EVA Report – January 24th


MAU Crew 220 EVA Report 24JAN2020

EVA # 007

Author: John Hanacek

Purpose of EVA: Go to Scouted Site From EVA 003 and Engage In First Medical Simulation

Start time: 09:20

End time: ABORT 10:24

Narrative: Pre-EVA: Terrain is muddy, weather is overcast. MDRS crew commander Shawna “Night Owl” had stayed the night at MAU station as a first introduction to the next week when teams will switch. MDRS and MAU commanders briefed EVA plan at MAU before heading out.

MAU team left the airlock to await arrival of MDRS team in front of the MAU station. At 09:55 both teams head out to the previously scouted injury site (12s518287,4250596) for medical practice. Shortly after, an EVA team member expresses discomfort and pain in their arm. HSO assesses non-critical condition and plans are made to return that crewmember to MDRS hab and continue the EVA. Yet, communications then began to break down. The radio of the MDRS EVA crew leader was not operable and relay measures and hand signals were employed to get the affected crew member back to MDRS. The situation was slightly chaotic as it became clear that both crews were having difficulties reliably connecting to each other and habcom, both MDRS habcom and MAU habcom. The crews admirably attempted to continue, yet the decision was made to abort the EVA for safety reasons. The affected crewmember was able to completely recover inside MDRS station and all crew made it safely back into the MDRS hab.

The post-EVA debrief was extremely useful and gave the combined two station crews a chance to establish and solidify all safety mechanisms. Getting to experience an abort on a non-life-threatening medical condition gave the crews a real world test of abort protocols and has strengthened the overall ability of the crew to perform EVAs. Further testing of the radio characteristics and enhanced communication guidelines will ensure that future EVAs are bolstered by a rock solid abort plan to ensure that safety is first in the exploration of Mars.

Destination: Previously scouted EVA site, labeled “number 2”

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12s518287,4250596

Participants: Hab Com: Susan EVA Crew: Morgan, Shawna

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Valley along Cow Dung Rd

Mode of travel: Walk from MDRS to MAU, plan to walk to injury site 2.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 23rd

Crew 220 EVA #5 Report 23-01-2020

EVA # 5

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Recognition for sites usable for Medical Trauma training.

Start time: 0900

End time: 1200

Narrative: Pre-EVA: All EVA Crew members physically fit, hydrated, and mentally prepared. Crew was briefed about mission for finding two sites which will be good for medical trauma training. Preferably around the MAU station. Terrain muddy. Extra caution was taken throughout the mission.

Airlock working perfectly, and after a successful depressurization the Crew drove over to MAU station with the Spirit and Curiosity rovers. At the MAU station, the MDRS Crew met up with the MAU Crew. After a quick brief and visual recognition of the surrounding area, the whole group ventured south west. The first site was marked at 12s518124,4250680. From there another site were located west of the MAU station at 12s518287,4250596. Several places around the second site were identified as potential good places for training which is of major importance for the Crew for future possible medical traumas here on Mars.

All astronauts returned safely to MDRS with no issues. They all went through post-EVA medical checkup with no issues found.

Destination: Recognition of area South of MDRS

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Participants: HabCom: Lee. EVA Crew: Shawna, Johannes, Susan.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Area around MAU station.

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity from MDRS to Cow Dung Road. Parked at MAU station. Trek around the MAU station area.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Spirit rover used:

Beginning Hours: 127.7

Ending Hours: 127.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 88%

Currently charging: YES

Curiosity rover used:

Beginning Hours: 133.7

Ending Hours: 133.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 87%

Currently charging: YES

EVA Report – January 16th

Crew 219 EVA Report 16-01-2020

EVA #17

Author: Dave Masaitis

Purpose of EVA: Sample return

Start time: 0908 hrs
End time: 1013 hrs

Narrative: EVA #17 completed a five-minute decompression by 0908 hours, mounted Spirit and Curiosity, and departed the Hab campus after reporting hours and SOC. The rovers proceeded northbound on Cow Dung Road until achieving a positive ID of Streambed Connector. The EVA team parked rovers and dismounted, proceeding east on foot along Streambed Connector. The streambed was full of patchy snow and ice, so the team moved cautiously along their directed route.

The route added approximately thirty minutes to planned transit time, so the team had to move swiftly to deposit samples once at their destination. Once complete, they discussed their route back and opted to try and retrace their incoming route as closely as possible. Only one team member fell through the ice, but no injuries were sustained, so they continued their movement to the rovers. The team proceeded southbound on Cow Dung Road to the Hab, re-entering the airlock at 1013 hours.

Destination: West of Candor Chasma
Coordinates: 0520000/4251500

Participants: D. Masaitis (HSO), N. Hadland (GHO), A. Elnajdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road to Streambed Connector, East through Streambed Connector

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and Walking

EVA #18

Author: Cynthia Montanez

Purpose of EVA: Sample Return

Start Time: 1407 hrs
End Time: 1539 hrs

Narrative: EVA #18 is the last EVA crew 219 was able to do before completing their Mars analog mission. At 1407 hours, Cynthia (acting as CO) and Keith (acting as XO) lead their team 1 km south of Kissing Camel on Curiosity as Dave and Alejandro followed on Spirit.

When reaching their destination, Dave directed his crew to the specific locations each sample was taken from so that they could return their samples. Once completed, the EVA crew made their way back to the rovers and proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1539 hours.

Destination: 1 km S of Kissing Camel
Coordinates: 0518500/4248300

Participants: Cynthia Montanez (CO), Keith Crisman (XO), Dave Masaitis (HSO), Alejandro Perez (ENG)

Roads and Routes per MDRS Map: South on Cow Dung Road (0110), approximately 1 km south of Kissing Camel to return samples.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and walking.

EVA Report – January 15th

Crew 219 EVA Report 15-01-2020
EVA #15
Author: Dave Masaitis
Purpose of EVA: Sampling of geologic evidence of life forms
Start time: 1001 hrs
End time: 1147 hrs
Narrative: EVA #15 exited the Hab campus northbound on foot towards
North Ridge at 1001 hrs. According to the briefed plan, D. Masaitis
moved approximately 100m in advance of the rest of the EVA element to
gain visual identification of an unimproved route and begin recording
coordinates for future use. Upon reaching the top of the route, D.
Masaitis halted to await the rest of the team, and upon their arrival,
EVA #15 began identifying sites of interest. The EVA team sampled
along the northern and western limits of Hab Ridge first, and then
moved south and east as they cataloged samples. Upon reaching the
eastern limit overlooking the Hab, the team conversed and concluded
that they had appropriately screened the area, and decided to proceed
carefully down the eastern slope of Hab Ridge to arrive at the Hab by
1147 hours.
Destination: Hab Ridge
Coordinates: 0517700/4251600
Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), K. Crisman (HSO), H. Blackburn (LSO),
C. Montanez (GHO)
Roads and routes per MDRS Map: N towards North Ridge, WSW up an
unimproved route ( coordinates listed below) adjacent to North Ridge,
S to Hab Ridge, and E back to the Hab.

Coordinates for unimproved route, from NE to SW (Safe for future passage):


Crew 219 EVA Report 15 JAN 2020

EVA#: 16

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: The primary purpose of this EVA was sampling for our
geology project and astrobiology projects. Post-EVA, we collected data
for our biometrics project.

Start time: 1313 hrs

End time: 1542 hrs

Narrative: At 1313 hours, EVA #16 initiated a 5-minute decompression
and moved to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we
progressed south along Cow Dung Road until we reached the intersection
of Peiades Rd. We moved east on foot towards the North Pinto Hills.
Along the way, we took 5 regolith samples and recorded coordinates.
The crew then continued northeast to the North Pinto Hills region. The
crew then took additional biological samples along the way. The crew
then turned around and headed southwest back to the rovers. Curiosity
and Spirit safely arrived back at the Hab at 1537 hours and
successfully depressurized in the airlock at 1542 hours.

Destination: North Pinto Hills

Coordinates: 0521000/4248800

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson
Raphael (ASTRO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: South on Cow Dung Road (0110), parking
at the intersection of Peiades Rd and walking northeast towards North
Pinto Hills.

EVA Report – January 14th

Crew 219 EVA Report 14-01-2020
EVA #14
Author: Dave Masaitis
Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection
Start time: 1259 hrs
End time: 1429 hrs
Narrative: EVA #14 departed the Hab on Spirit and Curiosity at 1259
hours and drove south on Cow Dung Road. The EVA team continued a
southward push for about 300 meters beyond Robert’s Rock Garden,
before parking the rovers and dismounting to proceed west on foot.
While the the team finished collecting equipment for sampling, D.
Masaitis summited a nearby hillside to gain a better visual
understanding of the local area. The EVA team then circumvented the
hill on its southern side and emerged into a open, flat plain. The
team discussed their view of the area and selected sampling sites. D.
Masaitis paced out the distance between the first five sampling sites,
and then K. Crisman and C. Montanez began collections while R. Raphael
photographed the collection sites. With the first five samples
collected, the team then investigated to more areas of interest
nearby, collecting another four additional samples. With sampling
complete, the team returned to the rovers and returned to the Hab,
arriving by 1429.
Destination: S. of Robert’s Rock Garden
Coordinates: 0518500/4248300
Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), K. Crisman (HSO), C. Montanez (GHO),
R. Raphael (ASTRO)
Roads and routes per MDRS Map: South on Cow Dung Rd. past Robert’s
Rock Garden, then west on foot.

EVA Report – January 13th


 Crew 219 EVA Report 13 JAN 2020

EVA#: 13

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: The primary purpose of this EVA was sampling for our
geology project. Post-EVA, we collected data for our biometrics

Start time: 1313 hrs

End time: 1513 hrs

Narrative: At 1313 hours, EVA #13 initiated a 5-minute decompression
and moved to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we
progressed north along Cow Dung Road until we reached Brahe Hwy. We
moved west on foot through White Moon. After taking 5 regolith
samples, the crew then continued west to Beige Moon. The crew then
took 5 additional samples and then turned around and headed east back
to the rovers. Curiosity and Spirit arrived back at the Hab at 1508
hours. There was a health and safety incident at the end of the EVA;
refer to the HSO report for more details.

Destination: Beige Moon

Coordinates: 0516000/4254300

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson
Raphael (ASTRO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road (0110) parking
at the intersection of Brahe Hwy (1575) and walking west through White
Moon and Beige Moon along Brahe Hwy.

EVA Report Jan 11

Crew 215 EVA Report 15-Nov-2019

EVA #11

Author: Cynthia Montanez

Purpose of EVA: Geologic Sample Collection

Start Time: 9:50 A.M.

End Time: 10:40 A.M.

Narrative: EVA #11 was led by Cynthia Montanez (GHO). Her crew’s destination was south of Marble Ritual for a quick geologic sample collection. Upon reaching the destination, the GHO identified 5 sample sites that were 10 feet apart. Each sample site had its coordinates

recorded on the GPS. Once completed, the crew made their way back to the Hab for the 5-minute depressurization at 10:35 A.M.

Destination: South of Marble Ritual

Coordinates: 0518600/4250300

Participants: Cynthia Montanez (GHO), Hannah Blackburn (LSO), Keith Crisman (HSO), Dave Masaitis (CO)

Roads and Routes: Directly east out of Hab past Cow Dung Road

Mode of Travel: Walking

Crew 219 EVA Report 11 JAN 2020

EVA#: 12

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: The primary purpose of this EVA was sampling for our geology project. Post-EVA, we collected data for our biometrics project.

Start time: 1335 hrs

End time: 1553 hrs

Narrative: Due to the assistant director using the rovers, the EVA was delayed by 30 minutes to allow Spirit to achieve 100% SOC. At 1335 hours, EVA #12 initiated a 5-minute decompression and moved to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we progressed north along Cow Dung Road until we reached Tank Wash. We moved east on

foot through Tank Wash until just above Murphy’s Canyon. After taking 5 regolith samples and 3 biological samples (lichen), the crew then then turned around and returned to the rovers. Curiosity and Spirit proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1548 hours and the EVA crew successfully pressurized in the air lock at 1553 hours.

Destination: Tank Wash

Coordinates: 0519400/4253800

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson Raphael (ASTRO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North along Cow Dung Road until 518100/4253550 and then proceeding East on foot through Tank Wash until just above Murphy’s Canyon.

EVA Report – January 10th

Crew 219 EVA Report 10 JAN 2020

EVA #10

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: The primary purpose of this EVA was sampling for our
geology project. Post-EVA, we collected data for our biometrics

Start time: 1253 hrs

End time: 1513 hrs

Narrative: EVA #10 initiated a 5-minute decompression at 1253 hours
and headed north towards North Ridge. We then proceeded up Hab Ridge
using the Sagan Street (1103) access road. Abdul Elnagdi (GEO)
identified a site for sampling and we took 5 samples at the top of the
ridge and recorded GPS locations. The EVA team then walked along Sagan
Street until reaching Mid Ridge Planitia and took 5 additional
samples. The team then proceeded back along Sagan Street and descended
Hab Ridge. The team arrived safely back to the Hab and picked up the
optical mount for analysis. The EVA crew entered the air lock at 1508
hours and successfully pressurized in the air lock at 1513 hours.

Destination: Just east of Mid Ridge Planitia

Coordinates: 0516800/4251600

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson
Raphael (ASTRO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North towards North Ridge and then
climbed Hab Ridge near Schubert Pass using Sagan Street (1103). We
then headed west towards Mid Ridge Planitia following Sagan Street

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – January 8th


Crew 219 EVA Report 08-01-2020 EVA #5 Author: Dave Masaitis Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection and monitoring of dust mitigation experiment Start time: 0904 hrs End time: 0931 hrs Narrative: EVA #5 departed the Hab on foot at 0904 hours and moved over to the dust mitigation experiment. R. Raphael made his observations, and the EVA team then moved west to ascend Hab Ridge. By the time the team crested the first set of hills on the way to the ridge, D. Masaitis called a short halt to allow team members some time to allow visor fogging to subside. Within minutes, D. Masaitis was able to make the observation that his helmet’s air vents were misaligned and were only able to defog the very bottom corners of his visor. Given that he was not fully fogged, the team decided to try and continue climbing. Three-quarters of the way up the ridge line, D. Masaitis noted that snow cover and ground conditions would prohibit the whole team from making it up the ridge line with the necessary sampling equipment. He conferred with H. Blackburn, and they decided to abandon the climb in the interests of crew safety. D. Masaitis called N. Hadland at the hab to discuss options. Since a last minute change of sampling location would violate procedure, D. Masaitis made the call to terminate the EVA, and EVA #5 returned to the airlock at 0931 hours. Destination: SW of Hab Ridge Coordinates: 0517500/4250100 Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), A. Perez (ENG), H. Blackburn (LSO), R. Raphael (ASTRO) Roads and routes per MDRS Map: W to Hab Ridge, S on Hab Ridge Rd. to target location 

Crew 219 EVA Report 08-01-2020

EVA #6

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: Sample collection for mineralogy project and taking photographs of the optical mount for dust mitigation project

Start time: 1252 hrs

End time: 1449 hrs

Narrative: Under HSO advisement, a personnel change was made in the EVA crew. EVA #6 initiated a 5-minute decompression at 1252 hours and moved out on foot to the vicinity of the Robotic Observatory. After taking photographs of the optical mount setup to check for dust collection, we moved back to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we progressed south along Cow Dung Road. We dismounted the rovers just past Robert’s Rock Garden and moved east on foot along the base of Kissing Camel Ridge E and then north towards Phobos Peak. After reaching an area directly south of the peak, Abdul (GEO) identified a flat site for sample collection. We collected 5 samples in a grid and recorded GPS locations. The EVA crew then headed southwest back to the rovers. Curiosity and Spirit proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1444 hours and the EVA crew successfully pressurized in the air lock at 1449 hours.

Destination: Phobos Peak

Coordinates: 0519500/4250100

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO), Keith Crisman (HSO), Robinson Raphael (ASTRO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: South along Cow Dung Road (0110), parked just south of Robert’s Rock Garden and then proceeded east on foot towards Kissing Camel Ridge E and then north towards Phobos Peak.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and foot travel

EVA Report 3 and 4 – January 07th

Crew 219 EVA Report 07-01-2020

EVA #3

Author: Dave Masaitis

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 0903 hrs

End time: 1002 hrs

Narrative: EVA #3 entered the airlock at 0858 hours, and departed the Hab on foot at 0903. The EVA team moved north around the science dome and headed out towards North Ridge. Due to ambient temperature hovering around freezing, only a third of the distance towards North Ridge had been covered before the majority of crew members were reporting excessive visor fogging. CO called a short halt fogging and then resumed movement towards North Ridge. A second short halt had to be conducted just shy of the target sampling area for the same reason. Once on the target area at the base of North Ridge, crew members identified 5 locations to sample from in accordance with the crew geologist’s sample plan. The coring tool provided did a sufficient job of collecting the first sample, but the substrate was so frozen that the EVA team was unable to get the sample back out of the coring tool. CO crested a nearby ridge to reestablish communications with the Hab, and a secondary sampling technique was approved by the crew geologist. The EVA team collected and recorded locations of 10 samples, and then the CO and HSO discussed the plausibility of summiting North Ridge. Both concurred that between ground conditions and the persistent visor fogging being experienced by most of the team would make a summit attempt unsafe, so the EVA team opted to return to the Hab. EVA #3 reached the airlock at 1002 hours, for a total EVA duration of 59 minutes.

Destination: Vicinity of North Ridge

Coordinates: 0518600/4250800

Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), K. Crisman (HSO), H. Blackburn (LSO), C. Montanez (GHO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North from the Hab towards North Ridge

Crew 219 EVA Report 07-01-2020

EVA #4

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: Sample collection for mineralogy project and deployment of optical mount for dust mitigation project

Start time: 1250 hrs

End time: 1434 hrs

Narrative: EVA #4 initiated a 5-minute decompression at 1250 hours and moved out on foot to the vicinity of the Robotic Observatory. After setting up our experimental optical mount and safety flag to mark its location, we moved back to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we progressed south along Cow Dung Road. We dismounted the rovers just past Robert’s Rock Garden and moved east on foot along the base of Kissing Camel Ridge E. The Crew Geologist identified a site with no snow cover and flat terrain for sample collection. We collected 5 samples in a grid and recorded GPS locations. After sample collection, we found a safe route up the side of Kissing Camel Ridge without snow cover and took 3 additional samples on the side of the formation. We then headed down and returned to the rovers. Curiosity and Spirit proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1428 hours and the EVA crew successfully pressurized in the air lock at 1434 hours.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge E

Coordinates: 0518100/4249300 (Kissing Camel Ridge E)

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson Raphael (ASTRO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: South along Cow Dung Road (0110), parked just south of Robert’s Rock Garden and then proceeded east on foot towards Kissing Camel Ridge E.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and foot travel

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