GreenHab Report – November 24th

Sol 2 – 24/11/2017

Green Hab Officer Jordan Bowden

Average temperature: 27.3 C in Greenhouse / 9.6 C Outside

Time 11:00 16:30 19:00
Temperature inside (°C) 46 C 19 C 17 C
Temperature outside (°C) 16 C 7 C 6 C
% Humidity 17% 16% 26 %

Changes to crops:  Everything is growing well. The adult tomato plants are no longer wilted.

Daily water usage for crops: 4 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops:  11:00, 16:30

Daily watering and amount of water used:   2 gallons used at each watering, 4 gallons total.

Narrative: Greetings CapCom, things are going well in the Green Hab on Sol 2!

I noticed that it was very hot in the Green Hab when I checked it at 11:00 this morning (46C); I will be sure to open the ventilation tomorrow by 8AM. Otherwise, all crops are healthyl.

I installed lighting timer in the Green Hab today, so the grow lights are now online from 17:00-21:00.

Not much else to report. Outside my duties as Green Hab Officer, I set up our 3D printer server, designed two 3D printable medical devices, and explored Lith Canyon during our EVA.

All the best,

Jordan Bowden

Green Hab Officer

Operations Report – November 24th

Crew 183 Operations Report 24-11-2017

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:

Power system – SOC

Notes on non-nominal systems:

The power system calculates SOC based on an algorithm, it is not a measured value. This has been causing strange fluctuations on when reading the SOC.



6:32       61%

9:25       69%

10:11     100%

11:40     100%

16:10     88%

18:37     100%

Generator (hours run): 14

Solar— 100%

Diesel –  62%

Propane –  42% volume

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons remaining

Water (trailer) – 100 gallons added to static

Water (static) –   325 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –  yes

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  45

Toilet tank emptied: yes

ATV’s Used: Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used:  5 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 3

Notes on ATVs: ATV 350.1 had a bit of trouble starting up upon return from EVA. Once it got going everything seemed to be fine. We’ll keep an eye on this for the next few SOLs.

Deimos rover used:   Yes

Hours: 1

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 90%

Currently charging: Yes


Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:



Spirit rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:



Opportunity rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

HabCar used and why, where? NO

General notes and comments:

The SOC readings seem off. Looking to further investigate this matter.

Summary of internet:

We hit our internet limit around 20:00.

Summary of suits and radios:

Not used

Summary of Hab operations:

Everything is in good shape. We had some bomb crab biscuits for dinner.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

A new lighting timer has been delivered and installed in the GreenHab.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

New lights have been delivered. Tomorrow, we need to install lightbulbs and test.

Summary of RAMM operations:

Not used. It is not yet fully operational.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Four carbon monoxide detectors have been ordered.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-Dear mission support, how exactly does the SOC reading on the power system operate? We have had fluctuations in the SOC readings which do not correlate closely with our estimated values of power generation and power consumption (Please refer to SOC Readings table above).

-We have no additional supply of gasoline for the ATVs. All that’s left is what’s in the vehicles. We need fuel ASAP!

Sol Summary – November 23rd

Sol Summary Report

November 23, 2017

Julielynn Wong, Crew 183 Mission Commander

Mission Status: Crew 183 received MDRS orientation training from MDRS Director, Shannon Rupert and EVA training from Crew 182 Geologist, Brandon Ferguson.

Sol Activity Summary: Yesterday, Crew 183 unloaded our equipment and personal items from our Tesla Model S vehicle.  Our Crew Astronomer and Engineer conducted night-time astral photography.  Our Greenhab Officer and Crew engineer assembled our portable off-grid power systems.

Today Crew 183 hiked around MDRS to observe the local geography.  We set up our Medical Maker Lab workstation on the first level of the habitat.  We have assembled all three of our humanitarian 3D printing systems (H3DPS-LM) which are operational.  We printed our dental tool file designed for the ISS and completed the print log.  Our Crew Engineer and Greenhab Officer have now built the systems to measure (i) power usage for each print and (ii) power generation by our bike and solar-powered 3D printing systems.  The Mission Commander prepared our breakfast and Thanksgiving dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: Preparing for sim on 0700 MST 2017-11-25 (Sol 3) and 0700 MST 2017-11-27 (Sol 5).

Anomalies in work:  Out of sim.

Weather:  Calm, sunny and warm.

Crew Physical Status:  Healthy

EVA: Crew Astronomer, Crew Engineer, and Greenhab Officer participated in an EVA led by our Crew Geologist.

Reports to be filed:

GreenHab Report
HSO Report
Operations Report
EVA Report
Astronomer Report
Support Requested: None
Julielynn Wong, MD, MPH
Crew 183 Mission Commander

EVA Report – November 23rd

EVA #1 Report

Today we conducted an out-of-sim EVA to the Dinosaur Quarry area, starting at approximately 3:00 PM. Ashton, Toluwa, Jordan, and I went on this EVA, each of us on our own ATV. The main purpose of today’s EVA was to drive the Blue 300 ATV longer than 5 km, so that its battery could recharge.

Before we set out, we did our ATV / Rover training, which lasted for about 20 minutes. Then we had to jumpstart the Blue 300 ATV, which had a low battery. By about 3:00 PM, we had the blue ATV running and ready to go. It took approximately 15-20 minutes for us to get there.

Once we arrived, I had a bit of a scare trying to restart the Blue ATV. It wouldn’t start at all! Then I realized that it was still in High. So I switched it to neutral and it started without any problem.

We spent over an hour in this area, following the canyon from the quarry site until we ended up in Lith Canyon, at the site where my EVA for crew 182 was conducted. We passed by one of the sites where I previously took regolith samples from. Just around the corner from this site was a large pile of petrified wood. Amazingly, these specimens look like fresh kindling wood, ready for the fireplace.

By around 4:30 PM, we made our way back to the ATVs, drove back to the hab, and returned by approximately 4:50 PM.

Have a great night Mission Support!

Prepared by Brandon Ferguson

EVA Officer

GreenHab Report – November 23rd

Sol 1 – 23/11/2017

Green Hab Officer Jordan Bowden

Average temperature:

Time 19:50
Temperature inside (°C) 19 C
Temperature outside (°C) 7 C
% Humidity 19 %

Changes to crops:  N/A – First day of mission

Daily water usage for crops: 3 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops:  19:50

Daily watering and amount of water used: 2.5

Narrative: We received our orientation late this morning, and as such I’ve only begun my work in the Greenhab. It’s an exciting place though: previous crew have left a growing crop of tomatoes, radishes, beans, and other crops. I was advised to use four gallons of water per day, but I only used 2.5 gallons, as the crops appeared to be well watered in the morning.

When I checked its status of the Greenhab at 19:50, the heater was not heating – not sure if it is supposed to be online at this time. It was working earlier today when checked at 12:00. In the end I sorted out that the thermostat was set to ~60 F. Please advise what the appropriate temperature should be.

I’m here mainly as a 3D Printing specialist – I’m wondering if there are any components to improve the work in the Greenhab that I could create?

Have a wonderful night everyone, I’m looking forward to another beautiful day on Mars.

All the best,

Jordan Bowden

Operations Report – November 23rd

Operations Report

Crew 183 Operations Report – 23 Nov 2017

SOL: 1

Name of person filing report:  Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER: Water heater is still not installed. Hopefully this will be put into place soon.

Generator—  The generator has been turned on at 18:10.
















Diesel – 63 %

Oil Pressure: 47.5 PSI

Propane – 43% volume

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 1 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 40 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  47 gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  no

ATV’s Used: Yes

Oil Checked:  No

Atv Fuel Used Gals:  3  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 2 hours

Deimos used:  Yes

Hours: 0.5 hours

Beginning charge:  100%

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: No

HabCar used? No

Notes and Comments:
The door to the Science Dome was not closing properly. The metal latch had been bent and was no longer sliding and latching the door. I was able to bend the metal back into place and the latch is now operational again.

We are having some issues with the power system. At 18:10 the SOC was at 62%. The generator was then turned on, but after 2.6 hours of using the generator, the SOC is still at 62%. My first thought is simply that it’s not reading correctly, but I am slightly concerned that it’s not charging properly.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

The GreenHab is looking in pretty good shape. There is a red wheelbarrow which has yet to be assembled. The axel is long enough to house the wheels, and all the parts are present, however there are protruding metal sleeves covering part of the axel. If this metal could be removed, then the wheels would easily slide on.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:


Summary of health and safety issues:

The carbon monoxide detector is not working, even with new batteries it won’t turn on.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-We are going to need gasoline for the ATVs ASAP.

-We need to figure out this whole power system.

Sol Summary – November 22nd

Sol Summary Report

November 22, 2017

A quiet day is a good day on Mars

Shannon Rupert, MDRS Director

Mission Status: Good.  Crew 183 has arrived and will begin their
one-week mission tomorrow.

Sol Activity Summary: We spent the morning and much of the afternoon
cleaning the Hab.  Late in the afternoon, we both took a break and did
a little exploration. Crew 183 arrived at the station at 7:30 pm.

Look Ahead Plan: Training tomorrow for Crew 183.

Anomalies in work:  Out of sim.

Weather:  Calm, sunny and wonderfully warm.

Crew Physical Status:  We are both fine.  I personally am very tired tonight.

EVA: Brandon went exploring to the south this afternoon, and I went
north to the southernmost branch of Tank Wash.  It was amazing.

Reports to be file: Sol Summary and Operations Report.

Support Requested: Will someone be standing by to add the crew to the
Mission Support eList?  I’m worried because it is Thanksgiving.

Operations Report – November 22nd

Crew 182+ Operations Report  22NOV2017

SOL: n/a

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Non-nominal systems: Lower deck wall heater is now operational, but
forced air furnace continues to alternate between warm and cool air.

I keep forgetting to report than the porthole came out of the main
airlock again.

Notes on non-nominal systems: nothing to report

Generator (hours run): Ran until 9 am, then off until 5:45 pm

Solar— SOC 97 % when generator was turned on

Diesel –  not checked %

Propane –  not checked psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons.

Water (static) –  350 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –  no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  not known

Water Meter:  not checked

Toilet tank emptied: Yesterday

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) 350 s moved to their normal place

Oil Added? no

ATV Fuel Used:  not known Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 5 min

Notes on ATVs: The 300’s battery is low, did not jump today.

Deimos rover used:  yes


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR, not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used:  Not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Opportunity rover used:  not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Curiosity rover used:  no yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

HabCar used? Yes, hauled 100 gallons of water and emptied the 100
gallons Brandon got yesterday

General notes and comments: Cleaning day

Summary of internet: not known

Summary of suits:  I checked all of them today.  Two more chargers not
functional.  Unfortunately one of the helmets was cracked in such a
way that it will not be repairable.  Removed from service.  One of the
backpacks is missing one of the two straps that hold the collar on the

Summary of Hab operations: Brandon and I cleaned the Hab.  It took all
morning and then some.  Looking good now.

Summary of GreenHab operations:  Watered.  Used 4 gallons.  Removed
hose from frost free faucet.  Crews should get water from faucet
without hose from now until spring to prevent freeze up.  I’ve been
thinking I may get the 55 gallon drum from town to keep water in
inside the GreenHab.  It might also increase humidity, which seems to
stay around 16 %.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAMM operations:  Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues:  We are safe and we are healthy.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:  Nothing, thank you.

Sol Summary – November 20th

Sol Summary Report

November 20, 2017

…and new civilizations…

Shannon Rupert, MDRS Director

Mission Status: Still not in sim.  Still just Brandon and I although
we had many visitors today working on the preparations for the arrival
of the RAMM, our new repair and maintenance module, which lands on
station at 10 am tomorrow.

Sol Activity Summary:  I spent some time in the GreenHab this morning,
and this afternoon Brandon and I parted ways: he went to explore Coal
Mine Wash and then got water and I went to the canyon I discovered
last winter and explored.  I found evidence of a drying inland sea and
Brandon found the pond was already frozen in Coal Mine Wash.  He also
found the overlook on Skyline Rim.

Look Ahead Plan:  RAMM arrives, we clean and prep for Crew 183.  I
just realized that Crew 183 won’t be here tomorrow but rather the next
day. But I also just today realized that this week is Thanksgiving in
the US, so my timeline is all messed up!

Anomalies in work:  Other than not being in sim, it was just another
day on Mars.

Weather:  Calm, sunny and cold…again.

Crew Physical Status:  We are both fine.

EVA: Brandon out of sim in the HabCar to Coal Mine Wash, me in rover
to Discovery Canyon (for lack of a better name).

Reports to be file: Sol Summary and Operations Report.  No photos.

Support Requested: None at this time.

Operations Report – November 20th

Crew 182+ Operations Report  20NOV2017

SOL: n/a

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Non-nominal systems: same as yesterday, except the generator is
running well again

Notes on non-nominal systems:  Generator run all night last night, so
we don’t know if the last failure was due to the diesel or needing

Generator (hours run): 24

Solar— SOC 100 %

Diesel –  63 %

Propane –  not known psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons.

Water (static) –  150 gallons (Brandon is currently bringing 100
gallons but we will need to make a couple more trips tomorrow.

Trailer to Static Pump used –  no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  not known

Water Meter:  not checked

Toilet tank emptied: not that I know of

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) All 5 were moved to make
space for the big equipment preparing for the RAMM’s arrival tomorrow

Oil Added? no

ATV Fuel Used:  0Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 5 min each

Notes on ATVs: The 300’s battery is low, will need to jump it tomorrow

Deimos rover used:  yes


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR, not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used:  Not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Opportunity rover used:  not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Curiosity rover used:  no yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

HabCar used? Yes

General notes and comments:  The new rovers need to be put together
and the seats modified (except for Sojourner).  Not yet started on
this project.  Will charge the other three tomorrow.

Summary of internet:  Internet was upgraded at Shannon’s, but the
phone does not work properly.  Internet seems as good as before it
went bad, but not blindingly faster even with the upgrade.  Wifi is
turned off to this service.  Hab internet is good.

Summary of suits:  n/a, not used

Summary of Hab operations: The forced air furnace is still
periodically blowing cold air.  Need to clean the filter tomorrow then
order some as soon as possible to see if that is the problem.

Summary of GreenHab operations:  I moved the beans to the wooden bench
and provided cages for their continued growth.  Other plants were
organized.  I prepped 10 pots for moringa seeds.  Ordered further
supplies: timer for lights, environmental monitor, herb and lettuce
seeds with planters

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Ordered two floor lamps for evening
light.  We will have to clean the lab tomorrow as it is not in
changeover condition.

Summary of RAMM operations:  The area was leveled and the swale was
dug so that water will go around the building during rain and runoff.
The RAMM left California this evening and will be onsite at 10 am.  It
will be lowered onto a railroad tie frame to keep it off the ground.

Summary of health and safety issues:  Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:  Nothing, thank you.

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