EVA Report 29Dec2019

EVA #: 3

Author: Cesare Guariniello

Purpose of EVA: weather observation project; radio mapping project; collection of geological samples

Start time: 12:00

End time: 13:18 (including engineering EVA)

Narrative: one walking EVA has been approved for today. Due to the presence of snow, the commander joined the EVA for better knowledge of the terrain. Working on snow was easy and safe, and a couple of narrow streams formed by the melted water were less than one step across. At the end of the simulated depressurization cycle, the crew noticed that the front door was still blocked by some snow and Pat completed the shoveling process. At the same time, both Ben and Luz Ma experienced problems with their equipment, therefore a cycle of re-pressurization was initiated and the crew re-entered the habitat to fix a hat and a pair of shoes. After the second depressurization, Cesare, Luz Ma and Ben egressed and Luz Ma and Ben became their measurements with the help of Cesare. Then, the crew grabbed their bag with tools, EVA first aid kit, map, and rock hammer and walked towards the MDRS sign and out along Cow Dung Road to Marble Ritual. Radio measurements were collected along the way. Once at destination, both weather data and radio measurements were collected before the crew headed back to the habitat. An engineering EVA was performed before ingress.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800

EVA Participants: LuzMa Agudelo, ENG; Ben Durkee, JOU; Cesare Guariniello, CMD.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Walking

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