Wataru Okamoto

– Operational check
– Outreach EVA (Yusuke’s Project)

13:30 – Entering the airlock
13:33 – EVA start
15:08 – BACK
16:03 – Entering the Airlock
16:06 – Enter HAB

Today is another day-off, but we do EVA for the outreach project of our commander Yusuke Murakami. For his commender report, we had photo-shooting on Mars: on the Hab Ridge and around the HAB. Because of good preparing before EVA, the shooting went very well and we got satisfactory results.

– 2 Rovers (Curiosity & Spirit)

Operations Report – April 1st

Crew 191 Operations Report 01/04/2018

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Wataru Okamoto

Non-nominal systems: Solar system
Notes on non-nominal systems: Solar system seems still unusual from Sol5. Please reference under General notes.

Generator (hours run): 12.5hours

Solar SOC 100% (Before generator is run at night)

Diesel Almost FULL

Propane 71psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) ? 6gallons.

Water (trailer) 20 %

Water (static) 90 %

Trailer to Static Pump used ? –

Water (loft) Static to Loft Pump used Yes

Water Meter: 132912.6
Toilet tank emptied: No

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) –

Oil Added –

ATV Fuel Used: –
Hours the ATVs were Used today: –

Notes on ATVs: –

Deimos rover used: –
Hours: 117.0h
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: Morisawa
Hours: 29.2h
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: –
Hours: 28.4h
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: plugged

Curiosity rover used: Okamoto
Hours: 23.8h
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? –

General notes and comments: Solar system seems still unusual from Sol5. SOC battery capacity was 67% in this morning. But it became 100% after 5 minutes since we turned off the diesel generator. We are keeping a detailed monitoring. We attach SOL8 parameter.

Summary of internet: Under control

Summary of suits and radios: We are checking radios sensitivity.

Summary of Hab operations: No problem

Summary of GreenHab operations: No problem

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Only use checking the solar system.

Summary of RAMM operations: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: No problem

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: We want to charge the battery exchanged No.5 backpack. External Voltage converter in the tool box seem to have been not work. We search another one.
We supplied a PLEXUS spray and a GTX radio. Thank you.

GreenHab Report – April 1st

GreenHab Report
Kai Takeda
1 APR 2018

Environmental control: (Choose which of the following is appropriate and explain further if needed)

Ambient with window/door open
Shade cloth on
Fan on (9:45~18:30)

Average temperatures: 27.3℃
Low 14.6℃
High 39.6℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8gal

Time(s) of watering for crops: three times

Moringa research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No

Aquaponics: None

Dear Dr.Shannon
Thank you for your e-mail this morning.
I’ve judged whether I should water or not by state of soil.
Today I put more water than before.

Support/supplies needed: None

Crew Photos – April 1st

SOL Essay (photo description)
01 Apr 2018

Sol 08
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

For the outreach project of our commander Yusuke Murakami, we did photo-shooting on Mars during today’s EVA. The commander report, which also published on a Japanese newspaper today, tells “a day on Mars” as we all are actually there, because it’s April Fool. In the following pictures, the EVA team performed characters in the article: Leader Taro, journalist Emi and the geologist. So please see these pictures with today’s commander report!

Sol Summary – April 1st

Crew 191 Sol Summary Report
01 Apr 2018

Sol 08

Summary Title:
A Day Off and the Outreach Project
Miho Tsukishiro (XO)

Mission Status:
in progress

Sol Activity Summary:
9:30 Briefing
12:00 Lunch
13:30 EVA #8 (leader: Miho Tsukishiro, Fumiei Morisawa, Makoto Kawamura, Wataru Okamoto) Habcom: Yusuke Murakami
18:00 Gathering reports
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
RVA #9: Outreach EVA (Venzha’s Project)

Anomalies in work:

Sunny. Mild winds.

Crew Physical Status:

See EVA Report.

Reports to be file:
– SOL Summary Report
– Engineer Report
– GreenHab Report
– Photo Report with Description
– EVA Report
– EVA Request
– Commander Report

Support Requested:

Operations Report – March 31st

Crew 191 Operations Report 31/03/2018


Name of person filing report: Wataru Okamoto

Non-nominal systems: Solar System, Trailer water

Notes on non-nominal systems:

  • – Solar system seems still unusual from Sol5. We are keeping a detailed monitoring. The system shows us P05 means the charger itself works well, but the number of SOC gave us wrong parameter. We will keep monitoring tomorrow.
  • – There are white Chemical substances on the water in trailer tank. I attach the photo.

Generator (hours run): 13hours

Solar SOC 89% (Before generator is run at night)

Diesel Almost FULL

Propane 72psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) ? 6gallons.

Water (trailer) 20%

Water (static) 100%

Trailer to Static Pump used ? no

Water (loft) Static to Loft Pump used yes

Water Meter: 132889.1
Toilet tank emptied: no

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) –

Oil Added –

ATV Fuel Used: N/A
Hours the ATVs were Used today: N/A

Notes on ATVs: N/A

Deimos rover used: –
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: –
Beginning charge:100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: –
Hours: 28.4h
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: –
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

HabCar used and why, where? –

General notes and comments: Solar system seems unusual from before yesterday. The findings of the monitoring are that solar charger system looks fine, but the number of monitor telling us wrong result for some while. We will keep monitoring. We attach the file of SOL7 solar battery parameter.

Summary of internet: Under control

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are all fine. We will make the list of radios.

Summary of Hab operations: No problem

Summary of GreenHab operations: No problem

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Only use checking the solar system.

Summary of RAMM operations: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: No problem

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: N/A

EVA Report – March 31st

EVA Report

EVA #7 – 31 Mar 2018 – Sol7
Crew members: Fumiei Morisawa (EVA leader), Kai Takeda

– Operational check
– Water moving from Sub tank to Main tank

14:05 – Entering the airlock
14:08 – EVA start
14:53 – BACK
14:54 – Entering the Airlock
14:57 – Enter HAB

Today is day-off so today’s EVA was engineering check only. As CREW191 mission reached turnaround point, we moved water from sub-tank to main tank. In the operation we found something like glue on the surface of water in sub-tank. That looks like something chemical materials rather than biological pollution. Anyway, it may be just a little unpleasant for our health.

– none

Greenhab Report – March 31st

GreenHab Report
Kai Takeda
31 MAR 2018

Environmental control: (Choose which of the following is appropriate and explain further if needed)

Ambient with window/door open
Shade cloth on
Fan on (15:30~19:00)

Average temperatures: 29.8℃
Low 14.6℃
High 39.6℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 4gal

Time(s) of watering for crops: twice

Moringa research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No

Aquaponics: None

The battery system was in trouble today noon.
That’s why I couldn’t switch on the fan until 15:30.

Support/supplies needed: None

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