EVA Report – November 23rd

Crew 286 EVA #11 report 23-NOV-2023
EVA # 11
Author: Roger Gilbertson
Purpose of EVA: To demonstrate a simplified MASH (Mobile Analog Space Habitat) EVA mission, with four persons aboard, able to travel further than the rovers. When parked it can serve as the base station for one or more walking EVAs, allowing astronauts to return, rest and refresh aboard, then return to the MDRS habitat as needed.
Start time for EVA: 9:00 am
End time for EVA: 12:00 pm
Narrative: The four astronauts boarded the MASH unit on time, with four EVA suits, radios and chargers already aboard. They detached from the docking portal next to the Science Dome at 9:15 am, backed out, then drove down Moon Walk Road, exited the campus and drove south on Cow Dung Road to Kissing Camel. There they performed a turn-around at the previously identified location, then parked.
All astronauts suited up, then the MASH depressurized its front section, and three astronauts exited. Ducky remained aboard as local Cap-Com. Lizzy and Gee walked along the base of the nearby ridge, with Liz piloting a drone scan of the magnificent geology, while Hugo captured images of the MASH operating in the the exotic terrain.
Unexpectedly, at about 10:55 am the MASH control panel showed a “check engine light” and the engine would not start. The crew contacted Cap-com and consulted with them about the situation. Cap-com informed Mission Support, and options were discussed. Ducky suited up, depressurized, and went out to check the fluids on the vehicle, remaining fully in-sim the entire time. Oil was added to the engine, and the vehicle then restarted properly.
Filmmaker Hugo was pleased to capture an actual unexpected situation, and though it did not develop into a full “emergency,” it provided him with some moments of true drama and concern.
When all had reboarded and repressuized, they were able to have a small snack, then returned to MDRS in the comfort of the pressurized MASH interior. Redocking at the portal occurred smoothly, and the vehicle doors were opened at exactly 12:00 pm.
Destination and Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
• Kissing Camel (518250, 4249510)
EVA Participants:
• Donald Jacques
• Liz Cole
• Guillaume Gégo
• Hugo Saugier
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road south to Kissing Camel (518250, 4249510)
Mode of travel: MASH vehicle, walking (not further than 100 meters from MASH)
Vehicles you will be using: MASH

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