Greenhab Report – January 5th

Hi Mission Support,

Crew 202 Greenhab Report 05-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Jake Qiu

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (1hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 25.1°C
High: 35.0°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:

Daily Water Usage of Crops:
6 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (lbs):

Times of Watering for Crops:

Changes to crops:
* Cucumber leaves did not perk back up early in the morning before sunrise (0611)
* 2 pots of spinach lacking progress
* 1 snap pea pot lacking progress
* Majority of other plants displays good progress

Watered plants throughout the day as needed. 3 gallons were used for microgreens and 2
gallons were used for other plants. Was not sunny today and there was moisture still
visible in some pots which I did not water. For cucumbers and tomatoes, I did not water.
Will determine if more water is required tommorow.

Experiment Results:
Date: SOL7 Crew 202 (SOL14 overall)

Watered all 21 trays as needed


Support/Supplies Needed:

Best Regards,


EVA Report – January 5th

Crew 202 EVA Report 5-Jan-2019

EVA #6

Author: Denys Bulikhov (EXO)

Purpose of EVA: Collection of geological samples and ambient radiation readings

Start time: 11:03

End time: 13:13

Narrative: EVA 6 crew took Cow Dung Road up to the Galileo Rd and then down to Cactus road. Crew stopped in the middle of the valley where they collected geological samples and ambient radiation readings. Due to snow, collection of samples was problematic, and further movement down the Cactus road was impossible. EVA 6 was cut short. On the way back, crew stopped at Mtn. Nutella to take pictures. After that they returned to the Hab.

Destination: Cactus Rd.

Coordinates: N520500, E4252000

Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMD), Denys Bulikhov (EXO), Ellen Czaplinski (GEO), Kasey Hilton (ENG)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, Galileo Rd, Cactus Rd.

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity.

With best regards,

Denys Bulikhov

EVA Report – January 6th

EVA #7

Author: Denys Bulikhov (EXO)

Purpose of EVA: Collection of geological samples and ambient radiation readings

Start time: 12:34

End time: 14:19

Narrative: EVA 7 crew took Cow Dung Road up to the intersection with Galileo Rd. The mountain on the left of the intersection was supposed to be the first stop. However, due to fresh snow the intersection was missed. EVA 7 crew had their first stop about 0.5 miles down the Cow Dung Rd past the intersection with the Galileo Rd. After collection of samples and ambient radiation readings, EVA 7 crew came back to the intersection with Galileo Rd. On the way back, EVA 7 crew stopped at what looked like a shallow river bed and collected samples. Final stop was made at the Marble Ritual.

Destination: intersection of Galileo and Cow Dung Rds.

Coordinates: N518900, E4252000

Participants: Denys Bulikhov (EXO), Alexandra Dukes (JOU), Jake Qiu (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road.

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity.

Sol Summary – January 5th

Crew 202 Sol Summary Report 05-Jan-2019

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Half-way

Author’s name: Cesare Guariniello

Mission Status: We are now half-way through our mission, and enjoying the warm habitat while expecting more snow overnight

Sol Activity Summary: To help recovering from the toughness of Mars, this morning we opted for yoga and guided meditation for our morning routine. Following the warmest EVA of the mission (temperatures still around freezing, but bright sun), today we had the coldest EVA of the mission, due to cloudy sky and cold wind. The EVA was intended to reach the areas of canyons at the end of Cactus Rd, but the snow made it difficult to recognize the trail in certain areas, so the EVA crew stopped along the way to work on their research project. After a hot lunch, the afternoon was spent watching a movie, working, and resting.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will have a short EVA if precipitation ends and conditions are acceptable. Mostly, we will enjoy a day indoor.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy, expecting snow tonight and tomorrow morning

Crew Physical Status: Some tiredness here and there, but generally very good

EVA: The Commander, Executive Officer, Crew Geologist, and Crew Engineer had an EVA to the East, along Galileo Rd and the initial part of Cactus Rd. Condition of the trail did not allow to go all the way to the canyons region (snow made it very hard to discern the trail, and the Commander decided to stop in a region of interest along the way).

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, EVA report, EVA request, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – January 6th

Sol: 8

Summary Title: School starts tomorrow

Author’s name: Cesare Guariniello

Mission Status: Despite waking up to a white Mars again, the mission is proceeding very well, and we also managed to have a short EVA

Sol Activity Summary: Today, Sunday on Earth, the sol started a little slow. We woke up 30 minutes later than the usual schedule and had some great stretching. After sweeping the tunnels and enjoying some personal time, we had a short EVA to gather measurements on radiation. Two crew members took a shower today. The struggle with alternating icy cold and scalding hot water is real, but the aftermath is amazing! The tired crew enjoyed a relaxed afternoon, thinking of students at Purdue who will start their classes tomorrow

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will try again to have an EVA towards the canyon area

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny and warmer

Crew Physical Status: Two crew member are in perfect mood after the shower, four more crew members are doing good

EVA: The Executive Officer, Journalist, and Health and Safety Officer had an EVA along Galileo Rd and to Marble Ritual

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, EVA report, EVA request, Journalist Report

Support Requested: None

Astronomy Report – January 4th

Crew 202 Astronomy Report 04-Jan-2019
Crew Astronomer: Cesare Guariniello

Robotic Telescope: MDRS-WF
Objects Viewed: M66 and Horsehead Nebula (photos from yesterday’s observation)

Problems Encountered: none

Solar Features Observed: There were no interesting solar features. The astronomer worked on focus and tuning with both the eyepiece and the camera

Problems Encountered: none

Journalist Report – January 4th

MDRS Crew 202, Journalist Report

Sol 6 – 01/04/2018

Name the space movie (or show) given the following quote. Answer at the end of the Report:

I sometimes catch myself looking up at the Moon, remembering the changes of fortune in our long voyage, thinking of the thousands of people who worked to bring the three of us home. I look up at the Moon and wonder, when will we be going back, and who will that be?

Our morning went from 0 to 100 when we chose to start the day with an ab workout. The Engineer and Executive Officer have been betting on whether the other could hold a 5 minute plank which has evolved to various competitions of exercises. While their physical prowess is impressive, the aches and pains of my sore bones are looking forward to leading a meditation tomorrow instead of full blown P90X.

The Geologist (GEO), Health & Safety Officer (HSO), and Commander (CMD) went on the 5th Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) of our mission while the Executive Officer (EXO), Engineer (ENG), and I (Crew Journalist = JOU) stayed behind to work through our own projects and relax after going on the previous two EVAs. This was a big day for GEO and HSO since they haven’t left the Habitat in three days. Three days of living in a two-story Corn Silo. The only relief coming from the sun shining through the four windows in the living room, all no larger than a beach ball. Needless to say, they were excited to pretend to breathe the fresh air through their suits and touch the ground through their heavily padded hands and feet.

It is not the large parts of living on Earth you miss, such as the scenery or restaurants. It is the little things you miss as your brain teases you with cravings and wishes. An innocent thought popping up like “ice cream sounds nice”, and then quickly realizing there’s no possible way to concoct anything even related to ice cream from the dehydrated, shelf stable dust we’ve been given to live off of…. Or standing in a hot shower. Steam filling the room. The water gently rolling down your face without using a wash cloth to place it there…

Ok. I’m back. Daydreaming for a minute about that shower. And ice cream. Maybe both at the same time. It’s difficult to plan what to indulge in first once we get back to Earth. As a gentle reminder to the reader, myself, and the crew, it’s our 7th day on Mars, nearly a full week after leaving Earth. We ran out of fruit today. The canned spam is taunting us from the cupboards. Let us hope we never reach that point of desperation.

Speaking of food, our CMD and GEO have never had ramen. You know, the $0.29 plastic packaged sodium bomb that you lived off of in college because you blew what little money you had on Insomniac cookies the night before. So… after a long day of trekking in the Martian snow, boots soiled, and noses red, our EVA crew returned to nice warm pot of noodles in bouillon cubes. Their verdict was “It was better than I expected”. That’s essentially a 10/10 review for ramen.

The second floor of the habitat is always filled with laughter. It’s a good thing we live on a desolate planet because we would wake the whole neighborhood with the joy, conversation, and howling echoing through the walls. Even through the dehydrated food dirt and dreaming of creamier bites and cleaner days, the overall mood of Crew 202 is bright. It’s another wonderful day on the Red Planet as we enter day 2 without a major crisis. Yes, I did knock on the wood planked floors before sending this journal.

Movie (or Show) Answer: Apollo 13

Greenhab Report – January 4th

Hi Mission Support,

Crew 202 Greenhab Report 04-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Jake Qiu

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (1hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 23.2°C
High: 39.5°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:

Daily Water Usage of Crops:
15 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (lbs):

Times of Watering for Crops:

Changes to crops:
* Some of the microgreens showing good progress
* Lettuce Red leafs showing good progress
* Some carrots still lacking progress
* Cress displaying good progress
* One microgreen tray for crew harvest was wrapped in seran wrap to trap humidity
* Cucumbers starting to look worse

Watered plants throughout the day as needed. Boiled water and allowed to cool for

Experiment Results:
Date: SOL6 Crew 202 (SOL14 overall)

Watered all 21 trays as needed

Watered previous crew 201 experiments


Support/Supplies Needed:

Best Regards,


EVA Report – January 4th

Hi Mission Support,

Crew 202 EVA Report 04-JAN-2019

EVA #5

Author: Ellen Czaplinski

Purpose of EVA: To collect various geological samples and measure
radiation in several locations

Start time: 10:42

End time: 1:40

Narrative: Today’s EVA had a unique start, as our crew journalist
conducted a “20 questions” interview with the crew geologist while we
were putting on flight suits and heading out to the rovers. Our first
destination was Greenstone Road, which was a great place to collect
sand samples for our geology research project. This area was full of
loose sand, ripples, and sandstone. Two samples were collected here,
and we also took their spectra in situ using the TREK portable
spectrometer. We also took radiation measurements of this environment.

The next stop was SE of Kissing Camel Range (between Greenstone Rd and
Kissing Camel Range), north of our first stop. No geological samples
were taken here, but our crew commander took radiation measurements.

Our last stop of the EVA was on the north side of Kissing Camel Range,
west of Cow Dung Road. Using the rock hammer, we knocked off parts of
the Quaternary-aged boulders that had fallen from the top of the
range. Parts on the inside of these rocks resembled green, volcanic
minerals, similar to ones collected from EVA #4. The field spectra of
this sample was indeed different from the clays and shales nearby.
Further west at this site, we walked up a dried gulley and collected
three more samples here. Measuring these samples’ spectra revealed
more shale and gypsum combined with another mineral that will be
determined through more analysis of the spectra.

Destination: Greenstone Road, Kissing Camel Range

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E520200, N4248700

Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMD), Ellen Czaplinski (GEO), Jake Qiu (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road, then walk
along Greenstone road

Mode of travel: Curiosity and Spirit rovers, walking

Best regards and hope you’re having a good time being assistant director!

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