Operations Report – January 20th

Crew 203 Operations Report 20-JAN-2019

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 13hr 13min; Turned on last night (19Jan2019) at 19:33; Turned off this morning (20Jan2019) at 8:46; Turned on tonight (20Jan2019) at 17:40

Solar SOC – Turned on (19Jan2019) 60%; Turned off (20Jan2019) 100%; Turned on (20Jan2019) 86%

Diesel Reading – Just under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – 21%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 10 gallons were added.

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use

Water (static tank) – Over 45%; About 240 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – Over 59%; 178 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 12

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 9:45 and 18:00 to refill tank

Water Meter: 01403017

Toilet tank emptied: Yes.

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Not used

Hours: 68.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Used to test brakes.

Hours: 46.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Not used

Hours: 70.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Brakes on Opportunity were tested but still not working properly.

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Used to take trash to Janksville.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus

General notes and comments: Nothing to report.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still pending for review.

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

Sol Summary – January 20th

Crew 203 Sol Summary Report 20-Jan-2019

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Puzzle

Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today we partly let some leisure activities take some of our time. Resting is important to keep the creativity up…! Although we are physically a bit tired, our mood is still up. We had a bean lunch, cooked as traditionally as possible with what’s available. After lunch, I gave the crew members some letters from their families I had brought with me from Earth, there was a lot of emotion and happiness. We spent the afternoon listening to some music, solving a puzzle, talking, and also preparing some reports. We’ll have dinner and then we’ll try to watch the eclipse, if clouds have mercy on us.

Look Ahead Plan: We’ll have a week full of EVAs, as well as the first results from the projects.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partly cloudy skies, cirrus and cirrostratus.

Crew Physical Status: In good health.

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Request, Science Report.

Support Requested: None, Unless you can take away the clouds from above us.

Crew 203 EVA Report 19Jan2019

[title EVA Report – January 19th]

[category eva-report]

Good night Capcom, here is our EVA Report of the day:

Crew 203 EVA Report 19-01-2019

EVA # 4

Author: Liza Forero

Purpose of EVA:

Geology recognition of outcrops, topographic highs, sediment, canyons and lithology. Take samples and data to be processed to make DEM´s (Digital Elevation Model) and data for microbiology tests.

Start time:

End time:

The EVA was successful. Thanks to the weather, that was dry, sunny and with low winds, our EVA could be develop in the best possible way. We arrived in Tank Wash where we covered two river valleys and some topographic highs. 
During the walk we took samples of rock and just two for microbiology tests. We described the lithology or the zone and found some minerals like quartz and gypsum. 
During the EVA there were no trouble with suits or with rovers and we went from west to east of the valley. After, we went to the south to a topographic high in the zone and went back to west to arrive in the road again and go back to the HAB. 
During the walk we were taking pictures, the register of the stratigraphy and some geologic and biologic samples that were taken to the HAB to be analyzed.

The weather was dry, but we felt how the clays were so humid and plastic because of the water they absorbed with the snow and melted water.

Destination: Tank Wash.

Coordinates: 518650 E, 4253640 N

Liza Forero, Yael Méndez, David Mateus, Freddy Castaneda

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dungroad to the north via Tank Wash

Mode of travel: Walking and Driving

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity

Thanks you for the atention.

Crew 203 Astronomy Report 19Jan2019

[title Astronomy Report – January 19th]

[category astronomy-report]

Hello Mission Support.

Crew 203 Astronomy Report 18-Jan-2019

Crew Astronomer: Santiago Vargas Dominguez

Description: Bad weather in the last couple of nights has given very few chances of pursuing astronomical observations. A set of 100 images of the moon was acquired early this morning (in preparation for the lunar eclipse next sunday) of which only a single frame had moderate quality (away from clouds) to be further preserved (image attached).

Objects Heart Nebula, Barnard 33 are active in the skynet observation list.

Objects Viewed: Moon

Problems Encountered: none

Sol Summary – January 19th

Crew 203 Sol Summary Report 19-Jan-2019

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Lost in space

Author’s name: Oscar Ojeda

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day started with some exercise from 4 crewmembers. We then went to the upper deck and had breakfast, and then a team of 4 prepared for their EVA. They went to Tank Wash to perform more geology and microbiology. They returned to the hab to a cup of hot chocolate, rested a bit, and started to work on their respective reports. We plan to have another night talking about our plans for the future.

Look Ahead Plan: having passed the first half of our rotation, we expect to start to finalize each project. We’ve made plans for the food of the rest of the rotation, and are planning to spend the night watching a movie.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear skies all day long, very sunny. Moderate presence of cirrus.

Crew Physical Status: In good health. With some headaches

EVA: 1, a team of 4 went to Tank Wash for scientific survey.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, EVA Report, HSO Report.

Support Requested: None

Greenhab Report – January 19th

Hello Mission SupportThis is the GreenHab Report

Crew 203 Greenhab Report 19-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer:
Hermes Bolivar

Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (6 hrs)

40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on

Average Temperatures:
Low: 16.9°C
High: 30.8°C

Hours of Supplemental Light:

Daily Water Usage of Crops:
17 gallons

Water in Blue Tank (gallons):
65.6%, 197 Gallons.

Times of Watering for Crops:

Changes to crops:

* The seeds planted four days ago continue emerging.
* some plants of carrot show yellow color in its leafs.


The seeds continue emerging, on the other hand, The high temperature probably affect some crops of carrot, I increase the volume of watering for avoid wilting.

Support/Supplies Needed:


Journalist Report – January 19th

Author: Oscar Ojeda

Title: Commander’s log, Sol 7

Seven Sols have already passed. Being the commander of the station for the past week must have been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I must say that I have a wonderful crew of people that are more than willing to give their best, and to endure each one of the tests that Mars puts on our path. In fact, each one of them is so autonomous and competent that at times I feel like I’m doing nothing. I appreciate them very much, and I understand the sacrifices they are doing by being here. I not only feel compelled but also pleasured to give the best of me for them, as a person, a professional, and as a commander. (And of course, as a member of the family we are now, but shh).

I have been able to reencounter with one of my biggest passions, cooking. I have to thank my mom for that. I’m sure that food will play a major role in the future of space exploration. I’ve had the opportunity to test my creativity with a pantry full of dehydrated food. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing the faces of the crew when they have in front of them an empty plate, a full stomach, and a smile on their faces. I still have a couple of surprises for them, we have plenty of food to keep their energy up, it’s the least I can do for their wonderful work and their passion.

Today 4 of the crewmembers left for an EVA, and the hab seemed really empty. It’s interesting to have those spaces again. I was really happy to hear their stories of the EVA, to hear from the wonderful science they are doing, and to experience how this is changing their lives. I welcomed them with a hot cup of chocolate, and they came with gorgeous rocks, photos, stories, and a bit of mud, I consider it was a wonderful trade for me.

We’re closing the night by sharing, laughing, and making plans for the future, as we’ve been doing it for the past weeks that seems like a month, of course in the good sense. I still have one week to come to terms with how much I’ll miss this crew once we’re back on Earth. We have a lot of plans together for the future, our paths will reunite us, but it will never be soon enough.

Per Aspera Ad Astra.

Título: Bitácora del Comandante, Sol 7

Han pasado siete Soles. Ser el comandante de la estación por la última semana debe haber sido una de las más maravillosas experiencias de mi vida. Debo decir que tengo una maravillosa tripulación, de personas que estan más que disupestas a dar lo mejor, y a soportar todos los retos que Marte pone en nuestro camino. De hecho, cada uno de ellos es tan autónomo y competente que a ratos siento que no estoy haciendo nada. Los aprecio mucho y entiendo los sacrificios que estan haciendo al estar aquí. No solo me siento obligado, sino es un placer dar lo mejor de mi para ellos, como persona, profesional, y como Comandante. (Y pero por supuesto, como miembro de la familia que somos ahora, pero shh).

He tenido la oportunidad de reencontrarme con una de mis más grandes pasiones, cocinar. Tengo que agradecerle a mi madre por ello. Estoy seguro de que la comida jugará un rol fundamental en el futuro de la exploración espacial. He tenido la oportunidad de poner a prueba mi creatividad con una alacena llena de comida deshidratada. No hay nada mas recompensante que ver las caras de la tripulación cuando tienen en frente de ellos un plato vacío, un estómago lleno, y una sonrisa en sus labios. Aún tengo un par de sorpresas para ellos, tenemos suficiente comida para mantener sus energias arriba, es lo menos que puedo hacer por su maravilloso trabajo y su pasión.

Hoy 4 de los tripulantes salieron a una EVA, y el habitat se sentía realmente vacío. Es interesante tener esos espacios de nuevo. Estuve muy feliz de oir sus historias de la EVA, de oir de la maravillosa ciencia que están haciendo, y experimentar como esto está cambiando sus vidas. Los recibí con una taza de chocolate caliente, y ellos vinieron con hermosas rocas, fotos, historias, y un poco de lodo. Fue un trato maravilloso para mi.

Cerraremos la noche compartiendo, riendo y haciendo planes para el futuro, como lo hemos hecho en esta última semana, que parece un mes, en el buen sentido, por supuesto. Todavía tengo una semana para hacerme a la idea de cuanto extrañaré a esta tripulación una vez regresemos a la Tierra. Tenemos muchos planes juntos para el futuro, nuestros caminos nos reunirán, pero nunca será suficientemente pronto.

Per Aspera Ad Astra.

Operations Report – January 19th

Hi Mission Support!

Crew 203 Operations Report 19-JAN-2019

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Freddy Castaneda

Non-nominal systems: Nothing new to report.

Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 17hr 45min; Turned on last night (18Jan2019) at 16:29; Turned off this morning (19Jan2019) at 9:15; Turned on tonight (19Jan2019) at 19:33

Solar SOC – Turned on (18Jan2019) 91%; Turned off (19Jan2019) 100%; Turned on (19Jan2019) 60%

Diesel Reading – Just going under 1/2 tank.

Propane Reading – 23%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – Not in use

Water (auxiliary tank) – Not in use

Water (static tank) – Over 60%; About 325 gallons

Auxiliary to Static tank transfer – No

Gallons transferred: Not applicable

Water in GreenHab – About 65%; 194 gallons

Water (loft) – At level marker 9

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes; At 9:45 to refill tank

Water Meter: 01402506

Toilet tank emptied: No

Deimos rover used: No, still not functional

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR

Hours: Not applicable

Beginning charge: Not applicable

Ending charge: Not applicable

Currently charging: Not applicable

Spirit rover used: Yes, used for EVA to Tank Wash

Hours: 68.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 52%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Not used

Hours: 45.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes, used for EVA to Tank Wash

Hours: 70.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 65%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: None

ATV’s Used: None (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: None

Notes on ATVs: None

HabCar used and why, where? Used to go to Grand Junction to take Shannon to the doctor.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off campus

General notes and comments: We receive a new toilet brush and three new spare batteries too.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #3 still pending for review.

Summary of Hab operations: A broken toilet brush was replaced. Battery of smoke detector was replaced.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Battery of smoke detector was replaced.

Summary of RAM operations: Battery of smoke detector was replaced.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

A little tired due to today’s EVA but we keep fighting 😉

Astronomy Report Jan 18th

Astronomy Report

Crew 203 Astronomy Report 18-Jan-2019

Crew Astronomer: Santiago Vargas Dominguez

Description: Bad weather in the last couple of nights has given very few chances of pursuing astronomical observations. A set of 100 images of the moon was acquired early this morning (in preparation for the lunar eclipse next sunday) of which only a single frame had moderate quality (away from clouds) to be further preserved (image attached).

Objects Heart Nebula, Barnard 33 are active in the skynet observation list.

Objects Viewed: Moon

Problems Encountered: none

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