GreenHab Officer: Scott Dorrington
Environmental control: heater on automatic
Average temperatures:
09:24: 75.4 F, 20%
09:52: 78.1 F, 26%
10:58: 86.4 F, 32%
12:15: 95.2 F, 25% door open
12:28: 84.4 F, 19% door closed
13:11: 100.6 F, 19%
14:39: 102.9 F, 16%, fan on briefly
16:49: 94.8 F, 31%
17:19: 85.1 F, 32%
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours overnight
Daily water usage for crops: 10 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 108 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:30 water + mist, 10:58 mist, 13:11 water, 15:00 water, 17:00 mist
Changes to crops:
Today was another sunny clear day. I checked in with the plants in the morning around 9am and found the moisture reader on the tomatoes was getting to the low side of the moist range. I decided to give them their first watering earlier today with 4 gallons – I opened the door for 10 minutes during watering to drop the temperature a bit. During the watering, I noticed a surprise cucumber on cuke #4. This was surprising given the many cucumber dramas experienced by the previous crew. The other cucumber is still looking a little wilty though. I also did a stock take of the other fruits that are budding. Tomato #9 has 4 yellow/orange fruits, tomato 7 has two little fruits turning orange, and tomato 4 has another one turning orange. There were some large radishes in the radish pot, and there are now 10 peas pods on the pea vines. The mint pot labeled 30/12/2023 is also starting to show little mint plants poking out. Today’s soundtrack featured Colin Hay and Client Liaison. I returned around midday before my afternoon afternoon EVA to give the plants their second water of the day (another 3 gallons). During my afternoon EVA, I had some of the crew to check in on the temperature in the GreenHab. In the afternoon, the crew requested some greenery for tonight’s dinner of Jambalaya rice. We harvested some kale, arugula, and a nice fat radish. I placed the head of the raddish in a jar with some water and soil – I will look up during tonight’s comms window if radishes can be re-grown from the heads. The harvested greens were mixed together with some Korean BBQ sauce as a stand-in for salad dressing. Very fresh and tasty.
Harvest: 40g kale, 18g arugula, 40g (1x) radish, 37g lettuce
Support/supplies needed: None