Commander Report – December 19th

Dear Atila, Here is the Commander report of today. Thank you

The crew has worked quite well. Everyone is focused on their projects, daily tasks and no personal problems have shown between the team. Today at night we will talk about how we have felt about our daily activities and about our personal habits, it´s important to know if there is something that bothers us to avoid future problems.

We know that day 7 is the point where the energy of the crew begins to slow down, it´s a critical point and the XO and I want to monitor this.

During the EVA, four crew members carried out their activities correctly and followed the rules on communication and safety following the objectives.

Tomorrow there will be less personal interaction in the team because everyone will be working on their projects, but during the meals we plan integration activities to keep the crew together.

Journalist Report – December 19th


This is our Journal from today. Hope you enjoy it!

Crew 201 Journalist Report – 19DEC2018

The Martian Chronicles

[SOL 4] – Ninety-Four

One of the most important thinks to take into consideration when preparing to become an astronaut, is definitely the ability to embrace the physical and mental challenges that space exploration demands. This requires years of training and preparation in order to be capable of performing hard and long tasks during every mission. Something that we’ve learned during our adventure is that this is harder than it looks like. For real.

MDRS Crew 201 – MEx-1

These first couple of days on Mars have been very successful. Since our first day at the station, we definitely knew that this was no child game. The importance of keeping in good shape, properly hydrated, well fed and rested, are nothing but the key elements that will determine the success or (God forbid) failure of this mission. And today, we putted that knowledge into practice during our first exploration Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA). And make no mistake, dear reader; we knew since the beginning that this would definitely be one of the top challenges since the beginning of our journey. But, just as some senior engineering and science students have learned the hard way: theory and execution can be significantly different once you put into practice what you (think) already know.

We started our day with the now typical routine. Waking up early, health care routine checkup, exercise, and a healthy re-constituted breakfast (which is becoming surprisingly tasty after these days). After putting our warm clothes and flight suits, we went downstairs to the EVA room to put on our boots, gloves, radio headsets and… the spacesuit. Think of this as the “prepping ritual”, in which four brave crew members prepare themselves to face the extreme conditions and unexpected dangers that the hostile -but still beautiful- Mars landscape has to offer. The mission was simple: driving on the rovers to the descent point, take out our instruments (and the camera, of course!) and begin our hiking from Cactus Road to our final destination. The outcome for this activity was the acquisition of different Mars landscape images that will be used to train an artificial vision algorithm for an autonomous rover design our team members are working on. How cool is that, JPL? The secondary objective for this activity was the recollection of different Martian soil samples for a greenhab research to see if seeds and plants can grow using these kind of material. Unfortunately, we don’t have any potatoes to test this one the right way.

The crew was divided in two groups: our Commander and Executive Officer (XO) on one hand, taking the images of the samples. On the other hand, our Health and Safety Officer and Greenhab Officer, searching for the perfect location to gather some good soil samples. While going deeper into the trail, we found out that our walk was going in a descent direction. And here’s where we realized that the fun part was yet to come. Going down is always easy. Going back up, well… let’s say it’s a whole different story. Taking strengths from within and big breaths evert step, we managed to go back right on time all the way up to the rovers, under the burning mid-day sunbeams.

The travel was very successful! We took some excellent pictures, collected three different soil samples and got some breathtaking pictures form our first long walk into the Martian fields. Back in the HAB, our crew Engineer and Scientist received us, re-pressurized properly inside the airlock, and took all our gear off for our first, successful and right on time exploration activity. And yes… we were exhausted!

During our recovery lunch time, we decided to go back through our pictures and videos of the EVA. And we found out something curious and funny… for most of the times that the camera looked to our Commander and XO walking in front of us, it looked like they were almost always aligned on the same way: Commander on the left, XO on the right. Each spacesuit has a number, something that you should know by now, due to our previously shared pictures. So, when our crew members were aligning on the positions previously mentioned, one number was created and shown during most of the pictures we took today. A number that will remind us of the first time we traveled into the depths of Mars: 94.

MEx-1 continuará informando.

Operations Report – December 19th

Crew 201 Operations Report 19-Dec-2018


Name of person filing report: César Augusto Serrano Baza

Non-nominal systems: Generator Autostart

Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Generator (hours run): 16:00 last night until around 8:00 Today started at 17:27

Solar— SOC 59%
Diesel Reading – 79%
Propane Reading – 82%
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons.

Water (Axillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – High Level, around 310 -gallons
Axillary to Static tank transfer– no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – High level (85%)
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 01392718.5
Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal. Robotic Observatory – Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

Thank you!

Greenhab Report – December 19th

Dear Mission Support,
Receive our GH Report,

Greenhab Officer:
Walter Calles

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (2hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 26.6°C
High: 43.4°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:

Daily Water Usage of Crops:
16 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (lbs):

Times of Watering for Crops:

Changes to crops:
Tomatoes keep growing. 2 of the pots present the best performance.
Baby greens growing good, but one of the flats is not presenting good progress.
Cucumbers growing a little bit slow.
Lettuce starting to grow in good shape. Will keep track of them.

Temperature is growing a lot, we need to adjust down the heater.
Heavy water to all plants today. Humidity overal is a little bit low, maybe due to the increase of temperature.
I think that shade can be reduced a little bit (maybe to 30%)
Salads and raddishes looking in great shape! Will do an amazing meal for Christmas


Support/Supplies Needed:
Due to the increase of weather temperature, we need to adjust the heater to reduce the temperature around 20-25%. Can I do it by myself, or I can get some help on that?
I recovered our first soil samples today on the EVA. I’ll start with my soil mix tomorrow, with a 30% of sample + 70% garden soil.

Sol Summary – December 19th

Dear Atila,

This is our Sol Summary. We are having a good and busy time here!


Sol: 4

Summary Title: Ninety Four

Author’s name: Genaro Grajeda

Mission Status: Everything A-Ok!

Sol Activity Summary: Long spacesuit trips during Martian winter might not be as cold as we think and helmets can get foggy with body heat. Cameras should always point front and not down. When the generator switches on or off there is a significant change in the voltage and switches may go off.

Look Ahead Plan: Green hab planting ahead with soil recovered from EVA. Programming artificial vision algorithms for rovers. Will do an EVA to find the most suitable location for a possible Smart-HAB Radio Access Network via satellite.

Anomalies in work: Spacesuits get foggy with body heat, engineering ponders if the fans may need more power.

Weather: Not-so-wintery at all. Small gusts during EVA.

Crew Physical Status:

EVA: Cactus road near Galileo Road.

Reports to be file: Journalist Report, Commander Report, EVA request, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Science Report, EVA report.

Support Requested: Engineering support to know what is going on with fogginess.

Operations Report – December 18th

Hi Mission Support,

This is our Op Report.

SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: César Augusto Serrano Baza
Non-nominal systems: Generator Autostart

Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Generator (hours run): 16:20 last night until around 8:00 Today started at 16:00

Solar— SOC 86%
Diesel Reading – 85%
Propane Reading – 19% (In the black line, almost in the red zone)
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons.

Water (Axillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – High Level, around 320 -gallons
Axillary to Static tank transfer– no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – High level (85%)
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 6

Toilet tank emptied: NO

Deimos rover used: no, still not functional
Hours: 0
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: no

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: Not used
Hours: 63
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: YES

Opportunity rover used: Not used
Hours: 43.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: YES

Curiosity rover used: Not used
Hours: 59.6
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: YES

Notes on rovers: Rover Opportunity and Spirit were not charging yesterday. Today in the morning, Director fixed that problem. Now, all the rovers crew are 100% battery and charging.

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were taken out of active service and are now parked away from the station.

HabCar used and why, where? Not used.
CrewCar used and why, where? Not used.

General notes and comments: – We cleaned a bit the habitat and started assembling the experiments.
– In the engineering morning review of the habitat status We discovered that one suit is not working as it has to be (see summary of suits and radios).
– Director and me saw something weird in the generator control (see summary of ScienceDome).

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: We used the 2-piece suit number 6 for the morning engineering review. The helmet is getting foggy in the front after 5 minutes of use, so the visibility is not the best.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: – We do not know if the GPS are working, this is because we dont know if they are battery operaterd or charge operated. Also, If they get electrical charge, where are the chargers?
– The generator seems to be weird. This because, when the Director switched it on, after a few minutes, it turned off by itself. After that, the Director turned it on again and it was working as expected (still), but the blinking LEDs in the HMI (where we can see the SOC) was blinking just one LED and, later in the night, no one of the LEDs were blinking.

Summary of RAM operations: We noticed that, when the generator shuts down, the switch affects, for may be 1 second, the energy. This because the energy goes off in this second. (For more detail see Summary Science Dome).

Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal. Robotic Observatory – Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: We received now one smoke detector for the Musk Observatory.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: – We will wait news of the Generator.
– Can we ask for the status and characteristics of the GPS? Also, how and where to charge them?
– What can we do with the Space Suit?

Thank you!!!

Commander Report – December 18th

Mission Support,
This is the Commander Report for today.

Sol 3
Today the crew had a lot of personal interaction with good and fun moments. We found a board game that some previous Crew maybe left in the Martian habitat. It was about asking questions about personal aspects to understand each other more. Even though we known each other from a long time ago, we learned many new things from ourselves and now we understood many other things.

Tomorrow we will go out to make our first EVA for the experiments. I’m sure the team will do a great job.

Thank you

Journalist Report – December 18th

Dear Atila,

This is our journal from today. We hope all you enjoy it.


Crew 201 Journalist Report – 17DEC2018

The Martian Chronicles

[SOL 3] – Response time

Interplanetary communications are extremely complex and need large earth stations; the hardest part to cope with is the delay to receive the information. We can see this phenomena happening on Earth when a remote station communicates with a satellite and its teleport, delay can be frustrating when compared to a terrestrial network. This happened too with our commander and our jokes (terrible jokes).

MDRS Crew 201 – MEx-1

This rotation was special for all because we had a birthday boy. On Earth, Chilpo would be turning 27 today, but in Mars, we still have another 300 days to get ready for his Quinceañera. How do you celebrate a birthday on Mars? Well, you dress as an astronaut, you check life support systems, work with actuators, cables, and computers without any OS. A few surprises for him though, we had a par of Wrappizas (a delicatessen unique to Mars) which we named Phobos and Deimos.Cake? We got that covered. It is a little hard to do with the limited combustion on our hab (and an oven we didn’t know how to use). Our chef, as per usual, had a plan b to make it all work. Juan Carlos was the support MARSter chef of the night and dinner was on point.

Meanwhile, at the Repair and Assembly Module (MRE in Spanish) crew members were working on the installation of a 3d printer that will allow our VSAT and rovers to be ready. Mars needs specific sets of tools and the ones provided from Earth are big, heavy and we really don’t have a place to spare. We print our tools here as earthlings would do in very remote locations where people cannot get them easily.

Astronauts have to keep sane during their missions and our psychology team has been a pro at making us activities to know that we are still ok. The crew worked with a few activities to get to know each other better, this in fact help us to act as a unit and perform as best as possible. As per our mission doctor, we are keeping data of our water consumption and we verify that the crew is having nutritious meals. A healthy crew is an efficient crew. A mentally sane crew has good humor and is prepared to help the commander to enjoy our horrible jokes even with her satellite delay.

Happy birthday Chilpo! You are now amongst the stars you love.

MEx-1 continuará informando.

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