Journalist Report – January 24th

Tittle: The Great Journey.

Author:Hermes Bolivar.

Sun number 12 of the mission, The Sun rises and each of the crew are available to their daily tasks and at the same time begins the expectation of their return to Earth, in each of us rolls the uncertainty of our return, everything that awaits in our lives, return to the routines of work and research, to cities full of people, with their daily problems.

Mars has offered us a hostile environment, but in turn unimaginable landscapes and a tranquility that has no price, that is what undoubtedly those crew members who left today to their extra vehicular activity thought. This type of environments that are increasingly less frequent on Earth stimulate our imagination and makes us reflect on how small we are in this vast and mysterious universe. It also makes us understand that this new world is just a small step through this great journey that we have started from our origin as a species.

Meanwhile, today I had to stay at the station, taking care of its maintenance and research projects. Some of them without problems, others of them that still require our attention. In the GreenHab, my job, the plants with their green color and their variety of aromas remind me of those mountainous fields of the Colombian Andes from which I come and miss.

Only a few days after returning to Earth, there are many lessons that I have from this place. I have understood that before this adventure comes to its conclusion, the experience we have had here is like the seed of one of the many plants that I have sown in the GreenHab, and that from this, the generation that will start the Great journey through the cosmos shall come.

Journalist report

Titulo: El Gran Viaje.

Autor: Hermes Bolívar

Sol numero 12 de misión, Amanece y cada uno de los tripulantes se disponen a sus quehaceres diarios y al mismo tiempo comienza la expectativa de su vuelta a la tierra, en cada uno de nosotros rueda la incertidumbre de su regreso, de todo lo que nos espera en nuestras vidas, volver a las rutinas del trabajo y de la investigación, a las ciudades llenas de personas, con sus problemas cotidianos.

Marte nos ha ofrecido un ambiente hostil, pero a su vez paisajes inimaginables y una tranquilidad que no tiene precio, eso es lo que sin duda pensaron aquellos tripulantes que salieron el día de hoy a su actividad extra vehicular. Este tipo de ambientes que cada vez son menos frecuentes en la tierra estimulan nuestra imaginación y hace que reflexionemos acerca de lo pequeños que somos en este basto y misterioso universo. También nos hace entender, que este nuevo mundo es apenas un pequeño paso a través de este gran viaje que hemos iniciado desde nuestro origen como especie.

Mientras tanto, hoy yo tuve que quedarme en la estación ocupándome de su mantenimiento y de los proyectos de investigación. Algunos de ellos sin inconvenientes, otros de ellos que aun requieren de nuestra atención. En el GreenHab, mi puesto de trabajo, las plantas con su color verde y su variedad de aromas me hacen recordar aquellos campos montañosos de los andes colombianos de los cuales vengo y extraño.

A solo pocos días de regresar a la tierra, son muchas las lecciones que me quedan de este lugar. He comprendido que antes de que esta aventura llegue a su conclusión, la experiencia que hemos tenido aquí es como la semilla de una de las muchas plantas que he sembrado en el GreenHab, y que de esta, germinara la generación que dará el inicio al gran viaje a través del cosmos.

GreenHab Report – January 24th

[category GreenHab-report]

Greenhab Officer:

Hermes Bolivar

Environmental Control:


Cooling w/ ambient air (7 hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on

80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:

Low: 15.8°C

High: 26.4°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:


Daily Water Usage of Crops:

15 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (gallons):

39.3%, 118 Gallons.

Times of Watering for Crops:






Changes to crops:

* we plant two trays of microgreeens and babygreens.


* I plant microgreens and baby greens on two trays available, with the help of two crewmembers. The greeenhab won’t have supplemental light because the energy generator doesn’t work.


* 4 g of parsley.

Support/Supplies Needed:


Operations Report – January 24th

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 7hr 0min; Turned on last night (23Jan2019) at 16:30; Stopped running during the night, about 23:30. It was turned off all night. This morning the contractor checked the generator, it will be turned off for three days.

Solar SOC – Turned on (23Jan2019) 84%; Turned off (24Jan2019) 95%; Turned on (24Jan2019) 86%

Diesel Reading – Under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – Still 80%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – Nothing to report.

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use.

Water (static tank) – Just over 20%; 115 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – About 37%; 110 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 12

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 18:05 to refill tank

Water Meter: 01404464

Toilet tank emptied: No.

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Not used.

Hours: 70.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Not used.

Hours: 46.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Not used.

Hours: 72.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Brakes on Opportunity still not working properly.

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Not used.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus

General notes and comments: Nothing to report.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 without fuse, Suit #10 Pending to check battery functionality on field, Suit #11 Pending to check battery functionality on field.

Summary of Hab operations: Vacuum filter and tissue paper received.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

EVA Report – January 24th

EVA # 8

Author: Liza Forero

Purpose of EVA:

A walk to make a regional geologic recognition of the western part of the MDRS zone.

Start time:

End time:


The purpose of this EVA was to make a regional recognition of the geologic features of the zone. We went by walking to the Hab Ridge and we decided not to go to Pooh´s corner so we didn´t make use of the rovers this time.

The weather was okay and we did not have any trouble with suits.

Destination: Hab Ridge (walking)

Coordinates: 517600 E, 425000 N

Oscar Ojeda, Freddy Castañeda, Yael Mendez, Liza Forero

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: We surrounded the HAB and walk to west to get to the Hab Ridge

Mode of travel: Walking

Vehicles used: None

Sol Summary – January 24th

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Europa VII

Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today was a fine day, we have already spent 12 days on Mars, and although we are exhausted, laughter and good mood is everywhere (The auto-corrector suggests me to change it to "Good Food", which is also true). As always, we started the day with a big breakfast, those powdered eggs are starting to taste good, and supplies will last perfectly until our last meal on Mars. We got ready for our last EVA of the mission, and while we traversed the hab ridge, the crewmembers on the station were working on the final touches of their research. We came back to a plentiful lunch, and the afternoon was spent in more research. We expect to watch the sky tonight, as we get ready to say goodbye to the pale red dot, our home, our present, and hopefully, our future.

Look Ahead Plan: We have two days left here on Mars. After almost two wonderful and demanding weeks, we’re almost ready to come back to Earth. There are some final results to take from the research, finalize the global reports, and bring the mission to a close.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear skies all day long, low to moderate intensity winds.

Crew Physical Status: In good health, in better shape than yesterday…!

EVA: 1, a team of 4 went to the Hab Ridge.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: Can you send us some more news from Colombia?

Operations Report – January 23rd

Crew 203 Operations Report 23-JAN-2019

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): Unknown; Turned on last night (22Jan2019) at 16:50; Stopped running during the night, no hour reported on the generator. It was turned on this morning for about 15 minutes (23Jan2019) from 10:10 to 10:25; Turned on tonight (23Jan2019) about 16:30

Solar SOC – Turned on (22Jan2019) 83%; Turned off (23Jan2019) 60%; Turned on (23Jan2019) 84%

Diesel Reading – Under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – Refilled, 80%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – Nothing to report.

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use.

Water (static tank) – About 30%; 160 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – About 43%; 130 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 10

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 14:30 to refill the tank

Water Meter: 01404157

Toilet tank emptied: Yes.

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Used for EVA to North Pinto Hills.

Hours: 70.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 64%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Not used.

Hours: 46.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Used for EVA to North Pinto Hills.

Hours: 72.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 89%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Brakes on Opportunity still not working properly.

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Not used.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off-campus

General notes and comments: Nothing to report.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios:

Suit #1: All electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #2: All electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #3: Negative electrical terminal to battery replaced, All electrical connections verified, fuse used to enable suit #9, the battery doesn’t make an entire cycle, charges and discharges completely in less than one minute. Battery retired for exchange.

Suit #4: Loose terminal screw on the switch, all electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #5: All electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #6: Fan locked, voltage on battery was down and battery discharges quickly, the second fan move slowly. Issue fixed, all electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #7: All electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #8: Negative electrical terminal on battery replaced, electrical fail on fan, issues fixed, all electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #9: Enable with fuse of suit #3 and battery of suit #11, all electrical connections verified, working properly.

Suit #10: Battery replaced with an old one taken from the RAM, all electrical connections verified, working properly. Pending for battery functionality on the field.

Suit #11: Battery replaced with an old one taken from the RAM, all electrical connections verified, working properly. Pending for battery functionality on the field.

Summary of Hab operations: 8 toilet paper rolls received.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report.

Astronomy Report – January 23rd

Crew 203 Astronomy Report 23-Jan-2019

Crew Astronomer: Santiago Vargas Dominguez


The weather improved after a few days under cloudy conditions. This allowed completing most of the active observations from previous runs (Heart Nebula, Barnard 33). Single exposures in LRGB + Halpha (300 s each) were acquired for M82. Images of the moon were acquired for testing with clear skies, but they saturated even with the shortest exposure time (0.03 s). In a previous run, the resulting image of the moon looked fine due to thin clouds blocking some of the light and acting as a neutral filter.

Objects Viewed: Messier 82 (image attached), Soul Nebula, Heart Nebula, Barnard 33.

Problems Encountered: none

Journalist Report – January 23rd

Between skies on fire and colored grounds

Author: Liza Forero

The dawn arrives without haste and with silent giving way to the eleventh sun of our peaceful stay. While the sky is in chromatic flames that are appeased with the passing of minutes, I breathe in the cold air and fill myself with calm and peace, an ephemeral and volatile peace that can only be achieved in those small moments of privacy between an infinite landscape and the soul.

The sunrise ends, and it predicts us a sunny and calm day. I see reflected in my partners the fatigue of the hard work and effort they used in this dream, in this experience turned into a tangible reality, but at the same time, I see reflected in the new perspectives and yearnings of new adventures.

Fatigue manifests itself in some of us in illnesses and in others in long silences, but we decided to give the space and the time that each one needs so they can recover while the rest of us cover all the tasks, like the team that we are, to be able to fulfill the objectives set before.

During our EVA I cannot avoid comparing the diverse range of colors that this place offers me and how it varies according to the time, according to the place and according to the perceptible beyond the view. The different lines of colors that range from violet to green and red make me believe that this space is a canvas that is renewed and that changes every day, bringing new teachings, new perspectives, new reflections.

Excited to see the geological wealth offered by a small area in the middle of the desert, my partners and I rejoiced and marveled at the sight of our feet small pieces of history, history petrified for hundreds of years and that manifests itself to our eyes in small fossils and rocks of multiple shapes and colors. Before such distraction, the minutes fly and we remember that we must return to where our friends are waiting for us to listen to our experience in the field.

The day ends, and the colors dissipate on the horizon, we know that the countdown begins and that the last days in this desert paradise must be treasured to remember them with pleasure while each one continues his own way to new adventures.

Entre cielos de fuego y suelos de colores

Autor: Liza Forero

El alba llega sin prisa y silencioso dando paso al onceavo sol de nuestra apacible estancia. Mientras el cielo se encuentra en llamas cromáticas que se apaciguan con el pasar de los minutos, respiro el aire frío y me lleno de tranquilidad y paz, una paz efímera y volátil que sólo puede conseguirse en esos pequeños momentos de privacidad entre un paisaje infinito y el alma.

El amanecer termina y consigo pronostica un día soleado y tranquilo. Veo en mis compañeros reflejado el cansancio del trabajo y esfuerzo empleado en este sueño, en esta experiencia convertida en una realidad tangible, pero a la vez logro ver reflejado en ellos nuevas perspectivas y añoranzas de nuevas aventuras.

El cansancio se manifiesta en algunos de nosotros en enfermedades y en otros en largos silencios, pero decidimos dar el espacio y el tiempo que cada uno necesita para que se recuperen mientras los demás cubrimos todas las labores y así entre todos, como el equipo que somos, poder cumplir con los objetivos trazados.

Durante nuestro EVA no puedo evitar comparar la diversa gama de colores que me brinda este lugar y cómo esta varía de acuerdo a la hora, de acuerdo al lugar y de acuerdo a lo perceptible más allá de la vista. Las diferentes líneas de colores que van desde violetas hasta verdes y rojizos me hace creer que este espacio es un lienzo que cada día se renueva, que cada día muta, trayendo consigo nuevas enseñanzas, nuevas perspectivas, nuevas reflexiones.

Emocionados de ver la riqueza geológica que nos ofrece una pequeña zona en medio del desierto, mis compañeros y yo nos regocijamos y maravillamos al ver a nuestros pies pequeños trozos de historia, historia petrificada por cientos de años y que se manifiesta ante nuestros ojos en pequeños fósiles y rocas de múltiples formas y colores. Ante tal distracción los minutos vuelan y recordamos que debemos volver a donde nos esperan para escuchar nuestra experiencia en campo.

El día se termina y los colores se disipan en el horizonte, sabemos que la cuenta regresiva empieza y que los últimos días en este desértico paraíso debemos atesorarlos para luego recordarlos con agrado mientras cada uno continúa su propio camino a nuevas aventuras.

EVA Report – January 23rd

Crew 203 EVA Report 23-01-2019

EVA # 7

Author: Liza Forero

Purpose of EVA:

Geologic recognition of the zone. Take samples and data for microbiology test and take some physic-chemical parameters of the ground using a LabQuest. The main parameters that are going to be taken are conductivity, pH, and temperature.

Geology recognition of outcrops, topographic highs, sediment, canyons, and lithology.

Start time: 13:00

End time: 16:00


The EVA was successful; the weather helped us today, it was sunny and there were no winds so we could walk and work in the best possible way. We arrived at Cow Dung Road a few meters of Zubrin’s Head, leave the rovers over the Road and started to walk at east till get to the North Pinto Hills. During the walk, we covered some geologic data. During the walk, we took samples that are going to be analyzed at the laboratory with the LabQuest. We described the lithology or the zone and found different types and colors of clays and clasts.

During the EVA there was no trouble with rovers or suits. When we finished the activity, we went back to the rovers and go back to the HAB. During the walk, we were taking pictures and the register of the stratigraphy of the zone.

Destination: North Pinto Hills (vehicle and walking).

Coordinates: 521000 E, 4248430 N

Participants: Liza Forero, Oscar Ojeda, Hermes Bolivar

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung road to the southeast till we get to the Pleiades Road where we will start walking to arrive at North Pinto Hills.

Mode of travel: Walking and Driving

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity


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