EVA Report – April 11th

EVA Report

EVA #4 – 11Apr2018 – Sol 3

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Andreaa Radulescu

Search and explore area of Route 1101 for wreckage

0730 Begin EVA
0745 Arrive at Route 1101
0800 Progress ~halfway down route 1101 – Explored area
0900 Began to RTB
0910 Stopped at Zubrin’s Head because we though we saw some wreckage Explored for 10 min,
9940 Head back inside hab

Explored the Area of Route 1101. Climbed to the west most peek and was able to establish comms with the HAB from there. Also found metals cans in the shape of a P. Could be from our lost crew member…but not determinable. No other wreckage found. Suggest exploration elsewhere… Upon return we checked the state of the tank in RAM. We removed it and drained the excess water and then replaced in RAM in prep for cleaning more at some later date.

1. Red ATV
2. Blue #2

EVA Report

EVA #5 – 11Apr2018 – Sol 3

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi

– Changed to an engineering EVA to secure hab from severe high winds
– Secured hab door, hab skirt, ladders, gear drift picked up and brought inside, broken wooden railing (and shards) brought inside
– Ensure that the hab is safe for the crew to remain in.

1630 – 1745

Today’s second EVA was turned into an engineering EVA due to a strong wind storm which presented an extreme safety hazard for our crew.

– None

EVA Report – April 10th

EVA Report

EVA #2 – 10Apr2018 – Sol 2

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Victoria Varone

– Further explore Marble Ritual site
– Document EVA
– Examine third water tank for state of cleanliness and usability.

0815 Begin EVA
0830 Arrive at Marble Ritual
0900 Explore surrounding areas
1000 Return to hab site
1015 Examine third hab water tank
1030 Head back inside hab

Today was the crew’s second EVA of our mission. Three crew members (out of 5) went to explore a nearby site and surrounding areas, obtaining a lot of documentation of interesting geologic structures and formations and searching for possible signs of life in the reddish dirt. To head back to the hab, we traveled a little further with our vehicles to check out the landscape and utilized a turning point to turn back around. Upon arriving back at the hab, the rest of our crew inside requested that we take a quick survey of our third water tank to prepare it for being moved and cleaned. After that, we went back into the hab lunch.

1. Spirit Rover
2. Opportunity Rover
3. Blue ATV #3


EVA Report

EVA #3 – 10Apr2018 – Sol 2

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Andreaa Radulescu

– Explore a new site
– Search for missing science experiments

1630 – Entering the airlock
1635 – Move third water tank to RAM
1645 – Lock RAM and proceed to EVA
1730 – Arrive at Camel Ridge
1830 – Leave Camel Ridge
1900 – Arrive back at the hab

Today’s afternoon EVA was an opportunity to explore the Martian surface a little further than we did the day before. First, we completed a task for the crew, which was to move the third external water tank into our RAM for cleaning during our next few EVAs. After locking it inside the RAM, we headed out onto the Martian surface to an area called Kissing Camel Ridge, where we hiked for the majority of our EVA. We ended up finding a small badge of our missing crew member and decided to hike further in the area. The hike used up a lot of our energy, so we capped off our EVA at a little over two hours and headed back to the hab.

1. Red ATV
2. Blue ATV #3

EVA Report – April 9th

EVA Report

EVA #1 – 09Apr2018 – Sol 1

Crew members: Commander Joe Dituri, GreenHab Officer Andreaa

– Operational check
– Water moving from Sub tank to Main tank

1700 – Entering the airlock
1700 – EVA Begin
1713 – Arrive at Marble Ritual
1739 – Approaching airlock
1740 – Enter airlock
1741 – Enter hab, EVA complete.

Today was the crew’s first EVA of our mission. Two crew members (out of 5) went on a short EVA to test out an ATV and Rover and familiarize themselves with the Martian landscape.

1. Demios Rover
2. Blue ATV #1

EVA Report – April 06th

EVA Report

EVA #16 – 6 Apr 2018 – Sol13
Crew members: Yusuke Murakami (EVA leader), Miho Tsukishiro, Fumiei Morisawa, Kai Takeda (HABCOM)

– Operational check
– Scouting EVA by the Officers
– The SIM finish ceremony of Crew191

10:18 – Entering into the airlock
10:21 – Depressurize finish, Operational check
10:29 – EVA start
13:02 – Put the HABCOM Radio into the Airlock
13:04 – Depressurize start of the Airlock
13:07 – Depressurize finish, Switch the HABCOM to EVA team
13:12 – Pressurize start of the Airlock
13:15 – Pressurize finish, HAB Crew entering into the Airlock
13:19 – Pressurize start of MARS
13:22 – Back to the Earth: Our SIM finish

Today’s EVA is a kind of a party given in appreciation of the our officers of Crew191 (Miho, Fumiei) service from the commander (Yusuke). Because Miho and Fumiei have withstood heavy pressure during this mission. Their expressions showed that this EVA will be a pleasant memory for the officers and of course for the commander. Yusuke was beside oneself with taking a officers’ picture with his camera. Their expression was so beautiful. After the EVA, we performed an closing ceremony of our SIM. Please read the operations above, then you could imagine our tricks!! We are all safely back to the Earth.

– Spirit (Miho), Curiosity (Yusuke), Deimos (Fumiei)

EVA Report – April 05th

EVA Report

EVA – 5 Apr 2018 – Sol12
Crew members: Wataru Okamoto (EVA leader) ,Yusuke Murakami, Fumiei Morisawa (HABCOM)

Objectives: 3 dimension survey

9:57 – Depressurize start
9:59 – Depressurize abort finish
10:01 – Re-Pressurize finish
10:07 – Depressurize start
10:10 – Depressurize start of the Airlock of RAM
10:11- EVA start
11:08 – Drone operation is finished
11:20 – Pressurize start
11:23 – Pressurize finished

Destination: Hab Area

Today we made 3 dimension model survey around the HAB. We flew the drone. We flew out of the prohibited area from the Hanksvill airport. Home position of Drone was on the hill behind the RAMM. We test basic mode at the beginning. After that we accomplished 3 dimension survey twice.


EVA Report – April 05th

EVA Report

EVA #15 – 5th April 2018 – Sol 12
Crew members: Kai Takeda (EVA leader), Makoto Kawamura, Venzha Christ

– Observing plants and lichens

13:32– Entering the airlock
13:35–Depressurize finished, Operational check started
13:55–Leaving the Hab, EVA started by pedestrinan
14:25–Arriving at destination(Merble Ritual)
15:01–Leaving Merble Ritual
15:01 – Back to the Hab
15:30 – Enter the Airlock
15:33 – Pressurize finished

I fulfilled my dream of observing plants and lichens around MDRS.
It is really thanks for my crew mate. The purpose of EVA was to examine psychological influence from plants to EVA members through observing plants. As a method of observing plants, we drew pictures of plants. I will send a questionnaires to EVA members about their change of interest in plants later on.

– None

EVA Report – April 4th

Hi CapCom,

this is the EVA #13 Report on sol 11.
*today we sent also EVA #12 Report.

Miho XO crew191

EVA Report

EVA #13 – 4 Apr 2018 – Sol11
Crew members: Yusuke Murakami (EVA leader), Makoto Kawamura, Fumiei Morisawa

– Operational check (ATV)
– Cleaning the small water tank (Hab Car)
– Cleaning the white water tank and restore the tank

13:54 – Entering the airlock
13:57 – EVA start, Operational check
14:00 – Depressurize start of RAM
14:03 – Depressurize finish of RAM
14:30 – Pressurize start of RAM
14:33 – Pressurize finish of RAM, start cleaning the tank
15:19 – Depressurize start of the Airlock of RAM
15:22 – Depressurize finish of the Airlock of RAM, MK and FM go outside the RAM
15:24 – MK and FM Entering the airlock
15:27 – Enter HAB
15:37 – Entering the airlock
15:40 – EVA start, go to RAM
15:45 – Pressurize start of the Airlock of RAM
15:48 – Pressurize finish of the Airlock of RAM
16:27 – Depressurize start of RAM
16:30 – Depressurize finish of RAM
16:56 – YM and FM deriverd the small tank to Shannon by Spirit
17:05 – Back to the HAB, restore the white tank
17:40 – Entering the airlock
17:43 – Enter HAB

Today was a bit tough day. We have to finish clean up the small tank of Hab Car and the white tank, and also have to restore them. If we could finish as soon as possible, means the prospect of reopening the water system will be certain. It takes much time to complete this task inside a sultry RAM, but we finally did it, what’s more in SIM. We live a full Mars life.

– Spirit

EVA report – April 4th

Hi CapCom,

this is the EVA #12 Report on sol 11.
*EVA #13 Report follows.

Miho XO crew191

EVA #12 – 04 April 2018 – Sol11
Crew members: Venzha Christ (leader), Fumiei Morisawa, and Wataru Okamoto

– Build another version of antenna (3rd) for Analog Signal Receiver
– Recording Signal from Sun Radiation

09:07 – Venzha Christ, Fumiei Morisawa, and Wataru Okamoto enter the airlock (1)
09:09 – Some problem with radio communication between EVA team and Habcom
09:11 – EVA team Exit the airlock
09:15 – EVA team check radio communication outside and decide to comeback to Hub
09:19 – EVA team check for all radio devices inside Hub
09:31 – Venzha Christ, Fumiei Morisawa, and Wataru Okamoto enter the airlock (2)
09:34 – EVA team Exit the airlock and begin for engineering check
09:53 – EVA team ready to start
Curiosity: Venzha Christ,
ATV: Fumiei Morisawa,
Deimos: Wataru Okamoto
09:57 – ATV had a problem to start the engine
10:04 – Fumiei Morisawa ask Hubcom to change the vehicle
10:07 – Fumiei Morisawa change to Opportunity Rover
10:08 – EVA start (All member)
10:20 – Arrived at site for recording
10:21 – Parking all rovers and EVA team start to walk
10:27 – Found the site for recording
10:28 – Explanation about how to put the antenna on site
10:30 – Start to build an antenna by Fumiei Morisawa and Wataru Okamoto
10:35 – Ready for antenna #01
10:41 – Ready for antenna #02
10:45 – Ready for antenna #03
10:51 – Ready for antenna #04
10:52 – Venzha Christ Start to Record
11:24 – Finish for recording process
11:25 – Fumiei Morisawa and Wataru Okamoto start to dismantling the antenna
11:36 – Finish and ready to go
11:42 – Arrive in parking area
11:45 – Leave the site
11:59 – Arrive
12:09 – Enter the airlock
12:12 – EVA end

EVA today was a Recording Signal from the DIY Analog Signal Receiver with another version of antenna for the 3rd time.
We explored to URC North Site area and found a good place for the project.
This project had a title : Space Weather Impacts On Climate,
: means that all weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle. Space Weather impacts numerous facets of everyday life, from where airplanes can safely fly, to how accurately a farmer plows his field. In addition, there are a large variety of phenomena that are driven by the variability of the sun over periods ranging from hours to years. The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself. By build an antenna we can get specific signal that will received by this Analog Signal Receiver.
As a result, we will analyze all signal and frequencies we got from today and will have a visualization from those signal.


– 3 Rovers (Curiosity: Venzha Christ, Opportunity: Fumiei Morisawa, Deimos: Wataru Okamoto)

EVA Report – April 03rd

EVA Report

EVA #11 – 3 Apr 2018 – Sol10
Crew members: Yusuke Murakami (EVA leader), Makoto Kawamura

– Operational check
– Cleaning the water tank

10:26 – Entering the airlock
10:28 – EVA start, Operational check
10:49 – Depressurize start of RAM
10:52 – Depressurize finish of RAM
10:54 – Entering RAM
10:56 – Pressurize start of RAM
10:59 – Pressurize finish of RAM, Start Cleaning the white tank
12:29 – Depressurize start of RAM
12:32 – Depressurize finish of RAM
12:44 – Entering the airlock
12:47 – Enter HAB

After the EVA#9 team had leaved the HAB, Yusuke and Makoto started an operational EVA with a brush, towels, cleaner, and water for washing. We had already put the contaminated white tank inside the RAM on SOL9. As you know “RAM” is an abbreviation of the “Repair and Assembly Module”, but it never used as a purpose. So, today is the Memorial Day of RAM! Yusuke and Makoto got down into the tank only with underwear and cleaned it. Sometime they need to put their head out of a narrow mouth of the tank for breathing as a seal. We couldn’t complete cleaning the tank during this EVA, but almost done. The operation never realized without RAM. Thanks RAM!!!

– none

EVA Report – April 03rd

EVA #9 – 03 April 2018 – Sol10
Crew members: Venzha Christ (leader), Miho Tsukishiro, Kai Takeda

– Build another version of antenna for Analog Signal Receiver
– Recording Signal from Sun Radiation

09:00 – Venzha Christ, Miho Tsukishiro,and Kai Takeda enter the airlock
09:03 – Exit the airlock and check for Deimos
09:08 – EVA start (All member)
09:25 – Arrived at site, as an alternative site for recording
09:28 – Explanation about how to put the antenna on site
09:31 – Start to build an antenna by Miho Tsukishiro and Kai Takeda
09:34 – Ready for antenna #01
09:39 – Ready for antenna #02
09:45 – Ready for antenna #03
09:50 – Ready for antenna #04
09:55 – Venzha Christ Start to Record
10:23 – Finish for recording process
10:27 – Leave the site
10:42 – Arrive
10:48 – Enter the airlock
10:51 – EVA end

EVA today was a Recording Signal from the DIY Analog Signal Receiver with another version of antenna
We explored to URC South Site area and found a good place for the project.
This project had a title : Space Weather Impacts On Climate,
: means that all weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle. Space Weather impacts numerous facets of everyday life, from where airplanes can safely fly, to how accurately a farmer plows his field. In addition, there are a large variety of phenomena that are driven by the variability of the sun over periods ranging from hours to years. The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself. By build an antenna we can get specific signal that will received by this Analog Signal Receiver.
As a result, we will analyze all signal and frequencies we got from today and will have a visualization from those signal.


– 1 Rovers (Deimos: Miho Tsukishiro)

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