EVA Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 EVA Report 02-Dec-2019
EVA # 11
Author: Kennedy
Purpose of EVA: Gather footage for education (Ho) and documentary (Alexandrova) from dinosaur quarry site.

Start time for EVA: 1330
End time for EVA: 1615

Narrative: Crew left airlock at approx 1335 and left on rovers Spirit and Curiosity, both registering at 100% battery. Road was quite muddy in spots but very manageable. This site is the greatest distance we have yet traveled, as such we minimized excessive accelerations to maximize battery life. We arrived at the parking area for the dinosaur quarry with 62% and 63% battery on our rovers. We examined the site, the quarry has been covered in. Dirt this time of year so nothing to note. We traveled along the ridge to the overlook at 12s 0518250 and 4256590. Michael set up his drone and did aerial photos of the crew. Evgenia used her tripod and took several shots. The canyon had a very distinct shape and rock characteristic that is unique from our other sites. We were quite happy with the outcome of the EVA and feel like we got excellent footage. We returned to our vehicles at 1530 and returned to the airlock in the Hab at 1615.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518400 4255800.

EVA Participants: Kennedy, Alexandrova, Ho

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) North from Hab to 12 S 0518400 4255800 via Cow Dung Road
2) Explore quarry site and collect footage
3) Return to Hab via same route

Mode of travel: Rover
Vehicles used: Curiosity, Spirit

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