Crew 223 GreenHab Report – 03-03-2020 GreenHab Officer: Valentin
Environmental control: Ambient with Door open
Average temperature: 23.8°C
Low temperature: 19°C
High temperature: 26°C
Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours (from 9P.M to 1 a.m.)
Daily water usage for crops: 16.6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.25 galons
Water in Blue Tank— 201.4 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 4 (2 only for tomatoes)
Changes to crops: I harvested all the Green Spinach. I’ll plant some
more plants in the pot.
Narrative: This morning, Clement PLAGNE took care of the GreenHab, as I
were on an EVA. He watered all the plants as usual. For lunch, I
harvested zucchini flowers and sage leafs to remake this delightful
Italian recipe. This afternoon, I carried out the experience Music For
Plants. I planted wheat and watercress seeds in plates. I put them in
the GreenHab and I hope they won’t dry there because of the mack of
moisture. Before dinner, I harvested the whole put of Green Spinach, as
they were starving. I also harvested some baby plants of butter crunch
lettuce to make more space in the pot.
Harvest: 3g Zucchini Flower / 3g Sage / 100g Green Spinach / 20g
ButterCrunch Lettuce
Support/supplies needed: NA