EVA Report – December 13th

Crew 200 EVA Report 12-13-2018

EVA #6

Author: Lindsay Rutter

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations that allow radio communication
between EVA crew and HabCom around Phobos Peak 2) Test how EVAs can
safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crew, including
rover use.

Start time: 14:12

End time: 16:00

Narrative: With media guests visiting the habitat today, our EVA was
pushed back in time, which was authorized by Shannon. We continued our
communication and radio strength and connectivity testing protocol
today. Our EVA began with an engineering check. We then used
Opportunity to drive north on Cow Dung Road. We intended to stop at
the west end of Stream Bed Connector, but we inadvertently stopped at
the east end of Galileo Road 1104, which we walked along for almost
its entirety. Through our GPS system and our communications with
HabCom, we realized we were probably on Galileo Road 1104 and so we
returned back to the west end of it. We then continued driving
Opportunity northward. We intended to explore areas about 1 kilometer
north of Reservoir Dam, but by the time we were 0.2 kilometers north
of Reservoir Dam, we had lost connectivity with HabCom for several
consecutive radio tests. This lack of connectivity continued even when
we parked the rover and stood on higher points. We decided to return
driving south, communicating with HabCom throughout the return,
sometimes having to park the rover and stand on higher points.
Arriving back at the habitat about fifteen minutes early, we explored
the hills on the west side of the habitat, still following our
communication and radio strength and connectivity testing protocol. We
are excited to report that the battery usage on Opportunity was much
more efficient than it has been lately.

Destination: Galileo Road 1104, above 0.2 kilometers north of Reservoir Dam

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519100 E – 4252000 N, 518250 E – 4253000 N

Participants: Makiah, Lindsay

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Driving on Cow Dung Road and walking
on Galileo Road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

EVA Report – December 12th

Crew 200 EVA Report 12-12-2018

EVA #5

Author: Antoine Bocquier

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations that allow radio communication
between EVA crew and HabCom around Phobos Peak 2) Test how EVAs can
safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crew, including
rover use.

Start time: 10:35

End time: 12:30

Narrative: The media filming around the Hab this morning, we had to
delay a bit our planned EVA. In addition, in agreement with Shannon
they were using the rovers, so we had to change our plans and perform
a walking EVA. We chose to go to Phobos Peak, which we could not reach
on our EVA monday, to map the radio coverage.
The walking went very fine (30mn to get to Phobos Peak), once there,
we walked north up to Mountain Goat Trail before coming back to the
Hab by the north. Radio link was pretty clear all along, we estimated
that Phobos Peak could be a very good location to settle a radio relay
(to explore eastern areas) and may be accessible on its northern side.
We are currently processing the acquired data (radio check every 2mn +
GPS positions) to complete our radio coverage map.

Destination: Phobos Peak + Southern part of Mountain Goat Trail

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519500 E – 4250500 N

Participants: Lindsay, Antoine

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : N/A

Mode of travel: walking

EVA Report – December 11th

Crew 200 EVA Report 11-12-2018

EVA #4

Author: Antoine Bocquier

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations that allow radio communication between EVA crew and HabCom, in northern and southern regions 2) Test how EVAs can safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crew, including rover use.

Start time: 9:10

End time: 10:55

Narrative: After the engineering tour, we drove with Curiosity to the north, then to the south to explore and map the regions of communication strength/readibility. We applied a communication protocol to control the radio strength/readability (QSA/QRK codes) every minute and communicate GPS coordinates every 5mn.
We first drove to Galileo road, planning to stop for a short walk at Connector Stream Bed. However we did not find both of them, being focused on our communication test protocol and with the recent snow melting. We went further than expected to the north, up to cowboy’s corner where we stopped as we realized from the transmitted coordinates that we were too far.
On our way back to the Hab to change the rover and go to the south, we confirmed the location of Connector Stream Bed. Arrived at the Hab at 9:50, we took Opportunity to go to Robert’s Rock Garden, applying the same communication protocol. From there we walked along Kissing Camel Ridge Edge to complete yesterday’s mapping of this area. We then drove back and came back on time at the Hab. Analysis of the acquired data is in process and the first results are promising!

Destination: Galileo Road (up to Cowboy Corner) + Robert’s Rock Garden

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000 E – 4249300 N to 519000 E – 4252500 N

Participants: Makiah, Antoine

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Cow Dung Road by driving, walking along Kissing Camel East Ridge

Mode of travel: driving, walking

EVA Report – December 10th

Crew 200 EVA Report 10-12-2018

EVA #3

Author: Antoine Bocquier

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations around the habitat that allow for radio communication between EVA crew and HabCom, 2) Test how EVAs can safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crews.

Start time: 10:35

End time: 12:30

Narrative: Crew conducted first 3-crew member EVA to explore and map the regions of communication strength/readibility. We applied a
communication protocol to control the radio strength/readability (QSA/QRK codes) every minute and communicate GPS coordinates every 5mn. We planned contingency plans for loss of signal and navigation. Afterwards, the crew mapped the locations of perceived path by each crew member against the estimated path based on recorded GPS coordinates. We could not explore as much area as planned (we planned to have a walk to Phobos’s Peak) given the time left but the experiment was a success, both on the EVA crew and HabCom sides for a 3-member crew.

Destination: Kissing Camel East Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519000 E – 4249500 N to 518500 E – 42505000 N

Participants: Makiah, Lindsay

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : N/A

Mode of travel: walking

Mission Support Crew 200 EVA Report December 6th

EVA #2

Author: Makiah Eustice
Purpose of EVA: Engineering check, experiencing walking/hiking,
finding purple samples

Start time: 10:50

End time: 13:00

Narrative: Makiah performed the engineering check of the station, we
traveled until we could spot purple-like regolith. We hiked about 12
meters to collect a sample and view the landscape. We walked back.

Destination: Not-named

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000 E – 4250000 N to 518000 E – 4252000 N

Participants: Oakley, Makiah Ilaria, Lindsay

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : not used, short travel

Mode of travel: walking

EVA#5 Report – November 15th

Crew 198 EVA report 15-11-2018

EVA #: 5

Simulation of medical contingencies during EVA.

EVA Participants: Bindhu, Jayne, Aakar, Joe, Chuck, Andrei, Dan, Andy, Ben

Location: 12S Easting: 517500 Northing: 4150500

EVA Objectives: Simulation of medical contingencies during EVA.

Results: Medical contingencies successfully simulated

Issues/Mitigation: none

ATVs x3, Spirit, Curiosity, Opportunity

EVA Report Nov 14th

Crew 198 EVA report 14-11-2018

EVA #: 4

Simulation of medical contingencies during EVA.

Participants: Bindhu, Jayne, Aakar, Joe, Chuck, Andrei, Dan, Andy, Ben

Location: 12S 519800 4251500

EVA Objectives: Simulation of medical contingencies during EVA.

Results: Medical contingencies successfully simulated

Issues/Mitigation: Curiosity’s battery died, rover needed to be abandoned for later retrieval

ATVs x3, Spirit, Curiosity, Opportunity

EVA Report – November 13th

EVA #2

We received our FAA clearance, called in our NOTAM, and successfully launched our rocket.

EVA Crew Members – All + MDRS Director (Approved by the Director to have all present to view the launch)


Approximately 500m northeast of the Hab.

EVA Objectives

Rocket Launch


We had a successful launch of the rocket. Initial estimates of an altitude are approximately 8,311 feet. We will have final data later today.



ATVs/Rovers Used

ATVs x 3, EVs x3

EVA report – november 12th

Crew 198 EVA Report 12-Nov-2018

EVA #2

Author: Dana Levin

Purpose of EVA: medical training, establishing com relay

Start time: 1300

End time: 1530

Narrative: relay established medical contingencies handles

Destination: Kissing Camel ridge west

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Easting: 518300

Northing: 4249300
Participants: Dan, Joe, Chuck, Jayne, Bindhu, Aakar, Andrei, Ben, Andy

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map Cowdung Road

Mode of travel:

ATVs x 3 (specifically approved by MDRS Director), EVs x3

EVA Report – October 25th

EVA Report For 25 October 2018 – EVA3
Author James Burk
Purpose of EVA:
1. Scout Candor Chasma for VR footage
2. Capture 360 and gimbaled camera footage of the MDRS and typical EVA activities.
3. Test out new suits and get feedback.
4. Test out GPS unit.
Destination: Candor Chasma
UTM NAT27 Coordinates: 4250500, 521500
Participants: Max Boyce (Lead), James Burk, Jim Ehrhart, Robert M. Narrative:
We travelled up the road to look for the crossroads to get to Candor but we were not able to find it the first time (or the second time). Eventually we crossed over to the eastbound road and approached the canyon. Around this time we lost connection with Habcom, and stopped our rovers. 2 of us climbed up a ridge (might have been Phobos Peak) to reestablish contact and scout the area. Once we were done, we realized that one of the two rovers was below 60%, and thus we had to immediately return to base.
From the engineering report: Opportunity experienced non-nominal behavior during EVA 3. Rover was carrying larger team members, Robert (5’7”) and James (6’9”) and their knees apparently hit the gear buttons randomly that resulted in the rover being in High gear for portions of the trip and rapid battery consumption. Approximately 100m from the Hab the rover was at 25% and the “motor overheat” lamp came on and the rover stopped. The crew pushed it back to its proper parking spot and used a spare extension cord from the GreenHab to plug it in.

EVA Report For 25 October 2018 – EVA4
Author James Burk
Purpose of EVA:
1. Scout Lith Canyon area for VR footage.
2. Capture 360 and gimbaled camera footage of the MDRS and typical EVA activities.
3. Test out new suits and get feedback.
4. Test out GPS units. Gather GPS waypoint data.
Destination: Lith Canyon
UTM NAT27 Coordinates: 4256046 519257
Participants: Max Boyce (Lead), Shannon Norrell, Marge Lipton, Robert M. Narrative:
All objectives achieved. The team drove the two rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) up to Lith Canyon. As soon as they reached the crossroads north of Pooh’s Corner, they lost Habcom communication as per EVA3. They were able to reach Lith Canyon and survey the area for VR. Also, they took several GPS coordinate readings of various landmarks which we thought future crews might find helpful. We have also converted these Lat/Long readings into NAT27 CONUS.

Mars Sign
Handheld (HH MM SS): 38.24.334 110.47.407
iPhone (Decimal – DDD): 38.4056 110.7903
UTM NAD27 CONUS: 4250840 518292

Pooh’s Corner
Handheld: 38.24.532 110.47.040
iPhone: 38.4081 110.7846
NAD27: 425118 518806

Crossroads Turnoff
Handheld: 38.25.058 110.46.886
iPhone: 38.4175 110.7812
NAD27: 4252162 519101

Route Sign
Handheld: 38.26.437 110.47.792
iPhone: 38.441 110.797
NAD27: 4254766 517716

Handheld: 38.27.118 110.47.462
iPhone: 38.4519 110.7909
NAD27: 4256129 517785

Lith Canyon
Handheld: 38.27.146 110.46.767
iPhone: 38.4525 110.7793
NAD27: 4256046 519257

Conversion tools we used:
Convert DDD to Hours, Minutes, Seconds –
https://gisgeography.com/decimal-degrees-dd-minutes-seconds-dms/ Convert – http://www.synnatschke.de/geo-tools/coordinate-converter.php

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