GreenHab Officer: Scott Dorrington
Environmental control: heater on automatic
Average temperatures:
09:12: 73.9 F, 21%
09:34: 75.9 F, 26%
11:23: 89.8 F, 25%
12:05: 94.6 F, 23%
13:40: 100.8 F, 19%
14:00: 89.1 F, 16%
15:19: 101.8 F, 21%
16:07: 98.4 F, 30%
18:38: 84.7 F, 28%
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours overnight
Daily water usage for crops: 9 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 99 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 09:15 water, 11:23 mist, 13:40 water + mist, 15:20 mist
Changes to crops: None
Another clear sunny day today. I gave the plants their first watering of 4 gallons around 9am. The tomato plants were looking a little dry again, so wanted to give them a good watering early in the day. During this watering, I also noticed that the wilty cucumber (cuke #1) had a tiny cucumber on it. This was very surprising, as it doesn’t look very healthy. It got some extra water to try to bring it back to health. I noticed that the orange tomatoes on #9 are also now red. I think they will be harvestable in the next day or two. I returned a few times throughout the day to log temperatures and mist. The second watering was given at 13:40. This time 5 gallons. I opened the door for around 10 minutes during this watering to lower the heat a bit for the afternoon, and rearranged the plants to be out of the sun. Today’s music therapy featured Bernard Fanning and some podcasts.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None