EVA Report #6 – February 7th

Crew 221 EVA Report 07 Feb 2020

EVA # 6

Author: Luis Monge (Engineer)

Purpose of EVA: Collection of microbial samples at Candor Chasma deeper into the canyon for geobiology experiments being conducted in the science dome. Collection of more regolith-type substrates for the scientific objectives of the ISRU project (growing plants in Martian soil).

Start time: 09:55 am

End time: 12:30 pm

Narrative: Today we planned our second long EVA. L.Monge, H.Kalucha and M.Grulich went out to drive towards Candor Chasma with the aim to collect samples mainly for microbiology projects. The Martian weather is currently very much in our favor and at some point during the EVA all participants complained about the heat. The sun shining high and there was almost no wind. M.Grulich took the lead on spirit to guide the team stopping on the way to check the maps and road conditions. Once near the destination, the EVA crew left the rovers.

Once at Candor Chasma, Crew Commander M.Grulich was looking for geology traces where microbes could be found. Samples at seven different locations were collected, and in one location it was dug to get a sample form at least 40cm deep into the ground.

While taking samples for microbiology, Crew Commander M.Grulich was very careful using extra nitrile gloves on top of the EVA gloves and sterile sample containers and little shovels that have had been cleaned prior to the EVA. On the way back to the rovers a bag of regolith was collected for Greenhab experiments. All objectives of the EVA have been accomplished.

Destination: Candor Chasma.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519750/4251900 (Parking), Stream Bed connector; 520378/4251094

EVA Participants: Maria Grulich (Commander), Luis Monge (Engineer), Hemani Kalucha (Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road (0110) to Galileo Road (1104), East along Galileo Road and park the rovers. Walk along Cactus Road towards Candor Chasma.

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity

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