Crew 223 EVA Report 03-03-2020
EVA # 2
Author: Aurélien Mure (Commander)
Purpose of EVA: Change batteries of LOAC and MegaAres, and then first
exploration for Marion, Florian and Valentin.
Start time: 9:05 AM
End time: 11:05 AM
Narrative: First, we went out to check all the rovers and the water in
teams of two. We took then the two rovers to go on our experiments site
to change
batteries. We have had a serious problem with SpaceSuit 10 as it stoped
definitively. We reacted to this ermergency issue. We tried to restart
it and quickly we realised that we have to come back to the hab to save
me (SpaceSuit 10 user).
The EVA team worked well to make me survive! I came back to the Hab at
09:35 and I came out at 09:43 with a brand new Spacesuit. We respected
the 5min pressurisation protocol. We went back to the MegaAres location
to change the battery.
Today we needed to extract data from the instrument. We took out 2,4GB
of electric field measurement, great news for our partners from CNRS
(french national center for scientific research).
The data processing were long and after our issue with backpack 10 we
had not much time left but we went to Kissing Camel to explore during
half an hour.
We came back to the Hab at 11:00am.
Destination: Marble’s Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):12S 518500 4250800, 12S 518000 4249250
and 12S 518500 4249250
Participants: Aurélien Mure (EVA Leader, Commander), Valentin Bellemin
(GHO), Marion Lebrun (Scientist), Florian Delpech (Astronomer)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Rovers : Spirit & Deimos