Crew 245 EVA Report April 14th

Crew 245 EVA Report 17-04-2022
SOL: 7
EVA #: 7
Author: Vittorio Netti

Purpose of EVA: 3D scanning and drone mapping
Start time: 10:30
End time: 12:00
Narrative: The wind was too high for the drone mapping, Vittorio Netti and Paolo Guardabasso performed 3D scans of two rock formations. Opportunity rover overheated during the travel back to the habitat, but the commander has been able to drive it back to the habitat with additional time.
Destination: North on Cow Dung Road 0110 until Tank wash
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518282 N, 4253779 E
Participants: Vittorio Netti (EVA Commander), Luca Rossettini, Paolo Guardabasso, Nadia Marouff (EVA HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

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