Greenhab Report – May 21st

End of Season GreenHab Report – 20-May-2019

GreenHab Officer: Shannon Rupert

Environmental control:


Shade cloth (80%) will be kept on throughout the summer

AC unit and heater will be turned off for the summer

Average temperatures: N/A

Hours of supplemental light: none

Daily water usage for crops: n/a

Water in Blue Tank— 0 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: n/a

Changes to crops: All plants removed for summer

Narrative: By the end of the week I will have the GreenHab shut down for the summer. I am mixing all the remaining garden soil with perlite and prepping it for planting, and then I will leave it for the summer. I added an additional six inches of potting soil (garden soil with perlite) to the herb garden so the soil level is to the top. I plan to put the remaining soil in the two smaller aquaponics tubs for the summer, and we may use them for planting next year or remove them and plant in pots. At any rate, this will be the best way to keep the soil over summer.

Harvest: There was still a thriving herb garden. Some of the herbs and a few remaining tomato plants were removed and given to a friend in town. All of the remaining seeds from this season were also given to her.

Support/supplies needed: In the fall we will need a new GreenHab Book and new seeds. Any new potting mix should be checked carefully so we don’t reintroduce fungus gnats. Garden Safe Multi-purpose Garden Insect Killer worked better than sticky paper and cost much less so should be used in the future should we have another infestation. Based on observations this season, microgreens are not harvested by the crews so it would be better to invest in larger greens and more substantial plants even though they take longer to grow. The scales will be in the ScienceDome but all other supplies will be in the GreenHab. The GreenHab Book will be in my house.

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